
The Deserving King - Ethical Saga 1

Adi, a normal college going student was caught in a burglary and accidentally killed. He then woke up in the body of Adi Bose, the banished Prince of Kalinga and the New King of Rai. He couldn't make heads or tails of the situation when suddenly a voice rang out answering all his questions, "Ding" "Selected Host" "Binding Commence..... Binding Complete" "Host has been selected as the sole possessor of the Ethical System to teach morals and ethics to this world and upgrade people's standard of living." This world is not as simple as it seems to be. There are secrets waiting for people to uncover. Join Adi in his journey as he uses the Ethical System and his intelligence to develop his Empire, explore the secrets of this mysterious world and takes on the old and new grudges. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hey guys, this is my first work. I welcome all your comments and views on the story and its characters. I hope you guys enjoy the novel and support it. Its going for the WSA2023 too.

gaurav_gaag · 奇幻
25 Chs


Everyone was silent now after the rebuke. Soon, one of the soldier gathered his courage and said, "Your Majesty, we found a lot of sacks in this estates' basement. Butler Dara said that all are filled with grains. A lot of grains."

Adi was pleasantly surprised by this sudden good news.

As an abandoned and exiled Prince, now King, they did not possess enough grains when they started the journey. Now, five months had passed and the stock has lessened much. The present stock was only enough for at most a month.

After the stock is finished, they would have to buy it from the neighboring towns and cities. Now, maybe they won't need to spend money on grains. But first he will have to confirm the news.

Holding back his excitement, he swiftly entered the estate and into the basement. Here, he could see Dara, Jack and Uday checking the sacs which filled the basement. The basement itself was very large as it seemed to be around half the area of this estate.

Seeing the King entering the basement, one of the soldiers loudly announced his arrival. Dara and others turned around to see him coming and swiftly came to him. Before they could say anything, Adi asked,

"Dara, I heard about the grain here. What type of grain does the basement have? And how much quantity are they in? Give me a detailed report. Also tell me about your task."

Dara said, "Your Majesty, we were inspecting and cleaning the Noble district as per your command. From yesterday till present, we have covered five estates. They had no tunnels or secret rooms. They all had basements but they were smaller and empty. We found this basement in the sixth estate.

This basement is much bigger than the previous ones and it also much bigger than most Nobles would generally have. Its gates were sealed tight. There are only wheat and rice in here. We have not yet counted the total number of sacs but by our estimation, its enough to feed hundred thousand people for a year."

Dara was trembling from excitement by the end. He knew perfectly well about the state of food and he was very worried about it. Now, this granary basement had erased all worries on food. At least they won't die starving in this land.

Adi was also stunned hearing it. He did some calculations inwardly. A person needs approximately two-hundred fifty kilograms of grains a year. Going by this figure, grains for hundred thousand people for a year should be around twenty-five thousand tonnes. This was a huge figure. It was also a timely relief for them.

Adi calmed himself down quickly. He said, "That's really a great news. Now, calculate the total quantity and check if its going bad. Also check for rats and other animals. Then seal the gate tightly so that the grains remain good.

After you finish them, continue your task. It seems that the nobles and the previous City Lord could not take these things when running away. So, we may have other finds in these estates."

Dara assented, "Don't worry Your Majesty. We will not let the food rot. But it may take some time to check them all."

Adi waved, "Don't worry about the time. Just complete the task well."

Dara replied, "As you command Your Majesty."

Adi nodded, took a another look at the area full of grain sacs and then climbed back. He soon left the area and went to the Castle. He thought while going back,

'Now food and weapons are secured for the short term. The focus should be on population as we need a lot of people to complete the future plans. The sea shore should also have a dock. But since we don't have a ship now, it can wait for some time. After the huts are made, some men should be allocated to build the dock.'

While making future plans, he reached the castle. He found Laxmi waiting for him. As soon as she saw him, she asked, "Son, its lunch time. Come have lunch with your mother. I also have things to talk about."

Adi sat in his chair as maids started serving. As they started eating, Laxmi said, "I have now some understanding about the system. I am ready to start the classes. How should we schedule it?"

Adi was happy that his mother was focused on the task at hand. He replied, "That's fantastic mom. We have to teach the adults as well as children. So we will divide the classes and schedule it accordingly.

Children should be taught in day while the adults will take classes in the evening. We also need to allocate different teachers to teach them. Have you decided what subjects will be taught?"

Laxmi nodded saying, "Yes. We will first teach them how to read and write which will include the characters and numbers. After that we will include Math and then teach them some other basic knowledge. These timings are also great.

The adults could send the children in the morning and won't have to worry about them while working. In the evening, the adults can study after they finished their work. This way, their time will not get wasted and they can also work normally"

Adi found no shortcomings in this plan of action so he gave his assent and added, "That sounds good mom. This way they can adjust their mentality and then we can teach them some more advanced subjects. I will ask Kaif, Kali and Shane to teach them them about metals, crops and health and hygiene later. And then according to the subjects in which people are good in, we will divide them for expert classes to deepen their knowledge."

Laxmi was impressed by Adi's detailed planning. She was very happy as she could see traits of a King emerging in him. She said, "Okay dear. I will do it accordingly. I was thinking of making one of the empty estates as a venue. I will take the maids to help me and will get going. See you in the evening."

They finished eating and then went on their ways. Laxmi took maids with her to pick an estate. Adi on the other hand went to the sea shore. He wanted to determine a place where the dock could be built.

He soon reached the docks. Here, he could see the old docks remains, which was also broken and rotten. The sea was deep enough here. It would probably hold large vessels easily. He could imagine that in past this would have been a great trading area. He was determined to take it back to glory and more.

He roamed around the old dock area and planned few things. He asked his guards to put different markers around the area. He did these things so as to plan what to build and where to build. It was not designed perfectly or fine tuned. It was just according to a rough idea in his mind. After making some rough plans, he went back.

By then, Sean along with Joe and the villagers had finished cutting trees. They were now sawing them and making new huts with them. It would probably take couple of days more to finish it. He also joined them but the people did not agree with him manually working like them.

Joe said, "You can't do this Your Majesty. You are the King. Leave it to us."

Sean also nodded, "Joe is right Your Majesty. As a soldier it will be great failure for us to have the King working on these things. Please don't do this."

Adi could not do anything as everybody around him started saying the same thing. He could only listen to them and stopped working. He said, "Okay okay. I won't do anything. I will just direct you. This is fine, right?"

Joe nodded, "Yes Your Majesty. That will be great."

The people around also assented. Then Adi started supervising them and guiding them with a thing or two. He gave some of his ideas to them. As he was a modern soul, he knew a few things with which the huts would have more strength. He also asked them to arrange huts in an order with enough spaces left. It made the area look pleasant and also orderly.

Soon it was dark. People completed their work and went to rest. The men mining ores also came back. Adi also went back. He along with Pratap and the men did their evening exercise routine.

By the time they finished, dinner was already made. He had his dinner and went to rest. It was a good day. It was fruitful and also exhausting. Adi soon fell asleep while thinking about the future.

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