
Bestial Strength

Karl grabbed the mages, one under each arm, while Doug jumped on Thor's back as they leapt from the vehicle, right into a grassy clearing, where they could see the Giants approaching.

Doug hopped off Thor's back, and the Cerro spun around to smash an Earthquake with his tail, causing the giants to stumble, while the mages called out the Golems and erected barriers over the group, Thor and Rae included.

Rae darted into the trees, moving to flank the attackers, while Karl threw a flurry of Rend attacks at the slowed Giants, and Bob created a circle of light around them that caused the Giants' skin to bubble as if burned when they entered.

He took the brunt of the first attack with his shield, nearly knocked to his knees, while Thor was slid backward as he parried with his upper horns.

But then Rae was on the giant attacking Bob, clinging to his back and tearing out his throat with [Lacerate] before fleeing from any retaliation by the other monsters.