
The Chronicles of an Earthling in the Realm of Magic"

Heri_Tatu_4929 · 武侠
9 Chs

Chapter 3: "The Adventurer's Guild"

Kazuki anxiously filled out the registration form at the Adventurer's Guild, his mind brimming with questions about this new world. As he handed it back to the receptionist, she smiled warmly and gestured for him to follow her.

"Welcome, Kazuki Tanaka, to the Adventurer's Guild," the receptionist said. "I am Anna, and I will guide you through the process of becoming an official adventurer."

Kazuki nodded, grateful for Anna's assistance. They entered a spacious room with a large wooden table at its center. The room was filled with adventurers bustling about, sharing stories and preparing for their quests.

"First, let's discuss the rules and ranks of the guild," Anna began. "Adventurers are tasked with completing missions assigned by the guild. The missions range from simple tasks like gathering materials to dangerous quests involving battling monsters or investigating supernatural phenomena."

She continued, "The ranks within the guild indicate an adventurer's skill and experience level. The ranks, from lowest to highest, are F, E, D, C, B, A, and S. Advancing through the ranks requires accumulating points by completing missions successfully."

Kazuki listened intently, his determination to advance through the ranks growing with every word. He knew he had to prove himself in this new world if he wanted any chance of finding a way back home.

"Is there a rank beyond S?" Kazuki asked curiously.

Anna nodded solemnly. "Yes, there is a rank beyond S, known as the Divine Rank. It is a rank reserved for demigods and beings of immense power. Achieving the Divine Rank is considered nearly impossible, as it requires accomplishing extraordinary feats and surpassing the limits of mortal capability."

Kazuki felt a mix of awe and admiration for those who could attain such a high rank. However, he knew he had a long way to go before he could even dream of reaching such heights.

"Now, as for your current situation," Anna continued, noticing Kazuki's school uniform and lack of equipment, "it seems you are ill-equipped for adventuring. Fear not, the guild provides basic necessities to new adventurers."

She handed Kazuki a small pouch. "Here is some money to help you purchase essential items. You'll need proper attire and a weapon suitable for your chosen class."

Kazuki gratefully accepted the pouch, feeling a glimmer of hope. With a weapon and the guild's support, he would be better prepared to face the dangers that lay ahead.

"Speaking of classes, have you decided which path to follow?" Anna inquired.

Kazuki hesitated for a moment. In his previous world, he had always been drawn to the mystique of magic and the elegance of spellcasting. Now, in a world with actual magic, the choice seemed even more enticing.

"I think I would like to become a mage," Kazuki replied, his voice filled with determination.

Anna nodded approvingly. "Excellent choice. Mages possess immense power, wielding the forces of magic to shape reality. To become a mage, you will need to train at the Mage Academy and learn the intricacies of spellcasting."

Kazuki's heart swelled with excitement. Becoming a mage would not only fulfill his childhood dreams but also grant him the power to survive in this dangerous world.

"Before we conclude, there is one more thing," Kazuki said, turning his attention to the AI System that had been guiding him. "You have been instrumental in helping me navigate this new world. I feel it is only fair to give you a name, something to signify our partnership."

The AI System paused for a moment, processing Kazuki's request.