

Did they just experience Charlie carry out PDA in front of them? They can't believe it!

Eve notices their gazes and blushes; Charlie saw Eve blush and laughs.


Charlie just laughed! Their weak hearts can't take it anymore!

"Okay okay that is enough display we have seen for today, our weak hearts can't take anymore of your lovey dovey act so let's call it a day" Victor said and he bids Charlie and Eve goodnight.

Michael and Ginger followed suit; "goodnight Eve, nice meeting you, hope we can meet up sometime" Ginger said.

"Sure we can" Eve said smiling and waves them goodbye.

Charlie and Eve made their way to his car and drives home.


The next day was Saturday. Eve decided to sleep in but her sleep was interrupted by her phone ringing.

"Hello" Eve answered the phone without looking at the number.

"Hello!" Sue shouted on the other side of the phone which made Eve move the phone away from her ear.

"What is Sue?" Eve asked obviously irritated because she was still feeling sleepy.

"Eve let's go out shopping!" Sue said.

"Why?" Eve asked.

"Nothing much, let us go have some fun while shopping and besides you need a change of wardrobe because you don't have that much clothes which makes you to repeat the same cloth thrice in a week" Sue said.

Eve thought about it and realized that it was true what Sue said then "okay fine let be dress up and we would meet at the restaurant close to the company" Eve said.

"Okay! Hurry up! bye" Sue said.

"Okay I will" Eve said then she gets up from the bed and heads into the bathroom to freshen up.

Few minutes later, Eve comes out of the bathroom dressed, she goes to her vanity mirror and put on some light natural makeup and leaves the room and heads downstairs.

When she got downstairs, she saw Charlie sitting on the sofa in the living room and she approaches him.

"I am going out and will be back probably in the afternoon" Eve said.

"Where are you going?" Charlie asked quizzingly.

"Shopping" Eve said.

"Shopping? With who?" Charlie asked.

"With Sue, any problem?" Eve asked wondering why Charlie is curious of who, what and where she is going out.

"Okay, wait a minute" Charlie said and stands up and rushes to his study room. He comes back seconds later with what seem to be a card.

"Take" Charlie said while stretching out his hand to give the card to Eve.

Eve saw the card which has the colour of black and little bit of gold prints on it; it looks quite too sofisticated for her to carry so she tries to reject it.

Charlie seeing that from her expression she seem confused on whether to take it or not; "take it, I won't take no for an answer" Charlie said.

"Okay" Eve said putting the card into her bag and goes out of the house.