
Sam Helped Ai

After viewing Ai, Quinn also heard her voice.

"My baby! How are you?"

She was coming towards him. Quinn couldn't believe her eyes. He confirmed by slapping his face on his own to ensure that it was not a dream.

He began crying and speaking loudly.

"Mom, mom."

He couldn't say a single word because that could expose the secret of his abnormality. He couldn't tell everything to Ai like that. He thought he would do that at the proper time, viewing the circumstances.

Fortunately, the spy didn't come outside the room because he was too scared of Quinn. Nevertheless, his body was constantly shaking because of the fear of how Quinn could react like that.

The way was clear, so Ai safely took Quinn with her and returned to her native house. Ai's heart was now full of satisfaction and comfort. Her inner wounds were healing too fast.