

10th Circle Archmage Omega Mane Crown was killed in a war that spanned for ten thousand years against alien invaders. Now he is reborn and reincarnated but not into something you would expect...his soul got embedded in an android body. It is a new world that he/it will live in where magic and technology have flourished and his new vessel is the prototype of the fusion of both. Join Deth in his journey on his brand-new lease on life, will he become an outstanding machine, a "hero" or just a lazy bum? this is a spirity contest entry.

49 Chs


"Arrrr.....so these here is the open sea. *sniff I'm breathing the same salty air the former pirates and sailors of olde have also breathed in. Nostalgic."

The salty sea breeze brushed against my face as I stood on the deck of the ocean transport cargo ship. I was about to undertake a task assigned to me by the Adventurer Guild, one that could elevate my rank to Silver. Becoming one of the ten escorts responsible for delivering valuable bulk cargo of Cactus Vodka from Frontier City to the former oil rig, now Ocean City, was no easy feat.

The journey was perilous, and the dangers of the ocean awaited us.

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬"I'm so hyped up and I just can't conceal it....I nose, I nose, I nose....me don't desire you....desire you!"♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

As I gazed out at the vast expanse of the ocean, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The ocean was a treacherous place, home to both majestic sea creatures and ruthless pirates. Our safety relied on reaching the protective energy barrier that encompassed Ocean City, powered by a powerful mana water turbine engine deep beneath the waves.

I wasn't alone in this endeavor; there were ten of us, each tasked with ensuring the safe delivery of the cargo. However, this was an individual achievement; the Guild wanted to evaluate our abilities as single adventurers, not just a cohesive group.



Among my fellow escorts, I noticed a few familiar faces—Steel Rankers like myself, each with their own set of skills and battle prowess. We exchanged nods of acknowledgment, knowing that teamwork might be necessary in the face of potential threats.

As the ship set sail, I met the other adventurers assigned to the task.

Their diverse backgrounds and unique abilities intrigued me. There was Andria, a skilled archer known for her unparalleled accuracy. Then there was Ragnar, a powerful warrior wielding a massive two-handed axe with ease. And let's not forget Aurora, a sorceress whose command over ice and water was nothing short of breathtaking.

"I spy.....nothing with these here beautiful robot eyes...."

The journey was off to a smooth start, but I knew better than to let my guard down. The ocean was a fickle mistress, capable of turning calm waters into a tempest in the blink of an eye. Our first challenge came in the form of a massive sea serpent that emerged from the depths, eyeing our cargo with hungry malice.

"Oh shit! Is that a sea monstahhh!!!!???"

Without hesitation, we sprang into action. I focused my aura and channeled it into my limbs, enhancing my speed and agility. Andria released a volley of arrows, each one finding its mark on the serpent's scales. Ragnar charged with a ferocity that matched the creature's own, hacking away at its vulnerable underbelly. Aurora encased the serpent in a dome of ice, temporarily immobilizing it.

"On me!"

Working in harmony, we managed to subdue the sea serpent, ensuring the safety of the cargo. But I knew this was just the beginning. The ocean was vast, and dangers lurked around every corner.

As the days passed, we encountered numerous challenges. We faced formidable marine monsters, each one pushing us to our limits. From gargantuan krakens to elusive merfolk, we battled them all with unwavering determination.

"I feel the need, the need to bathe....in the blood of my enemies!"

Yet, the greatest threat we encountered wasn't from the depths of the ocean, but from the pirates who roamed the waters. Former adventurers who had forsaken the path of righteousness, they now sought to plunder and pillage for their own gains.

One stormy night, as the waves crashed against the hull of the ship, we found ourselves surrounded by a fleet of pirate vessels. The pirates were relentless, showing no mercy as they attacked, their cannons blasting away at our defenses.

"Time to show them how its done!"

I knew that this was the moment to prove my worth as a Diamond-ranked adventurer, secretly assigned to evaluate the Steel Rankers. I unleashed my full power, my aura resonating like thunder, and cast powerful spells that decimated the pirates' ships.

But amidst the chaos, I noticed a lone figure standing at the helm of one of the pirate vessels, watching the battle unfold. It was the Diamond-ranked adventurer who was here incognito, observing us without intervening.

"Whatever....its not like he's interfering with my work or anything...."

With a deep breath, I focused on my task, determined to protect the cargo and my fellow escorts. We fought tooth and nail, pushing back the pirate onslaught with every ounce of strength we possessed.

The battle raged on for what felt like an eternity, but eventually, the pirates were forced to retreat. We had proven ourselves in the face of adversity, and the valuable Cactus Vodka was safe.

As we continued our journey, the ocean gradually revealed its true nature. It was a realm of both beauty and danger, of awe-inspiring wonders and heart-stopping terrors.

"WoooWeeee!!! Thar she blows me mateys!!!! Land....metal land!!!!!"

Finally, the towering silhouette of Ocean City came into view on the horizon. We had reached our destination, and the energy barrier loomed before us. Our mission was almost complete.

"Oh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as we docked the ship and prepared to offload the cargo. We had overcome the perils of the ocean and proven our worth as adventurers.

But there was one last challenge to face—the evaluation of the Diamond-ranked adventurer who had been observing us all along. As we disembarked, he approached me with a knowing smile.

"Deth Jones, I must say, you and your fellow escorts have impressed me," he said. "Your prowess in battle and your unwavering dedication to the task at hand are commendable."

I thanked him, feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had passed the test. But there was still one question burning in my mind.

"Why the anonymity? Why evaluate us secretly?" I asked.

The Diamond-ranked adventurer chuckled. "Sometimes, the true test of an adventurer's mettle lies not in the heat of battle, but in how they handle themselves when they believe they are not being watched. I wanted to see the raw, unfiltered essence of each of you, and I must say, I am impressed."

With that, he revealed his true identity—a renowned figure in the Adventurer Guild known as Sir Cedric, the mastermind behind many successful missions.

"Congratulations, Deth Jones," Sir Cedric said. "You have not only proven your worth as a skilled adventurer but also as a leader among your peers."

I felt a surge of pride as the realization sunk in. I had not only completed the Guild request, but I had earned the admiration and respect of a Diamond-ranked adventurer.

"Time to party again like its 6969!!!"

As the news spread among the other escorts, we celebrated our success, reveling in the camaraderie forged through the trials of the ocean. The journey had been arduous, but we had emerged victorious.

As we left Ocean City to return to Frontier City, I couldn't help but reflect on the adventure that had brought us together. We had faced danger and uncertainty, but we had also forged bonds that maybe??? would last a lifetime.

Deth Jones/Omega Mane Crown

8th Magic Soul Core/8th Circle Mana Battery/Level 8 Aura

(Divine Thunder and Lightning Element)

Silver Ranked Adventurer

Ocean City was a bustling metropolis, a fusion of the old and the new.

As I strolled through the vibrant streets, the sights and sounds of this captivating place enchanted me. The universal tram glided gracefully through the city, taking adventurers and locals alike to their desired destinations. But I chose to immerse myself in the culture and opted for a robot-powered carriage, appreciating the blend of tradition and modernity.

The carriage took me on a tour of Ocean City's breathtaking sceneries. The former oil rig, now a bustling city, offered a mesmerizing view of the sparkling ocean. Skyscrapers adorned the horizon, touching the clouds, while charming little shops lined the streets, offering an array of magical artifacts and exotic goods.

Once the tour concluded, I arrived at the most exquisite bar and restaurant in Ocean City. I had reserved a private table beforehand, ensuring a moment of tranquility amid the city's vibrant energy.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a dragon....if there ever was a dragon on the menu."

As I indulged in a hearty feast using my Soul Food Spell, relishing every flavor, my mind drifted to the recent adventure at sea. I had faced dangers and experienced triumphs, but now it was time to savor the fruits of my labor. The food was delectable, each dish meticulously prepared to perfection. I reveled in the delight of every bite.

With the main course concluded, I treated myself to a delightful dessert—a fusion of sweet and savory that left my taste buds tingling with pleasure. The attention to detail in the presentation was commendable, and it mirrored the harmonious blend of the old and the new that defined Ocean City.

"Let me enjoy a night of enjoyment in a sophisticated bar, where the alcohol flows like that time I had a very terrible diarrhea."

As the evening wore on, I decided to venture into the heart of the bar, drawn by the lively atmosphere and the promise of camaraderie. The air was filled with laughter and merriment, the clinking of glasses and the soft hum of conversations.

The bartender greeted me with a warm smile, and I ordered a fine cigar, eager to enjoy a moment of relaxation. I settled into a plush seat, the gentle glow of magic-infused lanterns casting a warm hue upon the surroundings.

"Vibrate dat butt swine and permit me to view what you have!"

I watched the dancers as they moved gracefully to the rhythm of the music, their colorful costumes catching the light and captivating the audience. The performers were skilled, but as an experienced adventurer, I could see through their illusions and tricks. Still, I applauded their showmanship, appreciating the entertainment they provided.

As I savored my cigar, I noticed a group of adventurers at a nearby table, engrossed in a friendly game of cards. Their laughter and banter echoed through the air, and I couldn't resist joining in the revelry.

"Mind if I join the game?" I asked with a grin.

Their faces lit up, and they eagerly welcomed me to their circle. The camaraderie among adventurers was always heartwarming. We shared stories of our exploits, boasting about our victories and laughing at our mishaps. It was a night filled with joy and camaraderie, as we celebrated life and the thrill of adventure.

"Uh huh....dats good but I win again! You fuckers are all weak ass shits!"

As the night progressed, the bar became livelier. Musicians played lively tunes, and the dance floor was filled with couples swaying to the music. I joined in the revelry, dancing with the local women who had an undeniable charm.

Ocean City had indeed lived up to its reputation—a place of wonder and delight. It was a sanctuary for adventurers seeking respite from the trials of their quests, and I embraced every moment of it.

"This city is da bomb 'yo! I love to stay here but....nothing gets me the feeling of having solid ground beneath my feet, ya dig?"

The days passed in a blur of enjoyment, exploring the city's enchanting landmarks and interacting with its diverse inhabitants. From the majestic sea gardens to the bustling marketplaces, Ocean City offered a plethora of experiences to savor.

"Oh, oh....a magic act! I haven't seen those in...ages!~"

One evening, I found myself at a grand magic trick show. The illusionist wove spells and created mesmerizing displays that left the audience in awe. While I could see through the tricks with my trained eye, I appreciated the artistry and showmanship that captivated the crowd.

As my time in Ocean City drew to a close, I reflected on the adventures that had brought me here. From the treacherous sea voyage to the vibrant streets of the city, I had experienced the best that this world had to offer.


"Well....I can always visit again through Teleportation Spell, its a good thing I left my "special mark" so I don't have to go through red tape just to get some safe passage."

As I boarded the universal tram that would take me back to a portal for Frontier City, I knew that the memories of Ocean City's wonders would stay with me forever. It was a place of celebration, where joy and excitement met in a harmonious dance, leaving a lasting impression on all who ventured there.

Ocean City had gifted me with moments of pure delight, reminding me why I chose the adventurous path in the first place. The thrill of danger, the joy of victory, and the beauty of discovery were all part of the wondrous tapestry of an adventurer's life.


"I'll never forget you Ocean City!"

With a contented smile, I bid farewell to Ocean City, eager to embrace whatever new quests and challenges awaited me in the vast and enchanting world of magic and adventure. My journey will continue, and I was ready to embrace it with open arms, with gusto and with an adventurous spirit.