
Neville Longbottom

A month has passed since the reinstatement of Andromeda Tonks into the Black family.

Fulfilling his fourth condition, every second of every day has been filled with constant learning, studying, and mastering.

His mornings were spent with Nymphadora, she taught him Charms, DADA, Potions, Herbology, Magical History, and Transfigurations, he excelled at most once he fully understood them.

He spent his evenings with Andromeda who taught him politics, pureblood etiquette, customs, manners, pureblood history, and everything to do with the Wizengamot.

His nights were spent with Ted Tonks in Luca's office, they went over investments, money handling, businesses, debts, favors, and bribery.

A month to most might not seem like a long time but it transformed Luca into a monster with a well of knowledge.

Now, sitting in Gripshanks office, he goes over the families in debt to the Blacks and the Lestranges.

"Hmm, interesting, most of the so-called Sacred Twenty-Eight owe me millions of galleons or favors bound by magic"

"It might be self-explanatory but what are magically bound favors?"

Gripshank continues writing as he answers, "they owe you favors that cannot be rejected whatsoever, if they do reject your favor then they will lose their magic forever"

Luca nods, "Nice, shouldn't waste those then, it says the Malfoy's owe us a staggering forty million galleons, who in my family gave them so much money?"

A chuckle comes from the goblin, "His wife, your aunt, Narcissa Black"

Grinding his teeth, a feral glint shines in Luca's eyes, "I'm glad i banned her from taking any more money when i first came here, tell Malfoy i want my money back with interest, forcefully if you need to"

Gripshank gives a cackling laugh, "are you sure your not part goblin?"

Luca shakes his head, "before i leave, I'm going to leave you in charge of making safe, long-term investments, any profit made, you can have 20%"

Once his financial business was over, he went back home to continue his training.

Over these past weeks, he pushed his overly affectionate aunt away, he wasn't a fan of emotions, they clouded his mind from thinking rationally and calmly.

Now, with his trunk shrunk down and put securely into his pocket, he sits in the farthest compartment of the Hogwarts Express.

Opening a book on charms that are meant for third years, he hears a croak to his right, looking down, he sees a green frog looking at him.

"Well, hello there", picking up the slimy toad, he strokes its back gently.

Remembering the three familiars a student is allowed, he gives the small creature an emotionless smile, "I suspect your owner is looking for you"

As if his words summoned the frog's owner, the door opened slowly to reveal a small chubby boy with black hair, "I'm sorry for bothering you but have you seen my- TREVOR!"

Luca hands the boy his pet, "I suspect this isn't the first time he's gone missing? Toads are naturally curious and adventurous creatures, you should let him roam whenever he wants, a toad will always find his way back home"

The chubby boy gives a nervous but joyous smile, "Thank you for the kind words, I'm sorry for barging in. my name is Neville Longbottom"

Luca's eyes widen for several moments and his mouth gapes at the boy before regaining his composure, 'Shit'

He merely nods at the boy waiting for his reply, "I'm Lucarus, pleasure"

After waving goodbye to the boy, he goes back to reading and enjoys a quiet trip to Hogwarts,

As the train starts to stop, he wears his Hogwarts cloak before departing.

Steeping off the train, he's greeted by a massive man with a big burly beard, "firs' years this way"

Following the old man, he is lead to a bunch of rowing boats, "four students per boat", the giant man says while ushering them to get on.

Hopping on the furthest away boat, he is joined by that chubby boy with his toad, and two girls,

Grabbing the oars, he takes the lead to row the boat.

The chubby boy smiles at him nervously, "w-what house do you want to be in?"

The girls look towards the slim, dark-haired boy, "Hufflepuff doesn't suit me, Slytherin students are a bunch of snobs that think they're better than everyone else, Gryffindor is filled with reckless imbeciles, but Ravenclaw is filled with people that constantly want to learn and have a deep hunger for knowledge... they seem like the best house"

The girls nod along with his words, Neville looks down, a little sad at his thought on his parent's house.

Sighing at the boy's expression, "Neville Longbottom, your parents were truly courageous and brave people, they stood again Voldemort and defended you with their lives, even if they lay in St. Mungo's, they are truly parents to be proud of"

The boy beams a smile at him, "What of your parents?"

Silence fills the boat, Neville quickly apologizes, "I'm sorry, it's none of my business"

The next words from Luca cause the children on his boat to look at the boy in shock.

"My parents are in Azkaban", he says while looking directly at the pudgy boy.

Before any more words can be uttered, the boats land at Hogwarts, and it's time to climb the stairs to the main door.