
The Crimson Sorcerer

Rain Adams was a normal 17-year-old until one day, on his way back from his school football match, he was pushed off the platform and into the path of an oncoming train. Miraculously, he survived the dreaded accident, but it awakened something within him, something he could feel in his body, in his blood. However, not everything goes according to plan, and this isn't some comic where he becomes the hero with amazing abilities. Rain will soon discover that this might not be a gift, but a curse.

Cameron_Feeney · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Bound in chains

I slowly opened my eyes, my surroundings blurry and unfamiliar. As my vision cleared, I realized I was in what seemed to be a small hospital room. Panic surged through me as I tried to move, only to find myself chained to the bed. Confusion and fear filled my mind as I struggled to make sense of my situation.

Just as I was about to call out for help, a voice, smooth yet cold, cut through the silence. I turned my head towards the source and saw a woman standing by the door. She had an air of authority about her, but her eyes held a hint of reluctance. I mustered up the courage to speak, my voice trembling.

"What am I doing here? Why am I chained to this bed?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Sylvia, as she introduced herself, sighed softly before answering my questions. She explained that I had been brought here for my own safety. Memories of the man I had fought before waking up flooded my mind, and I demanded to know where I was, accusing him of killing my family.

Sylvia's response was simple yet cryptic. "Ask him yourself."

Before I could react, the man entered the room, his presence radiating pure rage. My blood boiled with the desire for revenge, and I struggled against the cuffs that bound me, desperate to break free and unleash my fury upon him. But my powers, the very abilities I had used before, seemed to be blocked, rendering my attempts futile.

The man, undeterred by my futile struggles, calmly told me to calm down, stating that fighting was useless. I begrudgingly heeded his words, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan. Who was this man? Why was I here? And most importantly, did he truly kill my family?

"First off, kid, I didn't kill your family," he said, reaching for his lighter from his pocket and proceeding to light his cigarette.

With a voice filled with resentment, I spat out my doubts, calling him a liar and refusing to believe his words. But the man's response caught me off guard. "If I had killed your family, keeping you alive would have been too much of a hassle. I'm a sorcerer hunter, and I kill rogue sorcerers who have abandoned order. I was tracking a target that led me to your house, but I was too late. Your family was already dead."

His words pierced through my anger, and a flicker of doubt crept into my mind. Could he be telling the truth? I wanted to believe him, but the pain and anger inside me refused to let go. I needed proof. I needed something more than just words.

Before I could voice my doubts, the man approached me, placing his hand on my head. In that instant, a flood of images rushed into my mind. I saw the man's point of view, the desperation and regret etched on his face as he arrived at my house too late. It was as if a window had opened, revealing the truth buried deep within my soul.

Tears welled up in my eyes, replacing the rage that had consumed me just moments ago. The man turned away, ready to leave, but I couldn't let him go without knowing his identity.

"Wait," I called out, my voice filled with a mix of curiosity and vulnerability. "Who are you?"

He turned to face me, his gaze steady. "The name is Cassian."