
The Endless Portal

Jin is a scavenger living on the fringes of society until he discovers a mysterious system that allows him to travel through dimensions. With the ability to access other worlds, Jin begins buying and selling valuable items, quickly amassing a fortune. But as he delves deeper into the workings of the system, he realizes that he may have stumbled upon a dangerous secret.

zJinnn · 奇幻
28 Chs

Let's Go BOOM!

After half an hour, Victor sent the coordinates with a message: [I will leave it here Xx'Xx"N].

Jin immediately left his house and hopped on his bike.

"Can I check your ID, sir?" asked the Arcadia guard.

"Here," Jin replied, showing his ID using his new Magic Watch, which projected a hologram.

"Thank you," nodded the guard.

"Based on the GPS, I'm near the coordinates. Here!" Jin spotted three large container vans and received another message from Victor.

"That's all of your order, Mr. Jin. This number will be unavailable after this transaction, so don't contact it," the message from Victor read.

"Nice, Victor! Let's get everything and leave no evidence. " Jin said as he stored the items in his Inventory.


High Magic Crystals: 13,234x

Goblin Cores: 3,265x

M-Ballistic Missiles: 2x

M-Explosives: 100x

Container Vans: 3x

Health Potions: 88x (Rare)

Growth Potions: 97x (Rare)

Strengthening Potions: 97x (Rare)

"Let's head back! Should I establish a base here outside to avoid suspicion? No, maybe next time I'll buy a portable home from Victor so I can set it up outside," Jin pondered as he made his way back to his house.


"Finally! We have the necessary firepower! Now let's open the portal to The Ruined World," Jin declared as he reopened the portal.

"We're still in the same spot! Let's take out our two M-Ballistic Missiles! Let's taste the power of freedom! They should be enough to reduce these monsters by half, and we can handle the rest," Jin exclaimed. He took out the two M-Ballistic Missiles and set their coordinates before launching them.

"We're outside the town now, so it should be safe from the explosion. The town is already destroyed, and the quest is to exterminate, not save the town, right? So it shouldn't be a problem! Launch!" Jin pointed his hand in the direction of the monsters, and Zephyr took charge of launching the missiles.

The resulting explosion echoed through the forest, a deafening boom and bang heard from afar.



After the launch, the city, which was already in ruins, became unrecognizable. Thousands of monsters panicked and were confused by what had happened to them. Many of them perished in the explosion, but the castle still stood.

The five shamans used their protective barrier skills to save thousands of their allies, showcasing their intelligence in anticipating the impending attack.



Exterminate all of the monsters residing in Ethel Town

1. Goblins: 6,165/10,000

2. Shamans: 0/5 Goblin

3. Goblin King: 0/1

Reward: 50,000 Dimensional Crystals, 1x Bottle of Life


"Damn! This power is terrifying, and it's costing me a fortune! I hope the loot will cover the expenses. Let's go, Zephyr!" Jin exclaimed as they dashed toward the horde of monsters, which had been reduced to half its original number.

"Zephyr, take position on my head and shoot at the remaining monsters. Buff me as well," Jin commanded.

"Squish!" Zephyr replied, following the orders.

As they ran, the monsters began to recognize them, and the five shamans, acting as leaders, started commanding the creatures to attack.



"So many ranged attackers! And those damn shamans are shooting fireballs! I need to eliminate them first before dealing with the goblins!" Jin realized. He swiftly approached one of the five shamans.

"Whaa!" Jin swung his weapon at the shaman, but it was protected by a barrier.

"What? It has a protective barrier! How long do you think you can hold on? Here's my gift." Jin threw some explosives at the shaman but did not detonate them immediately.

Instead, he swiftly moved to the other shamans, creating confusion among them.

"Hahaha! They have no idea how sweet my gift is. Let's give the others a present." Jin ran around, slashing the goblins and strategically throwing explosives at them.

"That's the last explosive! Let's back off a bit!" Jin retreated and took cover. He retrieved the detonator.

"Taste my gift!" Jin pressed the button on the detonator, setting off the explosives.



As the explosives detonated, a series of booming explosions resonated through the air, followed by the agonizing screams of dying monsters.

The chaos and confusion caused by the explosions gave Jin the perfect opportunity to target the remaining shamans.

With his sword in hand, Jin dashed towards the nearest shaman. The shaman, taken aback by the explosions and the sudden assault, tried to summon a protective barrier, but Jin was too quick.

He slashed through the barrier with a swift and precise strike, severing the shaman's connection to its defensive magic.

"Arghhh!!" the shaman roared in pain and anger, attempting to retaliate with a fireball spell. But Jin was already on the move, dodging the incoming attack with agile footwork.

In a blink of an eye, Jin closed the distance between them and unleashed a flurry of strikes, his sword dancing through the air with deadly precision.

The shaman desperately tried to defend itself, conjuring more fireballs to hurl at Jin, but his swift movements and deft swordplay proved too much to handle.

Slash after slash, Jin landed blow after blow, gradually wearing down the shaman's defenses. With one final powerful strike, he delivered a devastating blow that sent the shaman crashing to the ground, defeated.

"One down, four to go!" Jin exclaimed, his eyes focused and determined. He quickly assessed the situation, gauging the positions and actions of the remaining shamans.

Meanwhile, Zephyr, perched atop Jin's head, unleashed a barrage of Wind Cutter skill towards the goblins, thinning their numbers and providing cover fire.

As the chaos unfolded, Jin moved swiftly, utilizing his surroundings to his advantage. He used debris from the explosions as cover, leaping from one ruined structure to another, closing in on the next shaman.

The second shaman, witnessing the demise of its comrade, attempted to conjure a powerful lightning spell.

But Jin anticipated the attack and swiftly rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly bolts of electricity that crackled through the air.

With a burst of speed, Jin closed the distance and engaged the shaman in close combat.

The shaman fought back fiercely, utilizing its magical abilities to conjure illusions and defensive barriers.

However, Jin's sharp instincts and honed skills allowed him to see through the illusions and strike at the shaman's true form.

Blow after blow, the clash of steel against magic reverberated through the battlefield. Jin's sword sliced through the shaman's defenses, his movements a blur of speed and precision.

Finally, with a powerful thrust, Jin pierced through the shaman's barrier and delivered a fatal strike, bringing it down.

"Two down, three to go!" Jin declared, his voice filled with determination.

The remaining three shamans, witnessing the fate of their companions, grew increasingly desperate.

They combined their powers, summoning a massive whirlwind of fire and wind to engulf Jin. But Jin stood his ground, his will unwavering.

With a focused mind and a steady heart, Jin called upon his own Aura. He channeled his energy into enhancing his body and sword, imbuing them with increased strength and speed. The raging elements of the whirlwind crashed against his aura-enhanced defenses, but he remained steadfast.

Using his augmented abilities, Jin weaved through the tempest, closing in on the shamans with lightning-fast strikes. His sword danced through the air, slicing through the barrier spells and tearing through their defenses.

Zephyr, observing the unfolding battle, adjusted its strategy. Instead of using Short-Range Skills, it utilized its long-range Wind Slash and wind Cutter skills, sending razor-sharp gusts of wind towards the remaining goblins, thinning their numbers and disrupting their suicidal charge towards Jin.

The battle raged on, a symphony of clashing blades, arcane spells, and roaring elements.

Jin's determination never wavered as he pressed forward, his every move calculated and purposeful. One by one, he defeated the remaining shamans, breaking their barriers and shattering their defenses.

As the last shaman fell, defeated and lifeless, Jin stood amidst the battlefield, panting but triumphant. The remaining goblins, leaderless and overwhelmed, scattered in fear, but instead of running they continue their suicidal attack.

After a few more hours Jin wiped out all of the goblins and some decided to run away.

Jin took a moment to catch his breath, surveying the aftermath of the intense battle. The silence that followed was a stark contrast to the chaos that had consumed the clearing just moments before.

He knew that this victory was hard-won, and yet, there were still more challenges to come.

Gazing at Zephyr, Jin smiled. "We did it, Zephyr. We prevailed against the odds." Zephyr gurgled happily, expressing its joy and relief.


Jin paused for a moment, considering the practicality of retrieving the loot before facing the boss inside the castle. He knew that the boss battle would be a formidable challenge, and the loot could potentially aid them in their upcoming fight.

"We should make the most of this opportunity and gather any useful loot's before we confront the boss." He said.

With renewed determination, Jin and Zephyr ventured deeper into the battlefield, searching for the fallen bodies of the defeated monsters.

They meticulously collected weapons, potions, and any other items of value, careful not to miss anything that could provide an advantage in their upcoming battle.

Once they had gathered the loot, Jin inspected their findings, assessing the potential benefits of each item.

"Zephyr, let's not underestimate the boss. We need to approach this with caution," Jin cautioned, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and caution.

With their loot secured and their preparations complete, Jin and Zephyr stood before the towering castle. It loomed before them, its dark and ominous presence a stark reminder of the battles that awaited within.

"Are you ready, Zephyr?" Jin asked, extending his hand towards his loyal companion.

"But before that, let's allocate my stats and drink some potions, including you, Zephyr," Jin said with determination.

"Squish!" Zephyr's enthusiastic reply as Jin handed over a Health Potion to his faithful slime companion.

Afterward, Jin focused on allocating his stats, carefully distributing the points he had earned from battling the thousands of monsters they had faced.

"All done! Despite the number of monsters, I've only managed to level up to 55. Nevertheless, it should be enough to deal with the boss inside that castle," Jin remarked, confident in his abilities.

With a deep breath to steady his nerves, Jin stepped forward and entered the castle. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the grand halls, filling the atmosphere with anticipation.

The time for battle had finally arrived, and with their hard-earned loot secured and their spirits soaring, they were prepared to face the challenge that awaited them within.



Exterminate all of the monsters residing in Ethel Town

1. Goblins: 10,000/10,000

2. Shamans: 5/5 Goblin

3. Goblin King: 0/1

Reward: 50,000 Dimensional Crystals, 1x Bottle of Life
