

The world has beautiful roses as well as torns that carve up Leansei's beautiful life into a miserable existence. Until he met the vicious, cold, arrogant guy that he met for the second time after having an incident. He transmigrated from the other body, which he had no idea what was happening or who it was, but it altered his life until he found out that his life was in grave danger. The black organization is after his life, but he can't stay longer. The dark secrets unfold and the perfidy is revealed. Will he still go back or stay even if it is not possible? ________ This book is open from other platform as well

Diorcesses · 奇幻
39 Chs



The sound of the air blowing into Corshe's ears while the wind whirls his hair up as he accelerates and paddles into the bicycle. 

He was simulating with a blithe face while riding his bike. He was glowing under the sunset, and he was wearing a hoodie and denim shorts. 

He was all happy when he turned to the other street, but someone was preceding on his way. The smile on his face changed in an instant into surprise and fright. 

The guy was busy on his phone while holding a box in front of him. Corshe immediately turned his bike to the side in order not to run into him, but he crashed through the kurb of the rood and into the wall. 

Fortunately, Corse landed on the ground with only a bruise on his foot, toe, hand, and elbow. Luckily, his eyeglasses were still in between his eyes. It had a significant impact on him, causing him to fall off his bike.

He immediately got up and looked at his bike to see if there was any damage. On the other hand, when the guy realized what happened, he immediately turned off the phone call and put the box down on the ground. He hurriedly went to see Corshe, who was looking at his bike instead of his scratches. 

' Oh no.. I just bought it last month! Huhu. I shouldn't have brought it here to my grandparents' house. ' Corshe said, in his mind. He was nearly crying while looking at the scratch on his bike's top and seat tube. The chain was also sloppy on the crankarm.


The guy rubbed his neck, with a contrite feeling. He slowly touched Corshe's shoulder with his index finger. Corshe looked behind him with teary eyes. The guy was surprised and felt more repentant for what had happened. 

"I-im sorry are you hurt--" The guy said and peered as he glanced at the bike and gasped as he saw the scratches on his body that were bleeding. 

"Wh-why are you standing like th-that?!" As he sniffed from his runny nose, Corshe's stuttering voice rang out.

The guy smickered when he realized how cute Corshe was. Aside from the cute physique and looks, he was small, just up to his chest, kind of a naive person and a cry-baby. 

He wiped his nose and eyes while trying to fix the chain on his bike, but it was hopeless since all he knew was to ride and nothing else. 

"Alright. I'm sorry, I'm kind of busy today and I didn't see you since I was carrying the boxes. " The guy said as he looked at Corshe with remorse. 

Corshe diverted his eyes from him and looked at his bike instead. 

' Other people beat me just because they wanted to, and I never heard them apologizing. But how come this man apologizes for an unexpected and unblameful incident?  ' 

"It's fine. It's not a big deal," Corshe said, and tried to pull the bike from the kurb. The guy held the handlebar of Corshe's bike to stop him from walking away. 

Corshe looked at the guy, and the sunset spotlighted the face of the guy that made Corshe dazed from the attractive and good-looking face he had. He has dark brown ash hair, with a broad and firm matured body. He has light brown eye color, along with a pointed nose, pinkish kissable lips, and a jawline. 

"Come with me. I can't let you go since you have scratches from the fall. " A serious tone from the guy that made Corshe return to reality. 

"Sir, I have already settled everything--" Another guy emerged from the shop while holding a box too. He stopped when he sensed that something had happened. 

"Right on time. Wait for me here. We'll just go to the nearby store. Fix this bike before I come back. " He said that the other guy was left dumbfounded when he pulled Corshe away from the shop. 

"But sir--" He was unable to speak again when the guy hurled the car keys at him. 

Corshe was stupefied, and he just realized that they were in the drug store and a nearby convenience store. The dark-haired guy goes inside for a few minutes before coming out with a small plastic bag in his hand. 

They sat down at the table outside the convenience store, and Corshe was just staring at him. 

"If you keep staring at me, I'll melt like an ice cube." a tease from him. Corshe immediately diverted his gaze and felt the heat leave his face. 

"I wa-wasn't staring at y-you at all." Corshe said, and looked at the scratch on his elbow and hand when he felt a sting from it. He didn't even realize that he was hurt until now. 

While holding a betadine in his hand, the guy pulls his chair towards Corshe."May I?" The guy asked Corshe, who was stunned but gradually put his hand into the guy's hand. "My name is Tael, Tael Licon." 

"I'm Corshe.. Year Corshe." 

"I assume you're not from around here?"  

"Yes, I am not—ow!" He groaned when he felt a sting while Tael was gently treating Corshe's hand. "Around here, I just visit them every month."

Tael stands up and kneels to treat the wound on Corshe's toe that made Corshe flush his cheeks. "Do you always get hurt? You know, things like this. " Corshe asked. 

Tael stopped and continued for a few seconds. "I know someone who is foolish. He lets himself get beaten up and does not fight at all if there is a valid reason. " Tael said, crestfallen. 

Corshe stopped and looked down. He felt the same thing of being beaten up, but the difference is, he got pummel up with or without any valid reason at all. 

"Can you remove your hoodie?" Tael asked as he sat in the chair again. Corshe looked at his elbow when his hoodie was stained with blood from his elbow. 

Corshe removed his hoodie and left a t-shirt inside. Tael continued treating his wounds. Corshe couldn't believe that, aside from Kean, someone would treat him this way. 

' But if you look at him, he looks harmless and mature. ' 

"It's done," Tael said, while fixing the medical medicine. 

"Thank you," Corshe said. 

"Be careful next time." 

"Uhm.. yes, thank you." 

"Wait here." Tael said, and stood up and came inside the convenience store. Corshe looked down when he felt the heat in his cheeks. He had never felt this way before, nor this kind of care from other people.  

He flinched when he felt the cold juice in front of his face. "This is for you. " Tael said that made Corshe took the juice and thanked him. 

They quietly looked at the surroundings while drinking the juice. The quiet atmosphere between them was saved by the ringtone on Tael's phone. He took it and answered the call. 

"Yes.. today. Alright, bye. " Tael said, and hung up the call. He glanced at Corshe, who was looking at the sky that was orange due to the sunset. 

"Should I drive you home? If he can't fix your bicycle, " Tael asked. 

Corshe scratched his temple. "If you're that kind." 

Tael stood up while his hands were in his blazer's pocket. Corshe just realized that, aside from his dashing face, he had an attractive fashion style. 

"I actually have something to do. That's why I should drive you home now. " Corshe nodded and walked behind him. He looked at his bare back, and it was broad enough that Corshe's body could fit into it. He also has an astounding height and kindness.


Corshe was in deep thought when he didn't realize that Tael had stopped walking. That is why he bumped into his back. 

"Why are you walking behind me?" Tael asked, which made Corshe feel embarrassed. 

' I got used to it.. ' 

"Walk beside me." Tael said that's why Corshe immediately went beside him and walked with him together. 


It was evening when they arrived at the restaurant. The other guy from earlier was messed up when he looked so confused as to why he was doing that when he didn't even know how to fix it. 

The other guy immediately smiled when he saw them. 

"Sir! I can't fix it. " Remil said, 

"It's fine. Put the bicycle in the thrunk instead." Tael said and got into the driver's seat. 

"W-what?! I almost exploded my brain trying to think how to fix this! " Remil exclaimed exaggeratedly. Corshe smiled and laughed with the two of them. 

"Just shut up and do what I said." Tael said coldly, while his hand was out, holding a cigarette. "Hey kid, get inside." 

Corshe walked towards the backseat and looked around at the BMW silver car that Tael was driving. Luckily, Corshe's bike is foldable, so it was easy to put in the trunk. 

Remil climbed inside the car after putting the bicycle inside the trunk. Tael started the engine and started driving. 

"Where do you live?" Tael asked. 

"Near in ****** on 1789 Street." Tael nodded and drove smoothly away. The atmosphere in the car began to have a quiet pace and no one had the courage to talk. But Remil coughs and laughs fakely. 

"How old are you?" Remil asked Corshe. 

"19, soon to be 20 this year." Corshe said while looking at the window and the rear mirror. 

"Well, this old man here, he is 23 years old and I am 22 years old." Remil said while looking at the rear mirror. Corshe was stunned that he didn't expect that Tael was 23 years old. His physical physique may be mature, but his face is way younger. 

Corshe looked at him and pondered. 

' He smokes, but he doesn't smell like cigarettes in his breath, hands, or clothes. Is that even possible? ' 

Corshe put his hand on the seat and felt a boquette of flowers beside him. It was a tulip flower with a lunch box beside it. It smells nice along with the dish. 

"Oh that? It was for someone he really adored and found important." Corshe gazes at Remil when he is looking at him. Tael raised his hand and smacked Remil on the head, despite the fact that his gaze was fixed on the road.

"Ow! Sir! What's that for??" Remil asked while he was rubbing his head from the pain. 

"Do you really have to answer everything? He wasn't even asking, idiot. " Tael said while his eyes were fixed on the road. Corshe glanced at them and smiled.

"She must be lovely. " Corshe stated truthfully. Remil and Tael became quiet as he uttered those words. 

' Did I say something wrong? '


Corshe held his bike after Remil helped him took his bike from the car's trunk. He pushed the bike towards the driver's seat. "Thank you for today." Corshe said and smiled.

Tael nodded and took his hand out of the window and put it above Corshe's head and messed with his hair like a little kid. 

"Take care of yourself, kid." Tael said with an attractive smile. Corshe looked away and waved his hand. 

"Thank you, you too." Corshe said. Tael glanced at him first. 

"Byeee," Remil said, while leaning his head down to see the face of Corshe outside the window. 

"Take care," Corshe said, while waving his hand. Tael started his engine again and accelerated his car away from him.  He walked inside the gate and leant his bike against the wall. He wore his hoodie first before going inside the house and getting his grandmother's hand to put it on his forehead, and he did the same to his grandfather. 

"Did you eat it already?" His grandma asked.

"Yes, ma," a polite reply from Corshe. 

"Still eat your dinner, if not rest well in your room. You'll leave early tomorrow morning. " Corshe nodded at what his grandma said and went to his room as he removed his hoodie and collapsed on his bed. 

' Would I ever meet him again? ' Corshe asked in his mind and closed his eyes.  

Corshe was happy to meet someone new and treated him well, unlike how he was treated in school. If it weren't for Kean, he would be really degraded and bullied all the time. But since Kean got into an accident, he started to feel déjà vu before meeting Kean in his life. 

' Would I ever survive this? ' 
