
The Fallen Punisher

Kayden, a young prosecutor, has lived his whole life trying to fit in and be a model citizen. However, when the Awakening arrived and unleashed the mana across the Earth, Kayden lost everything. He then decides to break free from the cage of morals that he himself had created. Thus, in a world teeming with uncertainty, Kayden embraces the Trials, a series of perilous challenges that push participants to the brink of death in their relentless pursuit of glory and treasures. At the same time, he begins to have dreams about a desolate wasteland, where an ancient palace stands in ruins, still guarded by an eerie black gate. Determined to find the answers he seeks in the chaos of his new reality, Kayden embarks on the path of cultivation, gradually unraveling a web of lies and schemes covering the whole existence. Follow Kayden on his journey to the top, which will shake the foundations of the universe.

WritingLegion · 奇幻
50 Chs

Hunted or Hunter

"Where did he go?"

As Kayden prepared for a surprise attack, a voice echoed through the trees, reaching his ears.

"Keep looking, he can't have gone too far," said another voice, which seemed to belong to a woman.

Kayden's grip tightened around the dagger he had pulled from his belt, the glinting blade catching the sunlight. His eyes narrowed, a fierce determination filling his gaze as he focused on his approaching enemies.

"But seriously, why do we have to chase him? Can't we just wait until he returns to the town?" The first voice questioned in a slightly annoyed tone. "After all, he will eventually be forced to return to the town."

"Guild orders," the other voice replied flatly, without showing a hint of emotion.

It was then that Kayden tensed his whole muscles while firmly gripping the dagger, and finally attacked, aiming for the person that was complaining about having to chase him into the forest.