
The First Immortal

A man woke up 4.6 billion years ago on a planet not dissimilar from earth. He was in a desert alone with a strange brand that proclaimed him The First and declared his physical status. With a strange brand and no limits what will he find in this world.

FearlessWolf021 · 奇幻
2 Chs

General Information

Lycus's inborn power is directly related to his longevity and healing. He has the ability to regenerate from any wound and evolve over time. This ability grows with age. At the beginning, he starts with completely average healing ability and power except for the fact that the wound heals completely even if an arm is chopped off. It just takes a really long time. This healing process can be accelerated by a factor of 10 if he goes into complete stasis which lasts for a minimum of 1 year. The ability gets stronger with age for every for every 10 million years that come to pass ALL of his aspects get strengthened by a factor of 10 not just his healing. This process is a type of evolution in which he gains one percent of that evolution's power. And every 1 billion he evolves to a newer more highly evolved form and the process restarts. Can be speeded by training. This is the result if left alone.

Also he does not have to eat, drink, breath, or sweat.

He will have a barebones system that includes basic stats and his evolutionary form and the unlocked strength of that form in percentages. He can train to unlock his evolutionary potential faster.

Bottlenecks: 1%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 100%

Physique: Affects the body's durability flexibility, strength, recovery rate, endurance, immune system, temperature resistance, and basic hardiness. Can be increased by body reconstruction, training, and evolution.

Peak adult human: 1

Mind: Affects anything mental or connected to the central nervous system like hand eye coordination, retention, basic intelligence, and reflexes. Can be increased with strenuous mental activity, enlightenment, and knowledge.

Peak adult human: 2

Current Stats


The First

Age: 4.6 billion years

Form: Ancient

Unlocked Potential:

Physique: 63.2

Mind: 58.0

Aspects- Fire

Water: 1%

Earth: 37%

Air: 22%