
Not Huggable

That evening brought a surprise that Karl had never thought to see in this lifetime. Lotus had found a creature that she simply could not cuddle.

Leafa was made of hard and sharp bark, and without Karl's Limited Invulnerability, even touching her caused instant cold damage. The nature cleric learned that the hard way when she shook the Overlord's hand before the other woman could stop her.

The Haint didn't sleep, so the sat up with all the watches, and seemed to take great joy in the fact that she could shake Karl awake.

Normally, she wouldn't be able to touch anyone without a barrier in place, as her very nature drained body heat to a lethal extent. But it was a damage over time effect, so it was never more than ten percent of his health at once.

The Satyrs were already getting ready, and the farmers were waking up, while trying to be quiet to keep the kids who were in the tent behind the house asleep.