
The Crimson Sorcerer

Rain Adams was a normal 17-year-old until one day, on his way back from his school football match, he was pushed off the platform and into the path of an oncoming train. Miraculously, he survived the dreaded accident, but it awakened something within him, something he could feel in his body, in his blood. However, not everything goes according to plan, and this isn't some comic where he becomes the hero with amazing abilities. Rain will soon discover that this might not be a gift, but a curse.

Cameron_Feeney · 都市
9 Chs

Mage Hunter

I found myself lying in a hospital room, still bound by the cuffs that was put on me. The events leading up to this moment were a blur, but one thing remained clear in my mind - the man standing before me, introducing himself as Cassian. His presence was imposing, his tall and muscular frame making him seem larger than life. Dark brown hair framed his chiseled face, and his ice-cold eyes pierced through me, as if I were his prey.

Cassian, in his late twenties, possessed an air of authority, emphasized by the military uniform he wore. Despite his cold gaze, there was a certain handsomeness about him, if one looked past the intensity in his eyes. He was cleanly shaven, his appearance giving off an aura of discipline.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but blurt out, "What are you? And what am I?"

Cassian's lips curled into a faint smile as he leaned against the wall. "We are sorcerers, or mages," he replied, his voice calm and measured. "We are humans who possess the ability to tap into the mana of the world, the energy that flows all around us."

His words sent a shiver down my spine. I had always felt different since that dreaded incident, but I never imagined that I could possess such powers. The realization that I shared a common link with this man, Cassian, was both exhilarating and overwhelming.

As if reading my thoughts, Cassian continued, "Most humans are unable to tap into this world energy which we call mana, as their soul cores are too weak. Soul cores develop only when you are able to access the mana around us. However, you are unique. I've never seen someone awaken so late, especially from a person who isn't even a pure blood or half blood."

Confusion clouded my mind as I tried to grasp the weight of his words. Pure blood? Half blood? The terms were foreign to me, and I couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by pure blood and half blood?"

Cassian's gaze remained steady as he explained, "Pure bloods are born when two mages have a child. They have a high probability of awakening as mages themselves. On the other hand, half bloods are the result of a mage having a child with a regular human. Their chances of awakening as mages are around 50 percent or even lower. However, someone like yourself, whose parents are both non-mages, is very rare but not impossible."

His words left me stunned. I was an anomaly, defying the odds. But what did it mean for me? What was my purpose?

Cassian's voice broke through my thoughts. "Your name is Rain Adams, correct?"

I nodded, my curiosity growing with each passing moment.

"How would you like to become a mage hunter, like myself?" Cassian asked, his eyes gleaming with determination.

The question caught me off guard, but as the memories of my family's tragic fate resurfaced, a fire ignited within me. A cold glare filled my eyes as I asked, "Do I get to kill the mage who took away my family?"

Cassian's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded. "Of course."

A surge of determination coursed through my veins. I had found my purpose. The opportunity to become a mage hunter, to protect innocent lives and bring justice to those who abused their powers, was a chance I couldn't pass up.

"When do we get started then?" I replied, my voice filled with resolve.

Cassian's smile widened, and he extended his hand towards me. "Welcome to the world of mages, Rain Adams. Our journey begins now."

Hi the authors here, Both Mages and Sorcerers are the same thing I might keep it simple making the main term mages.

Cameron_Feeneycreators' thoughts