
The Bet

When Jason and Darrelle make a bet involving Darrell's dating life, he thought it would be easy since women were usually his strong suit. What he didn't know is that he would end up with Nia Graham, a lawyer who became well known after defending a wrongly accused black man. Nia had been by herself for so long without a man, she had learned to live without one, her independent nature makes it difficult for Darrelle. Darrelle stays persistent knowing that the Preston deal would be his greatest deal yet, but when Darrelle finds himself falling for Nia will he end the bet? Sneak Peak "What about her?" Andre asked. "Who?" I asked he motioned to a group of women specifically the one sitting down, I couldnt really see her because of the dim lights and the group of friends she had around her. "No," "Why not?" Jason asked I took another sip before saying. "She is sitting with her friends," "And?" Andre asked. "Her friends are drunk," "And?" Jason asked confused. "She is the only one with a beer and look at how she continuously checks her phone every five second," "And?" "The beer isn't strong which means she is the designated driver her friends are drunk which means she has to leave soon, and the phone just shows that she would rather be anywhere but here, like she has much more important things to do. Which let's me know she probably won't give me the time of day because I'm not the most important thing in her life right now," "She is the one, she is the one you got to date"

Honesty577 · 现代言情
45 Chs

Chapter 23

Darrelle's POV

I opened my eyes reaching over to the other side of the bed to realize it was empty. Why can't she stay in bed, I rolled over stretching before looking at the clock to see it was 11:56 am. The door opened to reveal Nia walking in with a tray that was carrying food.

"I was about to wake you up." She said placing the tray on the nightstand.

"Why can't you stay in bed?" I said and she shrugged sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You look tired." She replied and I chuckled.

"Because you woke me up last night." I replied thinking back.

"What was I suppose to fuck myself?" She asked smiling and I chuckled pulling her back onto the bed, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Come on, you have to eat." She said smiling and I pulled her closer making her laugh.

"D, come on." She repeated and I groaned pulling away.