
The Girl in the Hoodie is Mine

I had three simple rules: 1. Never remove the hood and mask. 2. Don’t attract attention. 3. Follow rule one and two at all costs. Simple, right? Well, I followed them religiously—until Jason came along and shattered them all. I didn’t want anyone to know my identity. I just wanted to stay in the shadows, finish school, and disappear. But no, the stupid jock had to get in my way, and now my peaceful, hidden life is in ruins. I didn’t mean to embarrass the school’s golden boy. His name? Jason. He’s the son of the country’s richest CEO. Ironically, I chose this place to hide from my own father, the man I’m trying to escape. I look too much like him, and if anyone made the connection, my cover would be blown. Hence, the hood and mask I wear every single day. But now, instead of just hiding from my father, I have to watch out for Jason, too. He’s vowed to make my life miserable. I still can’t figure out his obsession with me—one minute he’s humiliating me in front of everyone, and the next he’s trying to kiss me behind the bleachers.

lucy_mumbua · 现代言情
39 Chs

Petty Boycott

Ella's POV:

Okay, I might have just doomed myself by speaking up. What was I even thinking? Asking to switch partners with the school's golden boy—Jason Knight, of all people. Now, everyone's staring at me like I just declared myself an alien from another planet. Their shocked faces, the gasps, the whispering... like, seriously? Is it that big of a deal?

I just wanted to keep my head down and blend in, not get dragged into the drama. But no, fate had other plans. I've been partnered with *him*. The one guy I've been trying to avoid like the plague. And what's worse? Now everyone thinks I'm some ungrateful idiot for not wanting to work with the school's most "desired" guy. Newsflash: I don't care about your high school hierarchy.

This isn't going to end well, is it?