

Bound by fate across many lifetimes, inescapable destiny. She is the incarnation of chaos, born against the will of the heavens. A great battle left her gravely wounded, cast into the mortal world, where she faced the unjust scorn of humanity. Everyone wanted her dead. Reborn through cycles of reincarnation, she endured endless coldness, but he remained the warmth in her heart. At their first parting, he asked, "What is your name, miss?" "May I call you Nian? A'Nian!" "When I fulfill my duties to the emperor, I will return to marry you." At their first encounter, he asked, "Are you... an immortal?" "Me? Ha, listen carefully. My name is Zi Sang, daughter of the King of All Demons, princess of the demon clan." ...

Paienier · 奇幻言情
124 Chs

Chapter Forty-Eight: Strange Boy

Zisang suddenly felt someone touch her, and in surprise, she discovered the young boy before her.

The young boy looked about twelve or thirteen years old, dressed in blood-red clothes, and his small face appeared unusually pale, or rather, ghastly pale.

Although his face carried a tender and innocent expression, it somehow gave off an eerie vibe.

The moment he touched her, even through his clothes, she could feel a bone-chilling coldness penetrating deep into her marrow...

Unlike Wu Chen, who appeared cold on the surface, this child in front of her seemed as if he had just emerged from an ice cave.

Moreover, just his red clothing alone gave off a chilling sensation; the color was so red, red like a pool of blood, despite being covered by a black armor.

Facing Zisang's piercing gaze, the child didn't show any fear but rather revealed an "innocent" smile.

"Who are you?"

Due to the sudden appearance of the child, Zisang, startled, unconsciously took two steps back.

The previous feelings of desolation instantly vanished, pushed to the back of her mind.

Before Zisang could figure out why such a strange child would appear in such a desolate place, the child smiled again and said, "Sister, do you know the person from earlier? He's so weird!"

With his tender pink hand supporting his innocent face, he appeared to be pondering deeply.

The child pretended to have an innocent look, but it sent shivers down Zisang's spine.

Zisang's mind was already in turmoil, although she tried to maintain a calm exterior.

"Does he――have any questions?"

The child, still pondering, heard Zisang's question and grinned innocently.

"Of course, he has questions! Because... he died five years ago, didn't he?"

The smile on the child's face made Zisang even more uncomfortable.

"How do you know?"

Yeah! How did he know? Who exactly... is he?

Facing a child of only twelve or thirteen years old, Zisang felt anxious, restless, and, above all, afraid for the first time.

Her throat choked up.

"I saw it."

A muffled sound, like thunder rumbling in her heart.

She looked at him in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

"I said I saw it. I saw him being fatally stabbed by someone five years ago."

"You think you've uncovered the truth and avenged your father, but you don't know that the real culprit is still at large."

The smile on the child's face didn't fade; instead, it grew even happier. He approached closer.

A warm, damp sensation crept close to Zisang's ears. Disliking the closeness, she turned her head away unnaturally.

"Don't you want to know... who exactly killed the Demon Emperor?"

"Who?" The two words almost squeezed out from between her teeth.

"The White Emperor of Qingqiu."

Where Zisang couldn't see, the "innocent" smile on the child's face turned into a sinister grin.

A dark mist leisurely emanated from his mouth.

The mist, like maggots, slowly entered through every pore of Zisang's body...

By the time Nan Xianyi realized something was wrong and tried to intervene, it was already too late.

With a scream from Zisang, her black pupils instantly turned azure blue, and threads of azure blue emanated from her body.

"Let her go!"

The child paid no heed to Nan Xianyi's warning, his face displaying a childlike smile while uttering dreadful words.

"The Qingqiu clan killed your Demon Emperor, leading to your lifetime of loneliness."

"Can you bear such grudges? It's better to end it with a single stroke, don't you think?"

The child continued to speak as he retreated, using the dead wood to leap left and right until he disappeared from their sight.