
The Boys: Reborn as Soldier Boy

A 30 year old man is given a second chance at life when an attempt to save a child, a mystic order and a glowing gem would cause him to suddenly appear in season 3 episode 4 of The Boys tv show. Not as himself, but in the body of one Benjamin Gillman, aka “Soldier Boy”. Weirdest part, the child is still with him. Watch as he learns to handle the power, love and hate of the man he has become. All whilst trying to figure out what exactly he has brought with him into this world. “The universe is a machine for the making of Gods” - Henri Bergson (French philosopher) ——————————————————————————— This is my first attempt at writing, so please give me all the constructive criticism you can regarding grammar, writing and plot. I look forward to improving as the chapters start flowing and will update with any improvements you can provide. My upload schedule will be inconsistent. However, if I don't upload one week, the next week, I'll release two chapters so that you technically don't miss out. Due to a tie for the vote on a system, I will keep a character information chapter and update their stats there accordingly. (No levels, just to monitor progression) Expect to see the use of profanity and descriptive violence in this fanfic. There will be no sex scenes or harem I use the handle M.M Inferyes and Melancholic Melody on multiple sites.

MM_Inferyes · TV
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27 Chs

Miss me?: Third Person POV

With his family weighing on his mind, Mr M quickly wiped his face, adopted a cold facade and walked through the short hallway and out into a room that had been the arena for an intense battle.

Throughout the home, he could see the soldiers cataloguing and storing any documents and items they could find. Very quickly, Mr M was noticed by the soldiers, who all immediately stopped what they were doing and stood at attention.

"For the greater good!!" They all screamed in unison as they saluted, their eyes filled with fanatic adoration.

"For the greater good," Mr M responded as he took in the sight before him and relished in the unity for their cause.

A soldier separated from the rest and removed his helmet to show a smiling Russian man in his 50s.

"Comrade M, it good you here. How are you?" The man said excitedly with a thick Russian accent.

"I was enjoying my day off, so I am not in the mood for idle conversation, Andrei. Neither am I interested in improving your terrible English, so speak in Russian," Mr M replied in Russian impatiently before gesturing with his cane at all the damage surrounding the home. "I can see there was a fight here involving the freaks. Are they onto our plan? Are our facilities in Russia compromised?"

Andrei quickly adopted a severe expression and bowed his head apologetically.

"Apologies, Sir. I felt it was necessary to have a superior present due to the circumstances. We aren't sure what exactly happened or what was taken as we are still searching the lab. However, our current theory seems to point to someone breaking in and confronting Victor, who then activated the Baba Yaga protocol he has been begging us to endorse." Andrei responded in Russian as he began leading the way down into the oddly messy lab and pointing to a bodybag being removed. "We found that idiot Victor dead in some form of mummified state. I have always had my suspicions of that man, but him working on experimentation that was not approved by the Russian Chapter was unexpected."

Hearing those words, Mr M's face turned solemn, and he grimaced in disgust as Andrei led him to a creature lying on an operating table.

"We think this is his daughter and the product of his insubordination, Sir," Andrei said with disdain.

"To subject your own child to such horrors. I never knew he was capable. Regardless, we can't change the past. Did he succeed?" Mr M said as he observed the body of Ana before adopting a look of interest when he noticed a piece of paper on her chest. " "Miss me?" Is that something the assailant left us?"

Andrei nodded his head and moved closer to observe the note.

"We assume the attacker left it since it is in English and the writing does not match Victor's. We are currently unsure as to who the note is referring to. Regarding the specimen, it does seem Victor was close to perfecting her, we have not found his notes yet, but we believe she could be made functional again with time if the leaders of each Chapter agree to it," Andrei answered as Mr M began to circle Ana's body. "The men were waiting for you to arrive before we transported her back to the Chapter base in Moscow, Sir."

Mr M nodded in response before turning to face Andrei, who gestured for some nearby soldiers to take Ana's body away.

"Is that all you know, Andrei? We may be friendly, but do not presume that my kindness allows for failure." Mr M stated calmly.

"Unfortunately, we have failed to find any information on the freak that did this, Sir. We tried accessing the home network, but the server and the cameras were all destroyed," Andrei said as he bowed his head in defeat before looking up angrily. "I even tried contacting Chemenko for help, as this is near one of his facilities, but that shifty bastard is apparently dealing with an emergency. Before he hung up, I could overhear a man screaming something in the background about a red having escaped. Knowing him, it probably has to do with the colour of his tie for the upcoming election. How that has precedence in his mind, I don't know."

As Andrei talked, Mr M had been scrutinising the room and analysing the debris with a perplexed expression. However, hearing the last part, his eyes widened in shock, and he pivoted on his heel to face Andrei.

"Was it BCL-RED!!" He yelled agitatedly.

Andrei nearly fell backwards in shock before nodding in response.

"Fuck!! That idiot!! I told him to increase security on that compound. That racist piece of shit probably killed Victor. I know he was involved in experimenting on him in the past. It's why I liked the fucker so much. That bastard Chemenko probably used the funds I gave him for some other bullshit," Mr M mumbled to himself before looking at Andrei sternly. "Get Chemenko on the line now and tell him I know and will deal with him later. Take everything here and make sure there are no traces of Victor's work. We have to assume the worst and act accordingly."

Mr M clenched his jaw tightly at the implications of this revelation. If Soldier Boy had compromised this lab, everything the organisation had worked for in Russia and worldwide could be at risk.

As his mind raced, he suddenly realised why something felt off about the surrounding mess. It seemed too organised and deliberate in how it was displayed around Ana's body.

"Stop!! Don't move her body!!" Mr M screamed too late towards the soldiers who had just lifted Ana's body off the table, revealing an almost invisible wire that led to a large box in the corner.

With Ana removed, the wire was broken, and a domino effect arose. Numerous objects and debris began falling.

In seconds a hole concealed behind a pile of scraps appeared and exposed a hidden room with even more items falling inside.

A few minutes passed as everyone waited with bated breath for something to happen.

"I guess I was wron.." Mr M began saying before Ana's body suddenly swelled and exploded all over the room, killing the two soldiers that had picked up her body and covering everyone except Mr M in guts, blood and pieces of metal.

He was fortunately left clean and uninjured as he had quickly activated a function on his cane that produced a circular force field around him.

Deactivating the shield, he watched with gritted teeth as a piece of the note flitted across the room and fell onto his shoe. Seeing it brought back memories he thought were dealt with.

"I'll find you, and when I do, this time, I'll ensure your torture is done under my care," Mr M whispered before kicking the paper aside and walking past the dazed Andrei. "Don't bother calling Chemenko. I'll handle this myself in person. You deal with this mess and then prepare yourself for a long conversation about the proper way to sweep a building!!"

Andrei wiped some spleen from his eyes and, with a fearful look, nodded and bowed before turning towards the other soldiers and screaming at them to move their asses.

With extremely pressing matters on his mind, Mr M exited the cottage and walked past the villager's dead bodies, their faces visibly contorted in fear and pain. He glanced momentarily at the body of a small child clutching his mother's dress but quickly turned away to watch heartlessly as his men worked to cover any trace of their involvement.

Seeing Francis organising some large equipment, he angrily walked over, ignoring the salutes along the way.

"Finish what you are doing. We are leaving. Chemenko let BCL-RED escape and has yet to report the matter. I need to make that idiot remember who he works for," Mr M spat with fury as shock crossed Francis's face. "Whilst I talk to him, you need to find where that freak went, is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir. Everything here is ready for a Quake Clean, and the Claw-1407 is already prepped for take-off," Francis said quickly as he led the way back to the helicopter, his face filled with nervousness and his eyes darting towards the surroundings. "He wouldn't be nearby, would he sir?"

"No, Francis. I have studied him more than any other man alive, and I can tell you one thing, he is not the type of man to lay low. He has most likely already left for America. Knowing him, he will soon show himself dramatically and violently," Mr M replied, his eyes betraying that his mind was transported to a different time, he quickly shook his head, and a smile graced his lips. "Do not worry. He is a relic of a bygone era. No matter his strength, he will not survive the difficulties this century poses, and that will be our advantage."

Francis finally relaxed once they reached the Claw-1407. He opened the passenger door and waited until Mr M entered before quickly sprinting to the front and hopping inside the cockpit.

In seconds, they were airborne and flying away, crossing distances at a speed that would shock even supes. Mr M stared out of the tinted window at the disappearing hamlet as he accepted a White Russian cocktail from one of his servants. He pushed aside his terrible sense of unease that things would no longer be so smooth sailing. Maybe he was overthinking it. In less than a year, Russia would be theirs, and soon after, the rest of the world would follow. A new age was on the horizon, one without freaks. But that was something he would have to worry about in the future. Right now, he had just under half an hour to kill, and he knew just how to do it.

"Now, where did we leave off?" Mr M said with a smirk towards the now nude servants, who giggled as they removed his shirt.


Authors note

Hi all, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't worry, If you aren't a fan of my side chapters, you'll be happy to know the next few will be following Soldier Boy and his plan to take back everything he is owed.

Additionally, if you guys have any recommendations for an organisation name, let me know, and I might pick it as I'm currently drawing a blank.

Fun fact: The White Russian’s starring role in the 1998 Cohen Brothers classic, “The Big Lebowski,” catapulted the drink to cult classic status.


- ½ cup cream or milk

- 1 fluid ounce coffee flavored liqueur

- 1 fluid ounce vodka

- 1 cup ice

MM_Inferyescreators' thoughts