
The dark never consumes all, for the light remains within it's core

An ML salt fic corssover with Ninjago (movie verse); Dark Parables and Minecraft Diaries, and a dash of original content Marinette wins a trip to one of the most cultured city in the world: Ninjago city. however, it won't be a nice trip since Lila took away most, if not all, of her classmates into her web of lies. At least she has her other friends and her protective boyfriend Adrien her for her, even if he is a bit touchy and passive at fault. However, she still has to find the two missing miraculous that Hawkmoth using. However, when she arrives, she found out that , not only does she have to deal with a dark lord who uses more than dark power at play, along the two Head bastard and bitch who rule the school they're visiting, the bastard being the dark lord's son, but also prevent a prophecy foretelling the destruction of the entire world.

SaltyOni666 · 电视同人
7 Chs

Ninjago city, a city of intrigue part 1

Ninjago city, a modern metropole combining traditional culture of the past and the futuristique technologies made here. It was an aspiration for most megacities of the world. Marinette wanted to be here when she would graduate.

Sadly, because of her bad landing with most of the students and the staff, she could only be there for the trip and promptly kicked out and blacklisted afterwards, much to her chagrin. She only tried to defend them all against a liar's grip, but they were blind, and believed the liar by her words only, especially after Mari's latest expulsion. However, because Marinette is the one who won an educational trip to Ninjago, they had to bring her onto the trip, but told her that she had to behave. The only ones that believe in Mari's innocence are Chloe (surprisingly), Luka, his sister Juleka and Mari's parents. Her class wasn't the only one coming, for there was also the one led by Mme meldeviev, but their flight was somehow delayed.

Adrien also believe's in Mari's innocence… which, unbeknownst to her, only makes it worse for her, as he changes approaches to ensure she only takes the high road. When their guardian has fallen, both Ladybug and Chat noir decide to reveal between each other, only to discover that it was adrien in Chat's suit. So, Adrien decided to keep crushing her self worth with so as to ensure that she would stay with him. Oh, and while the whole city respects her as Ladybug, her teammates don't, treating her like she's replaceable, that she's only there because she has the earrings and the cure.

As they landed in Ninjago territory, Marinette held onto a locket that her mother treasured, with symbols not even her mother can read and translate. It was her mother's most prized possession, having been there with her since birth. She could remember the dialogue between each other-

"MARI, wake up, we landed…. And we ran out of coffee" she could feel one of the two girls yelling at her, which she responded by jumping up and heading to her purse. "Very funny." Marinette replied as she exited the plane. At the bagging area, she couldn't find her bags anywhere on the conveyor belt. She found it several minutes later in the trash can, by the time she arrived at the parking lot, the class had already left, without her. She decided to take the nearby monorail to get to the school. Whilst waiting to arrive at her destination, Marinette decided to look up the school brochure. Apparently, a few years ago, there was an incident that injured a couple of students, leaving one dead. All of those incidents were different, but they all had another student involved. That was all the brochure said about it, but it still gave her a shiver down her spine.

She arrived at the school, and everything seemed normal at first. The students there were the type one would normally see in an ordinary high school: cocky jocks, rich cheerleaders, shy geeks… etc. She would've greeted them… if her classmates weren't warning them and shooting glares, blaming her for being late and being an average troublemaker. Kagami and Luka, who came to chaperone, also looked at her, the former in disgust, the latter looking sorry. She would like to say that Kagami is evil, but Kagami wasn't aware of the whole Lila situation, just what Adrien told her. Adrien assured Mari that the lila situation would blow over soon, and all would be forgiven, so long as Marinette doesn't start another drama. All of them entered the main classroom, where Adrien grabbed her hand and took her to the very back seats, in the centermost aisle. The local students gave them shocked looks at them, particularly at Adrien, when they sat down.

Suddenly, a tall white haired boy with emerald eyes and an emotionless expression on his face appeared. He had an equally white haired girl beside him. They both wore green clothes, the former having a green sweater and waistcoat, the latter having a green jacket, shirt and trousers. The two promptly walked up towards the couple, and gave Adrien a glare.

"He wants you to get out of his seats." the girl spoke. Marinette went up to find another, but Adrien promptly grabbed her arm.

"No need, princess. Your knight in leather armor will save you." he whispered. She returned to her seat and he looked at the boy in the eye.

"Just try us, you stupid, bleached me -wannabeEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG-"

Before the Akuma class could take witness, Adrien was promptly flown out from the room and into the outdoor pool, with a loud splash for confirmation. The silent boy then turned around to look at Marinette, who already got up and backed away into a nearby seat. Before Marinette stood Chloe and Juleka, in a defencive position. The two parties stood still before the boy glanced at the girl beside him for a moment. "You lot are good… for now" The girl spoke, before the two strangers promptly took back their seats.

"Ahem. now that practically everyone is seated. Let's get to the lessons." the local teacher broke the awkward silence and started the lesson. Marinette couldn't help but feel like the silent boy was watching her and her friends.


It was lunchtime, and the class found themselves in the school cafeteria, where Lila decided to hold court and tell her tall tales. The local students were hesitant to approach them. The akuma class were deep into conversation when Alya noticed Marinette.

"Hey, mari, do you have macaroons on you that you can share with us." Alya asked her.

"No, I haven't made any yet-"

"Well, make some, we're hungry." Alya states, looking pissed. Marinette knew that her classmates couldn't care of the well being of others.

"Don't you all think it's weird for them to have a kid with an attitude problem over a chair. I mean sure, Adrien could've politely told him off, but that's no need to fly off the handles." her teacher, Caline Bustier, complained to the class teacher.

"The kid has reasons, and if you think that's him off his handle, you never saw him at all." the teacher weakly told them.

"Whatev." Nino spoke out. "We can forget that lame ass dude when he comes around for Marinette's macaroons. Then we'll ask him to be friends."

The entire local students tensed up as he spoke that last phrase. "Dude, something the matter?"

"I'm afraid that he won't make friend requests… ever." the girl from before replied as she and the boy came from nowhere. This made every one of her classmates jump from shock. Lilq thought it would be good to approach them.

"Oh, I didn't think we met yet, I'm-"

"Lila Rossi, He's heard of you, and let say... he's unimpressed." the girl spoke.

"Oh shut up, harlot, I think he can speak for himself." Alya responded. The girl then gave her a pissed look.

"he can't." someone blurted from the crowd."And why not?" Alya questioned.

"Ummm… he's mute." a muscular dark toned boy with messy black hair and red headphones responded, hesitantly.

"Did I ask for any opinion? No, then shut up." Alya intervened, still pissed from not having any macaroons.

"But you ask-"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Alya shrieked.

"Would you say the same if someone else said the same to her?" the other girl argued back, pointing at Lila.

"What no, how dare yo-"

"Then why did you assume he isn't so easily?"

"Because we heard him talk." Kim responded with a cocky attitude.

"Oh, when?"

"This morning, when he welcomed us-" Alix responded

"You mean when he was absent the entire morning." harumi answered back. Meanwhile, on others suggestion, Kagami drew her spare sword. They did suggest using her official sword, but she figured to test him before she does. Now in her line of sight, she charges at him.

"Taste my blade, you honorless warrio-" she shouted before he halted her by trapping her blade between two fingers, forming a rude gesture. He then turned his head, facing the tip of the blade… and chomped on it. He then retracted his mouth, revealing the sword's dulled blade. He spat out the remaining pieces.

Everyone was too shocked from this savage act to notice the silent boy's green eyes began to glow, and soon, a boy with unkempt hair in a blue jacket with an orange scarf began to have what seemed to be a headache stating "Not me, not now." when his eyes glowed with a similar color.

Foolish mortals, ignoring the warnings of my classmates and only caring of their selfish needs-" the brun boy spoke, in a demonic voice.

"Mari, he's talking about you." Alya interrupted, giving Marinette a deadpanned look.

"Do not interject, mortal. She's innocent from this, after my own observation." the boy continued. "And you, Lila Rossi, I may be mute, but that doesn't mean you can insult anyone who helps me, especially my right hand Harumi. Be careful what you say, because I can control the shadows." the white haired boy's body began to sprout a few shadow tendrils from his own shadow, waving menacingly towards the akuma class. The locals nearby took shelter. Caline bravely (foolishly) approached him.

"Listen here, whoever your name is, I think we need to be level here. I don't think menacing people to get what you want-"

"Then take a good look at your classmates, who couldn't care about the well being of an honest soul, so long as they get what they want." the figure interrupted her.

"As for the name, it's Lloyd Garmadon." the boy's eyes briefly flickered before returning to its original colors. The possessed boy then ran away in fright.

"Let this be a warning note, since you all seem to forget about this morning's… fling." the girl, believed to be Harumi, told them whilst maniacally laughing. Both white haired left the room.

"Wow." Alya spoke sarcastically, "to think they would use parlor tricks to scare us."

"Then explain my sword." kagami asked

"Maybe your sword was plastic, after all, why would this school be stupid enough to allow students to brings weapon-" Mylene responded when the cafeteria sirens blared.

"Why would we have an akuma atta-"


"You hear that, Mi'lady. The city is under attack, and they need our help." Adrien stated.

"But they appear to already have heroes?"

"So? It's not like the villains use any kind of miraculous, right. Plagg, claws out." before she could stop him, Adrien had already transformed into chat noir and left.

"Urgh, fine. Tikki, spot on."Marinette turned into Ladybug so as to catch up to him, only to see the other heroes (Rena rouge, carapace, queen bee, pegasus, viperion, ryukku, monkey king) there as well.

"What are you-"

"We've been given our miraculous by Chat noir because we've been nice to lila" Aly- Rena responded "even if we have to deal with Chloe her-"

"No names in suits." Ladybug interrupted "this isn't Paris" ladybug gave Chat a glare before heading over deeper into the city where she sees men in aquatic fish costumes attacking the city in appropriate mechs. She sees a giant shark like mech with a tall, dark figure emerging from the top, wearing a samurai outfit.


"Is it me, or does he appear to have extra appendages?" Pegasus asked. Sure enough, as Ladybug examines his figure more clearly, he does appear to have an extra pair of arms, black skin, horns, fangs, red eyes and a tail. The figure, Lord garma... wait.

"Hold on, wasn't Garmadon the silent boy's las-"

"Watev, bug." nino interrupted "time for him to go home." he then charged in the direction of the shark mech and jumped to do a captain america style attack. The enemy responded by materialising a pair of dragon wings and charged straight at him. The enemy flew around several buildings, scraping the turtle hero against every single one, and then dropping him off with his teammates.

"You should teach your little… friend here to know when to intervene." Garmadon spoke to Ladybug "You may never know what may happen to them."

"What do you want?" Ladybug asked him.

"To take over ninjago." the dark lord explains. "But since you lot are here… I might as well grab some more miraculouses."

"We'll take you down togeth-... wait, did you say more miraculous?" Chat asked.

The dark lord chuckles as he reached towards the center point of his helmet "Lain, remember."