
The Chronicles of an Earthling in the Realm of Magic"

Heri_Tatu_4929 · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: "A Journey to the Unknown"

As Kazuki ventured out of the Adventurer's Guild, his mind was filled with a sense of purpose. The AI System, now named Lumina, had been invaluable in guiding him through this unfamiliar world. With Lumina's assistance, he had gained language skills, survival abilities, and a newfound determination to become a mage.

However, as he surveyed the bustling city streets, reality began to sink in. Kazuki realized he was a stranger in a strange land, with limited resources and no clear path forward. The money given to him by the kind lady at the guild was meager, and he would need to make it last until he found a more stable source of income.

He wandered through the city, hoping to gather information about the Mage Academy, a prestigious institution where aspiring mages honed their skills. The academy was known to accept only the most talented youngsters and those from noble backgrounds. Kazuki, an average teenager from another world, couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation.

As if sensing his uncertainty, Lumina's voice echoed in his mind. "Kazuki, fear not. We may lack the advantages of talent and status, but we have something far more valuable—determination and a burning desire to learn magic. Together, we will find a way."

Kazuki took a deep breath, drawing strength from Lumina's words. He knew he had to be resourceful and find alternative means to learn magic if the academy proved to be unattainable.

His journey led him to a nearby tavern, where adventurers gathered to share stories and seek potential companions. Kazuki approached a group of seasoned warriors, hoping to glean some information about the academy.

"Excuse me," he said politely, catching their attention. "I am new to this city and seeking directions to the Mage Academy. Can you help me?"

The adventurers exchanged glances, amusement flickering in their eyes. One of them, a burly swordsman, spoke up. "The Mage Academy, eh? That's no place for ordinary folks like us. It's reserved for the talented and nobles who can afford it. You'll find no easy entry there."

Kazuki's heart sank, but he refused to give up. "I understand it may be challenging, but I'm determined to learn magic. Is there any other way?"

The adventurers pondered for a moment before the swordsman spoke again. "Well, there is another option. You could try seeking out a wise hermit who resides in the outskirts of the city. Legend has it that this hermit possesses vast knowledge of magic and is willing to teach those who prove themselves worthy. But be warned, the path to finding this hermit is treacherous, and few have succeeded."

Kazuki nodded gratefully. It was a glimmer of hope, a potential alternative to the Mage Academy. He thanked the adventurers for their guidance and set off in search of this mysterious hermit.

Days turned into weeks as Kazuki ventured through dense forests, treacherous mountains, and uncharted territories. Lumina, the ever-present guide, provided him with valuable information and helped him navigate the dangers of the unknown.

Finally, after many trials and hardships, Kazuki stumbled upon a secluded hut nestled deep within a mystical grove. He cautiously approached, hoping he had found the hermit who held the key to his dreams.

The door creaked open, revealing an elderly figure with wise eyes and a long, flowing beard. The hermit regarded Kazuki with curiosity and nodded approvingly. "You have come seeking the knowledge of magic, young one. But know this—learning magic requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to endure the consequences."

"Author: Lumina is the name of ai system"