Rose Wyatt, a seemingly ordinary personal secretary to the enigmatic CEO of Walden Group, Asher Walden, hides a dark secret. As a witch, she has carefully woven her life into the human world, concealing her true nature. All hell breaks loose when she starts having feelings for Asher. With a dangerous enemy lurking in the shadows and love rivals vying for Asher's attention, Rose's magical powers become increasingly erratic. The risk of exposure is higher than ever, and her growing affection for Asher complicates matters further. Can Rose balance her secret identity with her budding feelings for the man she loves, or will her magical abilities ultimately tear them apart? Thank you @iinka29 for thee character images. They are beautiful!
Rose was still standing without folding her quilt mattress and cleaning everything.
"I'll clean everything here and come out. You go and check out your room."
She needed a reason to get the ghost girl out.
The ghost actually tried to float away from within the wall. But at the last moment, she stopped and then stood near the door.
"Can you open it?"
Rose asked her.
"No, I can. See."
She had stopped talking in the ghostly way. The dragging of words to sound eerie. That was a blessing.
Ghosts could touch human plane objects. She easily opened the door and got out. Thoughtfully, she closed the door too.
Rose was moved after seeing her actions.
"Host, you have a ghost in the house?"
The system yelled in her mind. It was understandable that a system, that is tech innovation and tech-based, could not believe the existence of paranormal beings. The system had taken her identity as a witch really well.