
The Body

When they got to their home, Ximnam lay the body down on a mat which his sister had quickly spread earlier.

"If it's a boy then he's so pretty." He said when his sister called the body a poor pretty boy.

Kenniae tap her two children who kept looking at the body like a specimen  being used for diagnostic analysis. "Quit looking at it and go fetch me water so that I will use it and clean off the dirt on it body and we all will know if it's a girl or a boy." She said this after they turned to face her.

Ximnam was the one who fetched the water and immediately ..Kenniae used it to clean the body up. After wiping off the dirt, she untied the male pants which was tied around it waist and which they also found strange among other things related to the body.

"So it's a girl." Dakota said hitting her brother while laughing for he's the one who didn't believe that the body face would be a male, but when Ximnam still didn't make any comments, she turned to find out why and then she began to laugh because the expression her brother has is quite funny.

He looks like he saw the gods. "Alright, stop it ..cover your mouth before flies will enter it." His sister teased.

Ximnam blinked, blinked again due to he's still astonished by the beautiful figure before them. "She's so beautiful." He whispered but his mother and sister heard and this erupted laughter from his mother's lips.

She has been watching her two children expressions but didn't want to join them in their excitement in discovering something unusual ..just as she didn't want to smile or laugh because the situation they have before them is nothing to be laughing about but her son's face, she just couldn't get it off without smiling and so she did.

Dakota looks at her mother, she too smiling before turning to her brother. "At least you didn't call her Angel."

Ximnam lift his head up and begin to look at his sister, his eyes still amazed.

He stared at his sister for a while before turning back to the body. "Her skin.. Her skin is that of an Angel, her hair, body and face is that of a water goddess ..wait!.' Ximnam paused, really considering the possibility of what he just said. "are you sure she isn't one ..I mean, we'd found her near the river. What if she's.." He continued to say and beside him is his sister who has been laughing out loud because of the still wonderment look on her brother's face. It was Kenniae who shift her son away from the girl and if she hadn't done this he would still be looking at the body.

"Why isn't she up by now?" Kenniae asked worriedly and then she began to call her husband's name in panic as she makes her way to where he is.

She found him inside the room, putting on clean clothes. "Where are you going Kumara, we have a dying girl lying in our house and you're going out? ..please stop and tell me what to do."

Mr Kumara didn't say anything until he finished tying his wrapper, then he looks up at his wife. "I'm going to the palace to report this whole thing to the king. I won't have any dead body in my house and moreover, I don't even know who it is and where it came from."

Kenniae sign in frustration before moving closer to her husband. "She isn't dead yet and what if we can save her ..please dear, let's save her first ..uh.' Kenniae plead but her husband refused to comply.

"Kumara come and see if you can do anything to help her ..please." She pleads, but this time she didn't wait for him to agreed ..instead she's leading him out while still pleading with him, but when they got to the place where they laid the girl, she isn't there.

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