
The Endless Portal

Jin is a scavenger living on the fringes of society until he discovers a mysterious system that allows him to travel through dimensions. With the ability to access other worlds, Jin begins buying and selling valuable items, quickly amassing a fortune. But as he delves deeper into the workings of the system, he realizes that he may have stumbled upon a dangerous secret.

zJinnn · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Goblin King

Jin enters the dark and vast castle and at the far end of one room, seated upon a grand throne, is the imposing figure of the Goblin King.

"That's the Goblin King! Even before the fight begins, his terrifying aura fills the room," Jin thinks to himself.

Despite knowing the tremendous strength of the Goblin King, Jin feels no fear. Instead, he is filled with excitement, ready to face this formidable challenge.

"You foolish human! How dare you invade my territory and kill my soldiers!" the Goblin King sneers with disdain.

"You are the foolish one! You let your people die!" Jin retorts, his voice laced with determination.

Without further words, the Goblin King and Jin charge towards each other. The Goblin King wields a menacing black two-handed sword, and their blades clash with a resounding clang.

Blow after blow, slash after slash, their swords dance in a dazzling display of combat prowess. Jin quickly realizes the speed advantage he possesses over the Goblin King.

"You are really strong! But you are too slow to hit me!" Jin exclaims, capitalizing on his agility to land damaging blows against the Goblin King.

The clash of their swords echoes through the hall as Jin showcases his magnificent swordsmanship. His movements are precise, his dodges flawless, evading every attack from the Goblin King.

"Your skin is so tough! Even with my upgraded equipment, it's hard to pierce through!" Jin observes.

Determined to gain the upper hand, he channels his aura, enveloping his body and sword with its power.

With each swoosh and slash, the battle continues for an entire hour. Fatigue begins to set in, visible in both combatants. Jin, however, still maintains an advantage due to the health potions he consumes, while the Goblin King fights without such aid.

"You human! You are strong! I acknowledge you!" the Goblin King grunts, his tone begrudgingly admiring. Fueled by their dwindling energy, their attacks grow increasingly desperate and powerful.

Despite his buffed state and the assistance of Zephyr, Jin feels his strength waning. The Goblin King's swings possess an overwhelming power that tests Jin's limits.

He realizes that without the health potions, he would have perished, unlike the Goblin King, who fights relentlessly without any restorative aid.

As blow after blow lands, the Goblin King enters a berserk state, signaling that his health is nearing its end. Sensing this opportunity, Jin musters all his remaining strength and rushes toward the Goblin King, determined to finish the battle.

In one swift, powerful strike, Jin slices through the Goblin King's neck. The head rolls to the ground as the lifeless body collapses.

[ You killed the Goblin King ]

"Finally, it's finished!" Jin exclaims, his body dropping to the ground, drained of energy.

He reaches for another health potion, realizing that if his last attack hadn't succeeded, he would have met his own demise.

Zephyr appears, emitting a cheerful "Squish! Squish!" as it jumps around, celebrating their hard-earned victory.

A golden panel materializes before Jin, indicating the completion of the quest.

"[Quest Complete] Do you want to claim your rewards? Yes/No"

"Of course, I will claim them!" Jin eagerly responds. In front of him, a small golden chest materializes in the air.

"A small golden chest? That must contain the Bottle of Life," Jin surmises, curiosity piqued. He opens the chest, revealing the precious artifact within.

Item: Bottle Of Life


Can even revive the dead.

If consumed, it will extend the drinker's lifespan by over a hundred years.

"What? It can revive the dead? And drinking it extends one's lifespan? What was the lifespan in our dimension again? A hundred years? This item could be worth a fortune—maybe a hundred million or more! Should I use it or sell it? No, I'll store it for now. I don't have time to decide. Let's loot the Goblin King. What do you have there, my friend?" Jin muses.

"A sword and what is this? A dark heart?" he observes, intrigued.

Item: Goblin King Heart Item: Sword of Ten Thousand Blood

Jin loots everything, including the Goblin King's sword.

"The Goblin King's heart might seem worthless, but as the heart of a king, it could fetch a high price. And this Sword of Ten Thousand Blood? It was bestowed by the demon king Zeraxis to Vardax. How terrifying! And what's with this demon king? Am I in some fantasy novel? Damn! Am I going to have to fight the demon king? Argh! I just wanted to level up!" Jin's mind races with questions, knowing that no one will provide answers in this sudden turn of events and the discovery of powerful entities, including the one identified by the system as the Demon King.

"Squish!" Zephyr interrupts his thoughts.

"What's the matter, Zephyr?" Jin asks.

"Blargh!" Zephyr responds, pointing to the pile of items it had gathered.

"What? You've already looted everything?" Jin exclaims, both surprised and amused, as he gazes upon the mound of treasures collected by his loyal companion. then Jin stored everything inside his inventory.


High Magic Crystal: 32,570x

Beast Cores: 9,689x

Swords: 3,456x

Daggers: 2,384x

Shield: 5,689x

Bow: 1,586x

Magic Staff: 5x

Goblin King's Heart: 1x

Sword of ten thousand blood: 1x


"Wow! The 2 million High Magic Crystals I spent will be back with all these amazing loots! These equipment may appear low class, but they are still Magic Equipment. They can fetch at least 100 High Magic Crystals each on Earth!"

"I can clearly see the difference between the monsters in outer space, who either attack bare-handed or lack any equipment, and the monsters on Earth, who are well-prepared for battle."

It makes me wonder if someone is managing the monsters and controlling the portals, deciding when and where they appear."

"What if there really is a high entity overseeing it all? It's entirely possible, given this system. I can even travel through different worlds and dimensions using portals, and yet, I'm just a mere mortal. For now, I don't have the power to provoke that entity, so I'll stay hidden and continue to grow stronger!"


"What level am I Now? Status window " He said

Name: Jin

Level: 58

Race: Human [Transcended]

Class: Merchant [U] More..

Titles: More..


Str: 92(+15)

Agi: 82 (+10)

Vit: 57(+5)

Vig: 52

Int: 40 (+40)

End: 84

Dex: 60

Unused Stat Points: 21


"Wow, I gained 3 levels from that fight. What should I do now? Should I continue exploring? Nahh, let's take a break first and earn some Magic Crystals from these loots. I fought for almost 10 hours without resting! If I were still a normal person, I couldn't even imagine fighting those 10,000 goblins and the Goblin King. Let's go back for now. Hey Zephyr, let's go!" He called Zephyr and opened the portal back to Earth.


"Finally, I can take a shower! The stench of goblin blood is unbearable!" He said.

After showering Jin directly goes to his bedroom to sleep.