
The Boys: Reborn as Soldier Boy

A 30 year old man is given a second chance at life when an attempt to save a child, a mystic order and a glowing gem would cause him to suddenly appear in season 3 episode 4 of The Boys tv show. Not as himself, but in the body of one Benjamin Gillman, aka “Soldier Boy”. Weirdest part, the child is still with him. Watch as he learns to handle the power, love and hate of the man he has become. All whilst trying to figure out what exactly he has brought with him into this world. “The universe is a machine for the making of Gods” - Henri Bergson (French philosopher) ——————————————————————————— This is my first attempt at writing, so please give me all the constructive criticism you can regarding grammar, writing and plot. I look forward to improving as the chapters start flowing and will update with any improvements you can provide. My upload schedule will be inconsistent. However, if I don't upload one week, the next week, I'll release two chapters so that you technically don't miss out. Due to a tie for the vote on a system, I will keep a character information chapter and update their stats there accordingly. (No levels, just to monitor progression) Expect to see the use of profanity and descriptive violence in this fanfic. There will be no sex scenes or harem I use the handle M.M Inferyes and Melancholic Melody on multiple sites.

MM_Inferyes · 电视同人
27 Chs

Journey across Manhattan

With it being early morning, it didn't take me long to reach the outskirts of Manhattan. The real issue started when rush hour began and the roads filled up with cars.

Surprisingly in a very non-New Yorker manner, I wasn't complaining about the traffic. In fact, I was too shocked by the sight before me to notice the lack of movement.

As Ambroise, I had visited the Manhattan of 2023, and as Soldier Boy, I had lived in 1980s supe New York. However, the city I had just entered was in a world of its own that resembled an exciting blend of both and made me feel trepidation at infiltrating what many considered the utopia of change and opportunity.

Being the hub of Vought, supes were everywhere, way more than what was seen in the comics or show. Flyers were soaring rapidly through the sky, and speedsters were dashing through the streets. There were sounds of staged battles raging across the city and advertisements for supes of all kinds at every corner. There were even children running around using harmless powers such as forming bubbles or changing colour.

However, my interest quickly turned to anger when I noticed the lack of one crucial thing, me. I used to be the frontman, the beacon of hope for these people. Yet I was nowhere to be found. I was a forgotten relic with less air time than a C-list supe who looked like a literal son of a bitch.

'What the fuck kind of name is Dogknott, and what idiots are buying his shampoo?"

Whilst I may no longer be the same man I once was. My pride was something that no one or thing could take from me. Perhaps my past self would have been mad at the people. But now, all I could feel was hate for the ones who controlled it all, Vaught.

'I'll make sure they remember why I was allowed to do as I pleased.'

With their monopoly, they shepherded the general population. It was a shortlist of people that knew this utopian facade hid the perverted intentions of their precious supes, who did everything but the good they were worshipped for.

'I would change that.'

~Wow, is this our home, Sir?~ Jamie questioned in awe as he peeked out of my jacket to look at the sights of modern-day Supe New York.

"Yes, it is," I whispered as I looked down at his excited figure and let my frown turn into a smile.

There was no use in being angry, as very soon it would all become mine, and my name would be known to all, no longer forgotten or dismissed.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by two grating female voices resonating from a red convertible beside me.

"OMG, Bree, can you believe we were nice to that loser? So like, she thinks she's sooooo cool because she has powers now. All she does is play with actual poo, like it's sooooo grossssss," Stuck up bitch number one said as she adjusted the rearview mirror and applied lipstick to her puckered lips.

"I knowwwww, we did her such a huge favour, and she acted like we bullied her because we didn't want to do her liquid meth. Who would ever think we were bullies, Tiffany? Ugh, we are so unlucky. Even our vacay was so basic, like Hawaii is so last year. Next time let's go to Bora Bora," said Bree, AKA stuck-up bitch number two, as she scrolled through her phone.

"Defo, yes. Bora Bora is so in right now and so exclusive. We'll totally be the only ones from school there," Tiffany responded gleefully before adopting a sneer on her face and turning to Bree. "Speaking of exclusive, did you see what Lindsey wore on insta? Like, who does she think she is?"

"I was just looking at that. She's always trying to copy our style. It's giving patheti..," Bree answered as she raised her head before stopping like a deer caught in headlights when she noticed me sitting behind the wheel of the car next to them.

"Why did you stop speaki...Ew, what is that? Is that a crackhead?" Tiffany said with a disgusted look once she turned and saw me.

While annoyed at the comments from these pests, I ignored them as I realised that although I may be in newish clothes, they hardly fit my scruffy and dirty body that had only received a proper clean when I was waterboarded or drowned. Additionally, my lack of grooming, recent scuffle and cramped ten-hour flight probably didn't help.

"I think so. That's so gross. How did he even get a car," Bree responded before pinching her nose. "He smells sooooo bad too. Let's get out of here before we catch something."

"I know…OMG, look at that girl with him. She looks drugged. That's so sad. I bet the pedo kidnapped her or something." Tiffany said in an entitled manner whilst pointing at Dawn's sleeping body. "We should call the police and report him. Like, why do we have to deal with hobos in a first-world country?"

As a new man, I no longer cared to react to those weaker than me. However, the plan they were forming inside their little brains crossed the line I had in place.

'My patience has run dry.'

"Totally. That's so messed up. OMG, we should film it. Catching a pedo would deffo make everyone forget about poo girl," Bree agreed self-righteously before turning towards me as she began recording with her phone's camera. "Hey, you!! Leave that little girl alone. We already called the cops."

Something about the two girls tickled a part of my brain, I almost recognised them, but a sudden headache appeared again, making it impossible to focus. In the end, it didn't matter. I knew just how to deal with spoiled rich kids like this.

First, I looked around my surroundings to see if I knew where I was, and fortunately, I recognised the area.

Then, with a smirk, I broke Jared's phone in half and crushed each section into a metallic ball. Whilst I was enjoying the luxury of 21st-century technology, I needed to get rid of a phone that the police or, worse, Vought could trace.

As the girls continued to threaten me, I ignored their taunts and casually flicked both pieces out of my car window. The parts shot out, destroyed the recording phone and then ricocheted off the steering wheel and into each of their foreheads, knocking them out instantly.

'That shouldn't leave any permanent damage. Though, I doubt their brains could be more fucked.'

As they both slumped in their seats, Tiffany fell forward on the horn, arousing attention from nearby pedestrians and drivers.

'My cue to leave.'

With the situation resolved and the traffic finally moving, I casually gripped the leather steering wheel and turned towards my destination on Lexington Avenue. Right now, only one man could help make my plan come to fruition.


It took some time to arrive, but I had waited 40 years to escape. An hour in traffic couldn't ruffle my feathers at this point. Besides, I had the radio to listen to, and boy, was it interesting.

"…in other news, the small Russian town of Litsemeriye was decimated by a sudden localised earthquake last night. Out of a population of 857, none have yet to be found alive. The Russian presidential candidate, Josef Chemenko, had this to say on the matter - "Dear fellow Russians, the recent and tragic earthquake that devastated Litsemeriye has shown the urgent need for a strong and resilient society. We must invest in our infrastructure, emergency response systems, and military to ensure we are prepared for any eventuality. A return to the old ways would ensure equal sharing of resources and allow our proud military to act in times of crisis. Let us mourn for the lives lost and use this event as a catalyst for change…."

'Wasn't Litsemeriye the Russian town where I fought Victor and his daughter?'

I have no idea what organisation arrived at the village or why they would kill everyone there. All I knew was that they were more connected than I had anticipated.

'The Legend was always digging his paws in anything of interest. He should know something.'

With heavy thoughts, I drove the Impala into a side street by some dumpsters and shifted the gear into park. I took my hand off the wheel, let out a sigh of relief and looked at the building opposite.

'I fucking made it.'

There it was, perhaps aged and less elegant, but there was no way I would forget the times I had in that building.

I carefully undid Dawn's seatbelt and lifted her up as I removed the key and stepped out of the car.

"It's good to be home," I sighed as I took in the familiar scent of side alley piss and shit.

'New York smells just hit differently.'

Turning around, I closed the door and locked it before leaning close.

"I'll be right back, Baby. Don't have too much fun whilst I'm gone," I said with a smile before patting the hood and making my way out of the alley.

Suddenly an explosion of dust and broken tarmac swept over me as a figure in blue dramatically landed on one knee, his cape fluttering in the wind as if paid to do so.

Once the dust settled, my eyes instantly noticed a significant dent in the Impala, and a cold rage settled over me.

"I give you five seconds to beg before I put a dent of equal depth in your head."


Authors note

Hi all, here is the first of the two chapters I owe you. I will be doing a poll to choose the organisation's name in the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading, and once again if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism on the grammar and story, let me know in the comments.

Fun fact: The Russian word Litsemeriye or ЛИЦЕМЕРИЕ translates to Hypocrisy in English.

MM_Inferyescreators' thoughts