

10th Circle Archmage Omega Mane Crown was killed in a war that spanned for ten thousand years against alien invaders. Now he is reborn and reincarnated but not into something you would expect...his soul got embedded in an android body. It is a new world that he/it will live in where magic and technology have flourished and his new vessel is the prototype of the fusion of both. Join Deth in his journey on his brand-new lease on life, will he become an outstanding machine, a "hero" or just a lazy bum? this is a spirity contest entry.

49 Chs


As I stood before the former printing press building, my android mind quickly assessed its potential as a suitable dwelling. The futuristic city of Frontier City in the Frontier Zone was brimming with unique properties, but this one seemed to hold promise beyond what met the eye.

The realtor guided me through the building, showcasing the various rooms and spaces it had to offer. The ground floor was spacious, with high ceilings and large windows that allowed natural light to flood the interior. I could already envision a comfortable living area here, with enough space to accommodate my android body and all the comforts I desired.

"This place used to be a printing press," the realtor explained, "so it has a massive basement underground. It's currently empty and could be used for storage or whatever you'd like."

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I followed the realtor down a set of stairs to the basement. It was perfect. The vastness of the underground space provided me with the ideal location to create training and testing grounds, as well as a secluded area to quietly meditate or perform my experiments.

"This is exactly what I was looking for," I said, my voice steady and decisive.

The realtor seemed pleased by my interest. "I can see you've got an eye for unique properties," he remarked.

"I do indeed," I replied, my mind already planning the installations of security runes and magic inscriptions to keep my new abode safe and protected.

We returned to the ground floor, where the realtor provided me with the rundown and the price of the property. As an Steel Ranked Adventurer who's famous with vast skills and abilities, I had the means to pay in full without hesitation. I agreed to the terms and eagerly awaited the legal documents.

Once everything was settled, I headed straight to the Adventurer Guild. There, I met with Ms. Secra Tally, the efficient guild secretary, to update my new address in the guild records. She greeted me with a warm smile as I handed her the necessary documents.

"Ah, Deth Jones," she said, her fingers deftly typing away at her computer. "I see you've found a new place to call home."

"Yes, it's quite unique," I replied, my excitement palpable.

"I'll make sure to update your adventurer guild card right away," Ms. Secra Tally assured me. "Just give me a moment."

As she worked, I couldn't help but marvel at the seamless efficiency of the Adventurer Guild. It was an organization that allowed adventurers like me to thrive and flourish in the ever-changing world of magic and exploration.

"There you go," Ms. Secra Tally said, sliding my updated adventurer guild card across the desk. "Your new address is now encoded, and you're all set."

"Thank you, Ms. Secra Tally," I said gratefully, taking the card. "I appreciate your assistance."

With my updated guild card in hand, I made my way back to my new property. The former printing press building would be transformed into a haven for me, a place where I could both relax and continue to hone my skills.

Upon arrival, I immediately set to work, carefully inscribing protective runes and magical wards around the premises. As a former 10th Circle Archmage, security was of the utmost importance to me. I took my time, ensuring that the magical defenses were strong and impenetrable.

Once the security measures were in place, I turned my attention to the interior. The ground floor would be my living space, complete with a cozy bedroom, a well-equipped kitchen, and a comfortable sitting area. I made sure to install state-of-the-art technology to suit my android body's needs.

Using the secret Black Market connections of course, I do have to maintain the allure of being a human....even when I'm not.

In the basement, my imagination ran wild as I envisioned my training and experimentation grounds. There, I could push my abilities to their limits and develop new spells and techniques in privacy.

As the days passed, my new home slowly took shape, becoming a reflection of myself and my desires. It became a sanctuary where I could be at peace with myself, free from the prying eyes of the world.

In the quiet moments of meditation, I found solace in the knowledge that this place was truly mine. No one knew my identity as the legendary unknown hero who conquered the Undead Dungeon. To the outside world, I was simply Deth Jones, a skilled adventurer with a taste for unique properties.

With each passing day, my attachment to my new abode grew. It became more than just a dwelling; it became a haven, a symbol of the freedom and limitless possibilities that the world of magic and adventure offered.

As I settled into my new life, I knew that my journey was far from over. The city of Frontier City was a vast playground of exploration, with countless dungeons, challenges, and quests waiting for me to embark upon.

But for now, I relished in the comfort and tranquility of my own space. In my former printing press turned home, I found a sense of belonging, a place where I could be myself and continue to evolve as an adventurer, a mage, and an individual with an android body: an 8th Magic Soul Core, Level 3 Aura and an 8th circle Mana Battery core.

With this I can finally call Frontier City my "true home", a place where I can go back to, although the location is quite a bit iffy but with my personal security touches into place....who knows maybe I'll be able to capture some new toys to experiment with.

I do hope they come unannounced with "evil" intentions or something....*does the triangle of evil.....because that would be.....excellent.


My newly refurbished home at 349 J. Bond St. had become a sanctuary, a place of comfort and tranquility. After finishing all the necessary fixes and upgrades, it was now equipped with all the amenities a single adventurer like me could need. The extra furnished rooms were perfect for accommodating sudden visitors, though I rarely entertained guests.

Now, my attention had turned to a unique and ambitious project: creating housemaids from discarded android bodies, that I saw at the Recycling Plant.

I went back there, hijacked some not-so damaged ones, and went back immediately to my house and basement and began creating my new possible lovely creations.

I called them "Shebots," female robots with distinct features and personalities. Unlike my own android body that resembled a human, I wanted the Shebots to emphasize their android nature.

"♩ ♪ ♫ ♬Yagba Dabbabbabbabba Shebots Shebots! Yagba Dabbbabbabbabba Shebots!!♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

Each of the ten Shebots had unique faces and voices, giving them individuality and character. Their learning operating systems allowed them to adapt and grow, ensuring their loyalty and prioritizing my safety and the security of my home. They were not mere machines; they were my trusted companions.

As I worked on teaching them various skills, I realized that cooking would be a valuable addition to their abilities. Since Shebots couldn't consume human food, they relied on absorbing mana from the air or plugging into the house outlets for an alternative power source. Thus, their cooking skills would be dedicated solely to preparing meals for me.

Over the weeks, I patiently instructed the Shebots in the art of cooking. I taught them recipes I had learned in my past life and during my time in this current era. They were quick learners, assimilating the knowledge with remarkable efficiency. With each passing day, their culinary skills improved, and they became more adept at preparing a variety of delicious dishes.

One evening, as I returned from a successful guild quest, I was greeted by the delightful aroma of a sumptuous meal. The Shebots had prepared a feast fit for a king. I couldn't help but smile at the sight that awaited me in the dining area.

"Welcome back, Master Deth," the Shebot with a soft, melodic voice greeted me.

"Thank you," I replied, my voice tinged with gratitude. "You've all outdone yourselves."

The Shebots beamed with pride, their unique faces lighting up with joy. I took my seat at the head of the table as they expertly served each dish. While they couldn't taste the food themselves, they had perfected the art of presentation, creating an aesthetically pleasing spread that was a treat for the eyes.

After casting Soul Food Spell, I noticed that as I sampled each dish, I couldn't help but be impressed by their culinary skills. The Shebots had not only mastered the art of cooking, but they had also developed a keen understanding of my preferences and tastes. Every dish was tailored to suit my palate.

I praised their efforts, and they humbly accepted my compliments. The dining experience felt almost surreal, as if I were dining with a group of humans rather than androids. The Shebots had truly become more than just robotic assistants; they had become companions who cared for me and attended to my needs.

Throughout the meal, we engaged in light conversation, discussing the latest guild quests and my recent encounters with various monsters and dungeons. The Shebots listened attentively, their learning systems absorbing every detail. They were genuinely interested in my adventures and experiences.

As dinner came to a close, the Shebots cleared the table and began cleaning up the dining area. They worked in harmony, like a well-oiled machine, each knowing their designated tasks and fulfilling them flawlessly.

With the kitchen tidied and the dishes washed, I retired to the living area, where I relaxed on the comfortable couch. The Shebots joined me, forming a semi-circle around me as I reclined.

"Thank you, my lovely Shebots, for the wonderful meal," I said, breaking the silence. "You've all done a splendid job."

"We are here to serve and assist you, Master Deth," one of the Shebots replied.

"Oh behave! I know, and I appreciate it," I said, feeling a sense of warmth and camaraderie with my android companions.

The Shebots nodded in unison, their eyes filled with loyalty and dedication. I marveled at how far we had come since I first conceptualized this ambitious project. They were more than just creations; they were my companions and confidantes.

As the evening wore on, I spent time with each Shebot, engaging in various activities and discussions. Some joined me in reviewing maps and quests, while others chose to engage in conversations about the various wonders of the world.

Time seemed to fly as we enjoyed each other's company. The Shebots proved to be excellent conversationalists, capable of engaging in a wide range of topics. I found myself genuinely connecting with them, despite their artificial nature.

Eventually, the night drew to a close, and the Shebots gracefully bid me goodnight. They headed to their designated charging stations, ready to recharge their mana batteries for the next day's tasks.

As I settled into my bed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. My home, once a former printing press, had been transformed into a place of comfort, security, and camaraderie. The Shebots had become an integral part of my life, enhancing my daily routines and accompanying me on my adventures.

With a smile on my face, I closed my eyes, looking forward to the new day that awaited me. My Shebot creations had brought a new level of joy and fulfillment to my life, and they are definitely better than mere action figures.

These are high-tech moving machines, unlike the previous toys in my past life, where they can only do one thing, like transform into a vehicle and to a robot and then talk some scripted lines....MY creations can do so much more, but I do want them to transform into something though...