

10th Circle Archmage Omega Mane Crown was killed in a war that spanned for ten thousand years against alien invaders. Now he is reborn and reincarnated but not into something you would expect...his soul got embedded in an android body. It is a new world that he/it will live in where magic and technology have flourished and his new vessel is the prototype of the fusion of both. Join Deth in his journey on his brand-new lease on life, will he become an outstanding machine, a "hero" or just a lazy bum? this is a spirity contest entry.

VENATUS · Sci-fi
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49 Chs


After a grueling and victorious affair with the Undead Dungeon near Biqo City, I decided to take a different route back to my hotel room in Frontier City.

I felt the need to indulge in a bit of gallivanting, to explore the vast and wondrous lands that lay before me. With my modular cycle now transformed, the sidecar was now behind me, making the ride longer but far easier to handle.

The music playing on the internet radio is kinda catchy....

"♩ ♪ ♫ ♬When you open your eyes, they look kinda blurry, its because of eye crusts that have accumulaty. Clean them out! Rub them out!! Now you have them on your fingers, to lick or not to lick!!!~Isn't it obvious???♩ ♪ ♫ ♬"

Heading southwest from the Undead Dungeon, I embarked on a leisurely journey, my modular cycle gliding through the desert sands like a breeze. The sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the endless horizon.

As I rode, the wind whispered ancient secrets from a shattered age, and the sand danced around me in a mesmerizing rhythm that renews this sage.

I unconsciously rubbed the back of my ear with my android fingers and smelled it, in the past it always makes me wonder why it smells like spoiled milk. It also smelled the same, whenever I rub the side of my nose' back then, it really baffles my mind why it smells....addictively bad.

Along the way, I encountered mini-cities scattered throughout the landscape. Each one offered a unique experience, with bustling marketplaces and vibrant cultures. I couldn't resist the allure of these places, and so I stopped by, eager to partake in their delectable foods and drinks.

In one mini-city, I savored the taste of spicy Sandworm Stew, a local delicacy that warmed me from within. In another, I enjoyed the refreshing sweetness of cactus fruit juice, a perfect antidote to the desert heat. The flavors danced on my tongue, each bite and sip a celebration of the diverse world I traversed.

"So finger-slobbing good!!!"

As I explored the mini-cities, I stumbled upon quaint shops and vendors selling intriguing souvenirs and trinkets. I couldn't resist picking up a few mementos to remind me of my adventures. A beautifully crafted sandglass caught my eye, its swirling sands a symbol of the passage of time.

"Can I have a newcomer discount? Its my first time visiting your area...."

I also purchased a set of enchanted wind chimes, their tinkling melody a soothing reminder of the desert winds.

Yet, amidst the leisure and enjoyment, I never forgot my duty as an adventurer. The desert was not without its dangers, and I encountered random mobs of monsters and beasts along the way. The battles were fierce, but I wielded my magic spells and magic gun with precision and finesse.

"You want a piece of me? Say hello to my small little friends!!!"

The Mana Minigun roared to life when I faced particularly formidable adversaries. Its rapid-fire bursts of mana bullets tore through my foes, leaving behind only echoes of their existence. With each victory, I collected precious loot and mana cores, the remnants of my fallen adversaries.

The desert landscape, with its ever-changing dunes and hidden oases, offered a multitude of surprises. I rode through ancient ruins, where the remnants of lost civilizations whispered their forgotten tales. I gazed upon towering sandstone pillars that seemed to reach for the heavens, their grandeur a testament to the beauty of nature.

"Sand.....sand.....sand....oh look! More Sand!! Brings a sand to my eyes."

Sometimes, I would camp beneath the starlit sky, the desert night enveloping me in its embrace. The twinkling constellations above served as my companions, their presence a comforting reminder that I was never truly alone in this vast expanse.

As I continued my journey, the landscape transitioned from arid desert to lush cactus jungles. The vibrant greenery and the vibrant wildlife breathed new life into my adventure. I reveled in the beauty of the cactus jungles, navigating through dense foliage with ease, my modular cycle adapting to the changing terrain effortlessly.

"Such a really fucking beautiful scenery, lemme take a bit of selfie."

In the Cactus Jungles, I encountered exotic creatures and magical beings. I engaged in friendly duels with fellow adventurers, honing my combat skills and sharing tales of our exploits. It was in these moments of camaraderie that I felt a deep connection to the adventurer community, united by our passion for exploration and discovery.

As the days turned to weeks, my journey brought me closer to my destination—the bustling metropolis of Frontier City. The tall towering walls, lined with Magic Gatling Guns and Magic Missile Launchers, welcomed me back like an old friend. The city was a testament to the wonders of magic and technology, a fusion of innovation and tradition.

"Hello you Big Fucking Guns! Guess who's back, back again!!"

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime of adventure, I arrived at my hotel room in Frontier City. I parked my modular cycle, the sidecar transformed once more, and thanked the mechanical wonder for its unwavering support throughout my journey.

As I entered my room, the memories of my gallivanting escapades swirled in my mind. The trinkets and souvenirs I had collected adorned the shelves, each one a symbol of the unique experiences I had embraced. My heart swelled with gratitude for the breathtaking world I had explored, and the challenges I had overcome.

"Such wonderful loots that I collected, too bad there are no action figures here....maybe I should make some since I have the power to be able to with the very magic right at the tip of my fingertips!"

I settled into my room, weary yet fulfilled. The Modular Cycle had been more than just a means of transportation—it had been my companion, my partner in adventure. With a contented sigh, I reflected on the many trials and triumphs I had experienced.

As the night settled over Frontier City, I gazed out at the twinkling lights, each one representing a soul yearning for adventure. I knew that my journey was far from over, for the allure of the unknown was a siren's call I could not resist.

"I miss this shit and all but its still bit of meh compared to watching the bright stars at night, staring on top of a roof of a homemade bungalow using Earth Magic."

But for now, I would rest using my Soul Sleep Spell, for tomorrow would bring new horizons and new paths to tread. With the satisfaction of a well-lived day, I closed my eyes, knowing that I, would forever be bound to the enchanting world of magic and adventure.

"Its time....to sleep...♩ ♪ ♫ ♬sleepy sleep...sleepy sleep....sleep sleep sleepzz♩ ♪ ♫ ♬....ZzZzZz..."

The next day...

In the bustling streets of Frontier City, whispers and hushed conversations filled the air as the news of the leaked dungeon dive spread like wildfire. The adventurer guild was in chaos, and everyone wanted to know the identity of the unknown hero who had slain the Undead Lich and emerged victorious from the perilous dungeon.

"I heard it was an 8th circle mage with skills like no other," one adventurer exclaimed excitedly, gathering a small crowd around him.

"Nah, it must be a skilled gunslinger. Did you see the way they wielded that Magic Gun?" another chimed in.

"I don't care who it is, they're a legend!" a passerby proclaimed, their eyes shining with admiration.

As the news media outlets, social media platforms, and internet forums picked up the story, debates erupted everywhere. People from all walks of life chimed in, speculating about the identity of the unknown adventurer.

"I bet it's that famous celebrity adventurer who went missing a few months ago," one forum user suggested.

"Or maybe it's one of those secretive hermit mages who never show their faces," another replied.

"No way, it has to be someone new to the guild, maybe a fresh recruit with hidden talents!" a third voice chimed in.

The adventurer guild was in overdrive, working tirelessly to keep the identity of the unknown hero a closely guarded secret. The guild council was adamant about maintaining confidentiality, knowing that the mission to defeat the Undead Lich was a highly classified guild request.

Inside the guild's headquarters, Galvanizer Thomas, the esteemed guild leader, and Ms. Secra Tally, the efficient guild secretary, were engaged in a heated discussion.

"We need to contain this leak, Thomas. We can't risk exposing the identity of our secret weapon," Ms. Secra Tally urged, her brows furrowed in concern.

"I agree, but how do we stop the rumors and speculations?" Galvanizer Thomas sighed, leaning back in his chair.

"We could use a black hat underground hacker to track down the source of the leak," Ms. Secra Tally suggested.

"No, that's too risky. We can't afford to draw attention to ourselves. We need to find another way," Galvanizer Thomas said, contemplating the options.

Meanwhile, the general populace was fascinated by the enigmatic hero. The leaked video showed the adventurer's skillful maneuvers as they took down dozens of mobs and mini-bosses with ease, and their final confrontation with the formidable Undead Lich was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

In a bustling tavern, a group of adventurers gathered around a table, immersed in a lively discussion.

"I swear I've seen that fighting style before. It's familiar," one adventurer mused, sipping on their drink.

"Really? You think you know who it is?" another asked, leaning in closer.

"Well, I can't be sure, but it's like a signature move. I've seen it in the training arena," the first adventurer replied.

The gossip spread like wildfire, with each person adding their own theories to the mix. The entire city was abuzz with excitement and intrigue. Every day, new theories popped up, and debates raged on about the true identity of the unknown adventurer.

In a hidden corner of the city, Deth Jones, the hero in question, watched as the rumors and speculations grew. He couldn't help but smile at the mystery surrounding his deeds. The guild had done an excellent job of keeping his identity under wraps, and he was content to let the world speculate.

"I didn't expect this to blow up like this," he chuckled to himself, taking a sip from his drink after casting Soul Food Spell.

As the days passed, the clamor around the unknown hero didn't die down. In fact, it seemed to intensify, fueled by the endless discussions on the internet and the sensational news headlines.

In one news outlet, the headline read: "The Mysterious Savior: Who is the Masked Adventurer Behind the Undead Dungeon Conquest?"

On social media, hashtags like #UnknownHero and #UndeadDungeonConqueror trended worldwide, drawing attention from adventurers and curious onlookers alike.

In the midst of the frenzy, Deth Jones continued his adventures, taking on new quests and challenges, all the while enjoying the anonymity that came with being the "Unknown Hero."

Eventually, as with all sensational news, the fervor began to die down. New stories and headlines replaced the fervent speculation, and the city slowly returned to its usual rhythm.

The guild council remained vigilant, ensuring that no traces led back to Deth Jones. As the dust settled, he continued his journeys, basking in the knowledge that he had left an indelible mark on the world, without revealing his true identity.

The tale of the unknown hero, a legend in the making, would forever be etched in the memories of the people of Frontier City. And for Deth Jones, the mysterious adventurer in the shadows, his adventures were far from over.

"Oh its definitely far from over....my new adventure is....to find my own damn house!"