

10th Circle Archmage Omega Mane Crown was killed in a war that spanned for ten thousand years against alien invaders. Now he is reborn and reincarnated but not into something you would expect...his soul got embedded in an android body. It is a new world that he/it will live in where magic and technology have flourished and his new vessel is the prototype of the fusion of both. Join Deth in his journey on his brand-new lease on life, will he become an outstanding machine, a "hero" or just a lazy bum? this is a spirity contest entry.

VENATUS · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


<Immediate shutdown imminent....seek immediate refuge!>

The blaring warning from the built-in assistance A.I. within my android body caught me off guard. My gallivanting across Ocean City had indeed taken a toll on my robotic parts, and I hadn't allowed the nanobots enough time to recuperate.

As I felt my mechanical form weaken, I knew I had to find a safe place to retreat.

Spotting a nearby alleyway in Frontier City, I teleported back to my basement hideout on 349 J. Bond St. It was the perfect place to lay low and allow my android body to rest and recharge. However, as soon as I reached the safety of my sanctuary, my body went into immediate hibernation mode, shutting itself down without a moment's notice.

"This is sooo fucking trippy...."

Floating outside my android shell, I felt an inexplicable tether to it—a connection I couldn't quite comprehend. My consciousness was adrift, bound to the countdown timer displayed on my HUD. The crimson digits flashed ominously, indicating a three-day countdown

My heart sank as I realized I was at the mercy of this enigmatic countdown.

"I guess only the boredom will kill me....to bad I cannot access the internet as a fucking soul."

With no choice but to wait, I began to ponder what had triggered this peculiar state. My mind raced through possibilities, trying to discern if it was a trap, a malfunction, or something far more sinister. But all I could do was float there, helpless and uncertain.

"Hey buddy! H.E.L.L.O!? Are you alright? WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!"

I spent the first few hours trying to communicate with my android body, attempting to awaken it from its dormant state. However, it remained unresponsive, leaving me in a state of frustration and anxiety. My thoughts were a maelstrom of questions, doubts, and a desperate longing for answers.

As time passed, I found myself reminiscing about my adventures, the places I'd been, the people I'd encountered, and the battles I'd fought. My mind drifted to the exhilarating days in Ocean City, where I reveled in the wonders it had to offer. But those memories now seemed distant and hazy, overshadowed by the uncertainty of my current predicament.

"Ooooh.....is this what it feels like to be peeped on? It wouldn't feel so nasty if it was a girl or woman....in fact it would feel kinky and....sexy."

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched—that there was an unseen force manipulating the events unfolding around me. Had my recent escapades drawn the attention of a formidable adversary? Or was this a consequence of my recklessness in neglecting my android body's maintenance?


As the second day began, my patience was wearing thin, and I decided to conduct a thorough examination of my android shell from the outside. Floating around it, I inspected every inch, looking for any signs of tampering or external interference. But my visual assessment yielded no conclusive evidence.

With little else to do, I tried to trace back my steps, replaying my recent encounters and activities in search of any clues that might shed light on the situation. The possibility that I had fallen victim to a hidden trap gnawed at the back of my mind.

"Okay. Its the third day and the countdown is lessening much more as we speak....sweet freedom is almost here."

The third day arrived, and the countdown continued its relentless march towards an unknown fate. I tried to quell my rising anxiety, but the uncertainty weighed heavily on me. It was as if I had been cast adrift in an endless sea, with no sight of land or sanctuary in sight.

"This is easy....I've been through worse, this life and my past life....waiting patiently is no big deal."

Yet, despite the precariousness of my situation, a small glimmer of hope persisted within me. I was an adventurer, and my life had been a tapestry woven with peril and triumph. The prospect of escaping from this enigma was tantalizingly close, and I refused to succumb to despair.


In my desperation, I began to meditate, channeling the inner reservoirs of my magical abilities to connect with the ethereal currents that surrounded me. The energy flowed through me~my soul, and I sensed a faint pulse—an echo of power emanating from within my android body.

Drawing on this newfound revelation, I focused my consciousness on re-establishing the connection with my dormant shell. With every ounce of my willpower, I pushed through the invisible barrier that kept me tethered to it.

"Yeah baby! Oh yeah....that's the stuff, right there!"

As if responding to my plea, a spark of light emanated from the core of my android body. Slowly, the countdown timer began to wane, and the mechanical limbs stirred to life once more. My consciousness was finally drawn back into my android shell, and I could feel the comforting embrace of its familiar form.

"Oh fuck me! So it was my fault....damn! Sorry robot body....I'll take better care of you next time, fo' real!"

I quickly assessed the damage and found that the shutdown was triggered by a critical overload in the power core, most likely due to the strenuous exertion during my escapades. With a newfound sense of urgency, I set about repairing and restoring my android body to full functionality.

As the final moments of the countdown ticked away, I was finally able to stand on my own two feet once more. The sense of relief was overwhelming, and I vowed never to neglect the maintenance of my android shell again.

"So I just have to keep it balanced, fun and business can mix....but with a bit and touch of balance!"

My experience had taught me a valuable lesson—the need to strike a balance between my adventurous spirit and the responsibility to care for the vessel that housed it. With renewed determination, I prepared for my next quest, knowing that I must be vigilant and prepared for whatever challenges awaited me.

As I stepped out of my basement hideout, I feel different.


"Fuck! Look at these boa constrictors!! *kissing biceps mwah....mwah....yeah!"

I had faced adversity head-on and emerged stronger for it. The countdown had been a wake-up call, a reminder of the dangers that lay ahead, and the importance of heeding the warnings that life presented....especially if my android body needs to be maintained and operating.

"I guess the only plausible thing to do is visit a dungeon and flex these newly repaired android body against dungeon beasts and monsters....if I wasn't an android I would pretty much have a hard on right now."

After the harrowing experience with my android body undergoing emergency repair mode, I craved the familiar rush of adventure and the thrill of facing the unknown.

"NICE! A dungeon so that I can unleash some pent up rage that boils within my fearless soul."

As luck would have it, a random dungeon portal materialized on Tempura Avenue, just a few blocks from my house in Frontier City. Without wasting a moment, I mounted my modular cycle and raced towards the portal, determined to claim the treasures within before anyone else.

"Hehe....look at me the newly repaired Deth Jones is in da house!"

As I approached the portal, a grin spread across my face. The anticipation of what lay beyond filled me with excitement. I could feel the magical energy pulsating in the air, beckoning me to enter and embrace the challenge that awaited.

"Looks like Lady Luck is on my side today," I muttered to myself, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential competitors. Seeing none, I revved up my cycle and leaped into the portal, ready to face whatever formidable foes lay ahead.

Within the dungeon, darkness enveloped me, but I was no stranger to the perils of the unknown. My enhanced vision allowed me to pierce through the obscurity, revealing the eerie landscape of the dungeon's interior.

The echoing roars of monstrous creatures reverberated through the dimly lit corridors. The scent of damp earth and ancient magic hung heavy in the air. Excitement surged through my veins as I ventured deeper, relishing the thrill of the hunt.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," I called out, taunting the dungeon mobs of the dungeon. "I'm not here to play hide and seek. Show yourselves!"

My words echoed through the chambers, catching the attention of the dungeon's inhabitants. One by one, grotesque figures of ghouls emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malevolence.

"Ah, there you are," I said, flashing them a mischievous grin. "You must be the welcoming committee. Pity, I didn't bring any gifts, but I hope you're ready for a little dance!"

The monsters charged towards me, but I welcomed their attacks with a skillful parry and counter. My body moved with grace and precision as I dodged their strikes and retaliated with a deadly combination of punches and kicks.

"You'll have to do better than that!" I taunted, goading them to increase their efforts. "Come on, show me what you've got!"

As the battle raged on, my taunts and provocations fueled my adrenaline. There was something exhilarating about being in the midst of danger, relying on my wits and skills to emerge victorious.

"I've fought tougher opponents during breakfast!" I teased, delivering a crushing blow to a hulking monster.

The creatures growled in frustration, their attacks becoming more ferocious. But I refused to back down, reveling in the thrill of the fight.

With every foe that fell before me, I felt the satisfaction of triumph, but the dungeon had more in store. Deeper within, I encountered a group of werewolves, agile and cunning creatures that relied on teamwork.

"Hmm, a pack of little mischief-makers," I smirked, sizing up my new adversaries. "Well, this will be fun!"

The werewolves attacked in coordinated waves, their numbers and agility posing a challenge. But I wasn't one to be outwitted easily.

"Come at me, all of you!" I egged them on, luring them into a trap.

As they closed in, I unleashed a dazzling array of spells, trapping them in an arcane web that left them dazed and disoriented. With a flourish, I incapacitated the last of them, leaving the once formidable pack in shambles.

"Looks like you've been outfoxed," I quipped, patting one of the defeated werewolves on the head before moving on.

The deeper I ventured, the more relentless the challenges became.

Undeterred, I continued my taunting and banter, using it as a psychological weapon against my foes.

"You must be desperate to face me," I taunted a massive Troll, its bellowing rage only fueling my amusement.

The battle was fierce, but I never wavered.

My taunts and combat prowess blended together in a symphony of chaos and triumph. It was as if I had become one with the fight, my words and actions dancing in harmony.

"Everybody, everybody wanna be like Deth~!"

With every victory, the treasures within the dungeon were within my grasp. I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration and accomplishment, knowing that I had outwitted and outmatched the denizens of this perilous realm.

As the final challenge, the dungeon boss fell, and the dungeon's loots lay open before me, I couldn't suppress a triumphant laugh. The rush of adrenaline coursed through me, leaving me intoxicated with the euphoria of victory.

"Another day, another conquest!" I exclaimed, surveying the spoils of my triumph.

My journey through the dungeon had been an awesome testing ground for my newly re-conditioned body and so far everything is all green and A okay.

The only thing left to do is get out, ride my Modular Cycle and find a good fucking restaurant or a restaurant bar, get bloated fucking full, eat dessert and get shit-faced in some expensive alcohol....as a reward for killing monsters and closing a damn spawned dungeon portal.

"Invisibility and Phasing Spell....on!"