
The Fastest Man in Game of Thrones AU

A modern man reincarnated in an alternate universe of Game of Thrones / ASOIAF as the son of Lyanna Stark and Raeghar Targareyan. He also inherited superpowers from three worlds - Flash, Aquaman & One Piece. Is he a savior of Westeros or the destroyer of order? Let's see how many changes he had brought to this world. Spoiler: He will discover NEW WORLD CONTINENT, the unknown part of ASOIAF. Disclaimer: This is fanfic written for fun and enjoyment. I did not own any copyright to ASOIAF, GOT & the cover pics.

maturenovels · 电视同人
23 Chs

The Starfall

By afternoon, we were able to reach Starfell, it's a beautiful and busy city. It's located on the delta island of Torentine River and Gulf of Starfell.

We could see ships coming in and going out of the port. It's a fertile area with Mediterranean Climate.

We did not planned to enter the Fort. I let Ser Robert sneak in to get Lady Ashara and her daughter out.

I told him to bring out both mother and daughter. Yeah, I insisted not to leave Lady Ashara behind. I did not want her to suicide like in the Series.

Oh, by the way, I grew upto about 17/18 years old by then. Hormones started affecting me. Maybe this was the side effect of fast growth.

I was not going to waste time in waiting. I had few things to do.

First, I set up few underground tree houses for them to hide and wait.

Second, I was going to explore the port city. Mostly, I wanted to observe the ships.

Yeah, I planned to build ships using my power. But I knew nothing about ship building.

I was little nervous about going alone into a medieval port city despite all my superpowers.

But it was easier than I expected. I sneaked in inside a large ship anchoring at the harbour. People saw just a flash.

By touching the ship, all wooden structure came to my mind. It's complicated. But luckily, I had super IQ and strong mental power.

I created a virtual 3D structure in my mind. WIth this, I would be able to build lots of clone ships easily.

Well, for the Sails part, I had to depend on manual work.

Then, I went into the market area and bought few sets clothes for myself, the knights and the ladies.

For the money, I borrowed it from the rich to help the poor. It was not stealing, I was just borrowing without telling the owner.

I carry the clothes and came back. I saw nothing fancy in the market. Foods, we did not need to buy. Weapons, I was planning to create myself.

When I came back, I find my mother waiting anxiously. Even though I grew up fast magically and seemed to have supre intelligent, in the eyes of my mother, I was just her newly born child.

I could feel her emotions. Hmm, something I should explore. I thought Aquaman's psychic power was only for aquatic animals. But it seemed to be mutated with the combinations and circumstances.

I hugged my mother and comforted. I tried to project soothing and calm feeling.

May be due to my psychic power or because of me returning without any troubles, she was calming down.

But I was not calm. It's really side effect. My hormones were out of control in just a simple motherly hug.

Was I going to transformed into beast? Even though I had reincarnated adult soul, she was my mother after all. I did not want any complicated relationships.

I needed to solve this side effect problem soon. Otherwise, it's going to be messy.

Seriously, I need an distraction. I created few fruit plants for our lunch. For water, we still had enough in the wineskins.

Despite the lack of meats or cooked foods, we had variety of fruits, a lot more than the previous night.

After eating the fruity lunch, I wanted to explore my aquaman power. It might be also a good distraction.

In a flash, I ran down on the Torentine River. I was little nervous and excited. I was not completely sure of the weakness of devil fruits.

I tried to swim near the bank of the river. Even if there was any side effects, I could climb over.

Well, my worries were unnecessary. It's quite a comfortable feeling. I felt like flash on land, superman on the sky. Yes, of course, I felt like fish in the water.

I dived down in the river. Wow, I could breathe underwater 🏊‍♂️ and I could see everything.

I tried to sprint and many other aquaman stunts I had seen in the movie. Well It's quite fun to see the fishes shocked and ran away.

One thing was for sure, in the coming days, fish meat would be plenty.

I could become a rich in just fishing and hunting treasure in the ocean.

Treasure hunting for fun was cool but I did not want it as a profession. I had more interesting things to do.

Wealth was easy to gather in this medieval world. Gold was easy to mine as long I could the mine. I could extract using underground tree roots.

So, I had to enjoy the process of earning money. I had to introduce new ways of living, new ways of business. Yes, many new ways had to be introduced. That's my purpose in this word.

In simple words, my job was to stir the stagnant water of the medieval world, transforming it into a modern world.

It won't be easy. Lots of careerist would obstruct it. Poor and hungry people were easy to control and brainwash.

Medieval world was never lack of poor and hungry people. So, my first challenge was to liberate the people from HUNGER.

Yup, no more hunger games.

There was old saying, ' Ten rich can not support one poor.'

Therefore, I did not plant to distribute directly. Of course, I'd open orphanage. It's easy to educate and train orphans.

But for the larger populations, I had to depend on education and training by introducing new ways of livelihood.

There was another old saying, ' Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime'

There should be a revolution, not communist revolution but agricultural revolution. The main source of livelihood in the medieval world was agriculture.

I was planning to introduce more efficient ways of cultivation and animal husbandry.

With my power, it'd be easy to get the information about the crops or domestic animals. For example, what kind of temperature, soil or nutrient, amount of moisture, etc. was suitable for cultivating wheats?

Good thing, I could recall about Highschool Geography. Thanks, Barry Allen.

Moreover, I planned to experiment on high yielding variety crops using my plant plant devil fruit power. It'd be not much of a difficulty to create hybrid crops.

For the animals, I had to try my psychic powers on them. If it worked, it'd make my plan lot easier to achieve.

Thanks for the feedback and encouragement.

maturenovelscreators' thoughts