
The crucible of War 4

The city of Glow part 2


Seeing the stunned reaction of the wolfman Shin Jiao showed a sheepish smile on his face, and then he patted Agnes' head and then said with while gritting his teeth.

"This is my sister, she's a little bit out of her… you know," Shin Jiao said while giving a sign that the woman beside him is crazy to the wolfman.

Feeling a bit confused and weird out from Shin Jiao's behavior Agnes knits her brow. However, she has already realized what she has blurted and just kept her mouth shut and just pouted.

Her reaction was truly attractive that the wolfman just stared at her with a love-struck expression.

"Ahem… We just need to enter the city and rest. On the way, we have encountered some demons and killed them, so I need to wash this stench." Shin Jiao said with a smile.

When the wolfman heard his words, a sudden realization appears in his expression.