

What's your name sister?" Racheal asked.

Eve is surprised that they called her sister but she answers them "Eve" she said.

"Nice name" Ginger said.

"Thanks" Eve said smiling.

Racheal and Ginger asked her how she and Charlie meet telling her not to skip a single part. Eve told them of course excluding the part they were intimate with each other.

Eve saw how Racheal and Ginger where talking and asking questions about her and Charlie and chuckled because they were excited and they were really adorable too!

Eve felt comfortable with the both them unlike her uncle and her family who is always looking for ways to kill her. She found out that Racheal and Ginger like to gossip (don't get me wrong, they gossip the good gossip not the bad ones) and their booming with happiness.

While they were still gisting, the guys told them to join them. Racheal and Ginger is not happy that their girl time is shortened but they didn't mind and went to join them.

All three women sat beside their boyfriend and husband.

"Charlie, what attracted you to Eve?" Victor asked. As Victor asked Charlie this question everybody looked at Charlie expectantly for answer including Eve because she also wants to know what he saw in her that made him like her.

Charlie does as if he is thinking and answered "I don't know"





And also Eve"..."

Charlie sips his wine not caring the expressions his friends have on their faces.

Everyone gave up because knowing Charlie for years, if he doesn't want to tell anyone anything, he doesn't and no one could force him to do so, so they gave up.

Eve sips a glass of drink and starts coughing; Charlie rushes to give her water while rubbing his hand at her back to ease the coughing.


His friends is shocked to see the arrogant, cold and indifferent CEO being caring to another person.

And the other person is a woman! Seriously! It's as if they should capture this moment on their phone but before they were able to do anything the show was already over immediately.

Did they just experience Charlie carry out PDA in front of them? They can't believe it!

Eve notices their gazes and blushes; Charlie saw Eve blush and laughs.


Charlie just laughed! Their weak hearts can't take it anymore!

"Okay okay that is enough display we have seen for today, our weak hearts can't take anymore of your lovey dovey act so let's call it a day" Victor said and he bids Charlie and Eve goodnight.

Michael and Ginger followed suit; "goodnight Eve, nice meeting you, hope we can meet up sometime" Ginger said.

"Sure we can" Eve said smiling and waves them goodbye.

Charlie and Eve made their way to his car and drives home.

Hello guys! 

Please rate and comments on my book. I would like you all comment your opinions about my book. Thanks.

Happy women's day!!