
The Beast of TVD/TO

Theo, a boy born in the age of the originals family as a different type of werewolf.

1Shadow_Monarch1 · 电视同人
3 Chs

Chapter 03

Last Chapter:

Deep within the forest where he was sure no one would go, Finn buried Theo in an unmarked shallow grave. "Theo, unlike my siblings, you were tolerable. But unfortunately, you were an obstacle in mother's way."



The howls of the slaves to the full moon resounded in the woods under its luscious light. At a clearing in the woods, there was a shallow grave devoid of anybody. Beside it stood a man with dirt all over his body and in his hair.

His face had a rough, wild dirty beard covering almost half his face. His hair reached his lower back; it was devoid of his original brown hair colour because of the build-up of dirt in it.


A deep, terrifying growl escaped his lips as his lifeless eyes glowed a bright red. Dark fog resembling shadows started rising from his feet, forming an oiled-black ten feet tall monstrosity with its body appearing solid but shapeless at the same time.


A blood-curdling roar went through the forest, causing all the other werewolves in it to quiver in fear. The Beast took off on all four, trampling everything in its way.


"Do you remember what happened to the village up north?" One of the guards standing watch for his village asked the other. The guard looked at him confusedly, then a look of realization came on his face.

"Oh! You're talking about what those wolves did two years ago," The guard said to him. The other one stared deadly in his eyes.

"They say it wasn't wolves, but a demon," The guard looked at him and started laughing.

"Hahahahaha, demons!? You have to do better than that, Floki." The guard laughed at Floki, who started to get embarrassed.

"I-I'm not lying, Thorfinn. I heard that the demons even wiped out half of the nearby wolf tribe. That's why there aren't as many attacks on nights like these," Floki said to Thorfinn, who just looked at him disbelievingly.


Floki snapped his head in the direction of the woods. "W-what was that!? Tell me you heard that." He looked at Thorfinn nervously, "I told you, brother, your lies wo-."


An enormous shadowy figure ran past in the woods, shutting Thorfinn up, "That wasn't some trick of yours, right Floki?" He looked at Floki as he pulled his axe from his waist.


A low deep growl came from the woods, with two bright red eyes following it, "Y-you saw that, right!? I-I told you they were real! I-It's a d-d-demon!" Floki shouted to Thorfinn, who didn't deny his claim this time.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

The gigantic oiled-black monster started exiting the forest into the light of the guards' torches. Both Floki and Thorfinn began to quiver in fear as they saw it. "B-by the g-g-gods. F-f-loki sound t-the h-horn!"

Thorfinn said to Floki as he started stepping back while raising his axe in defence. Floki watches the horrifying creature as it stalked both him and Thorfinn as if they were prey.


In the blink of an eye, the monster pounced on Thorfinn. He swung his axe at it, only for it to shatter on impact.

"ARRRRGGGHHH!" A scream of terror reached Floki's ears as he watched the creature claw out his brother's guts. Seeing this as his chance, he got up and run inside his village.

"T-T-THE D-DEMONS H-HAVE C-COME!" Hearing his shout, the villagers came out of their house to see what was going on. When they saw who it was, a frown of annoyance appeared on their faces.

"What nonsense are you spouting at such time, Floki!" One of the villagers shouted at him. Floki looked at them with dread as liquid began running down his legs. "T-THE W-WORLD I-IS E-E-ENDING, T-THE D-DEMO-"

Floki got quieted by one of the villagers, "We're exhausted of your petty deceptions, now go back to your pos-"

*Whoosh* *Thud*

A gigantic shadowy figure came out of nowhere, decapitating Floki in one fell swoop. The villagers were shocked for a few seconds until reality finally kicked in.




"Oh gods, we're gonna die!"

"Odin, help us!"


The villagers screamed and prayed to their gods as the creature ripped them apart. Some gave in to their fates as others resisted, but it was futile; their weapons, whether it be swords, arrows or spears, just shattered and got deflected on impact.

It only took a minute for the creature to kill all inhabitants, leaving only the children in a hut it was currently approaching.

*Thud* *Thud*

As the children heard the footsteps of the creature, they began trembling in terror. The older children tried to console the younger ones trying to stop their sobs of cry so it wouldn't give away their locations.

"*Sniff* *Sniff* Marie a-are w-we going to d-d-die?" A small girl asked a tall and thin young woman with pale white and lightly freckled skin, curly dark brown hair, and brown eyes.

She looked at her with a sweet smile as she caressed her face. "No. I'll protect you, Jeanne," Marie said to the little girl that had the same dark brown hair and eyes as her. Immediately after that, an enormous black hand broke through the hut pulling the girl out.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" Jeanne screamed in terror and pain as the creature ripped her in half. "I-I w-won't d-die M-M-Marie s-said she'd p-protect m-me. I-I won't die, right M-Marie?" Jeanne said with a sorrowful smile as tears fell from her eyes with the last of her breath.

"N-n-no, sister J-Jeanne." Marie muttered in terror. She picked Jeanne's body, trying to put it back together. But, it was for nought the entrails and blood of her little sister spilt all over her hands. Her eyes became soulless when she realized that what happened was real.

The Beast went around killing all the other children leaving her for last. When it approached her, she looked into its mindless eyes with her soulless ones. Giving in to her fate Marie didn't attempt to move as the Beast rushed at her and ripped her sides out with his teeth. After its kill, the Beast discarded her body as if it were a ragdoll.

That village wasn't the last to fall prey to the creature that night.


As the morning sun started rising, the birds came out to sing their soothing tunes. But unlike the fresh atmosphere that would greet them, an intense metallic scent permeated through the air.

Theo laid with blood all over his naked body in the red grass that was once a luscious green. His eyes cracked open as he looked around in confusion at where he was. As he noticed the mutilated corpse of women, elders, children, and men scattered around him, memories of his horrifying acts from only a few hours ago went through his head.

Cold sweat began running down his face as he panted from mental exhaustion. While Theo was a warrior, the most savage of them all, he was no monster. Acts such as killing children disgusted him.

"DAMMIT!" Theo fist the ground creating a small crater when he realized he was the same type of person as the monster Mikael, who took his child.

Theo's eyes started changing to black, with his irises glowing bright red as rage boiling in him as he remembered how Mikael killed his unborn child and Rebekah. "I vowed I'd rip you apart, Mikael," Theo said as he got up and walked off, not before giving a glance to the corpses and decided to give them a proper burial. After he finished, he had one thing on his mind, heading back to his village to get revenge.


It didn't take long to reach his village, considering that he buried the bodies of the other settlements he passed through. As he saw the gates of his community, he became both nostalgic and angry.

But something began to weird him out despite his enhanced hearing; he couldn't hear a single voice in the village. It didn't take long for him to realize there wasn't anyone left. The only things he saw were skeletons in the huts.

He soon came upon the Mikaelsons home and immediately memories of Rebekah's bloody body in his hands along with the few people he cared about lying in a pool of their blood. His anger began rising again as his scleras began turning black and his irises red with fangs growing in his mouth.

His reminiscence of that day was interrupted when he sensed an unknown scent behind him. Claws out, he swiftly turned around with his enhanced speed to end their life.

Fortunately for the culprit, the claws came to a stop only inches away from her throat. "Who are you?" Theo asked in a gruff hostile voice to the grey-haired woman who walked with a cane, most likely due to her bad back.

The woman looked at him with a grandmotherly smile and said with a calming voice while pointing at his claws, "Now, now deary put those away first." Theo withdrew his nails, sensing no hostility from her.

"I won't ask again, who are you?"

"Who I am isn't important; how I can help you is," she said to Theo, who looked at her confusedly, wondering how a feeble old lady would be able to help him.

"Leave me be. I don't need your help." Theo dismissed the woman and was about to walk away but got stopped in his tracks instantly.

"You want to know what happened, here correct?" Of course, Theo wanted to know what happened to his village, why no one was left here and where that bastard Mikael went.

"So I take that as a yes." The lady said as she looked at Theo, who turned and looked at her. "But first, you'll have to go take a shower. You're dirty."

Theo looked down at his dirt and blood-covered body. Agreeing with the woman, he went to the nearby river.


About half an hour later, Theo followed the woman on a familiar route that he soon remembered lead to the natives' settlement. "Why are we here?" He asked as he looked around at the natives who were working. Though strangely the number of people in the village were a lot less than there used to be.

"We're not that much different from you, you know. We won't bite." The woman said to him with a sweet smile as she walked off for Theo to follow her.

Theo had long since figured that most likely everyone in the village was a werewolf. 'They're probably the same ones that killed Henrik.' Theo thought with a bit of anger but quickly calmed down when he remembered that the woman could fill him in on what happened.

As the woman lead Theo towards a hut, the villagers nodded at the woman in respect though they looked at Theo with hostility. Theo didn't know whether it was because he dressed differently in his black tunic and trousers or because he's following behind the woman.

Nonetheless, he didn't pay any heed to them. It would be hard for them to hurt him before his monstrous transformation. Now he doubts they'd be capable of killing him.

As he entered the hut, the woman directed him to sit on a wooden chair as she took a pot with hot water that seemed to have been prepared beforehand and poured some in a cup for him. Theo looked at both the cup and the woman weirdly.

"Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's purest delights." The woman said to him as she poured a cup for herself.

Theo started to get pissed as he watched the woman calmly drink her tea.

*Clang* *Splash*

Theo threw the cup at the floor, spilling the tea along with it, "I DIDN'T COME TO DRINK TEA WOMAN!"

The lady looked at the spilt tea sadly and returned her focus to Theo, "I suppose you're right. But still, seeing spilt tea is quite sad." Both her expression and posture changed to a serious one as she started telling Theo what happened. "Two years ago, a man cam-"

The woman was cut off, by Theo who had a severe expression on his face, "T-Two years!?" 'I've been asleep, no, dead for two years! How did I even come back?'

Theo's inner thoughts were interrupted by the woman, "Can I continue now?" Theo looked up at her realizing what he had done, then gave her to go-ahead to proceed.

"As I was saying, a man came to our village two years ago with only a sword in hand. With speed and strength surpassing our own, even on a full moon, he massacred half of us, including my son, the alpha." The woman took a sip from her tea, trying to bear the pain in her heart.

"*Sigh* A few months before that, we had heard rumours of blood-sucking creatures in your village. The man likely did the same to your village as he did ours." When Theo heard what the woman said, he immediately thought of Mikael.

'Not only did that bastard kill his children, but he also massacred the village as well.' Theo started to get angry, and the woman could see this. "Do you know where he went?" Theo asked in a low but rough voice as a growl escaped from his mouth.

"No." The woman answered him straightforwardly. Realizing the woman had nothing else to tell him, Theo got up to leave in disappointment at the lack of information. "Wait, young man. That abomination took someone from you as well, didn't it?"

Theo didn't answer the woman, and she interpreted his quietness as a yes. "Take it from an old lady that has lost everything to that monster, don't go down this path. There is already darkness within you, but if you seek vengeance, that darkness will swallow you whole."

Theo looked at the woman, angered at what she was getting at, "So I should just let that bastard live!? After he took the very things that made me who I was!"

"Yes! While I'm not saying you should forgive him, you should move on those things are in the past. You've got a second chance to start a new life."

As the woman spoke, Theo started getting angrier by the second until he broke. He lashed out at the woman, grabbing her by the throat. "THERE IS NO MOVING ON!" The woman became frightened. She started clawing at Theo's hand, gasping for air as she stared into his black and red eyes.

"I'll hunt down Mikael and rip his heart out just as he did me. And I'll rip apart anyone who gets in my way." Theo said in a deep voice as his hold on the woman's neck tightened.

"Y-y-you're h-hurting m-"


The woman became limp in Theo's hands instantaneously someone came running into the hut, "Elder are yo-" The man stopped what he was saying when he saw the woman's limp body in Theo's hand. "What did you do!?"

As if waking up from sleeping, Theo just now realized what happened, and a look of regret immediately greeted his face, "Wait! I didn't mean to-"

"MURDERER!" The man shouted as he threw a spear, impaling Theo right in his heart. Blood started pouring from Theo's chest, but the blood started flowing back into the wound as if time got reversed.

Theo could feel his heart healing and pushing the spear out of his body; after only two seconds, there wasn't any sign of a wound except for the hole in his tunic. The assailant was dumbfounded at what he witnessed; without a doubt, someone would die from an injury like that even if they were a werewolf-like himself.

Knowing that talking wouldn't resolve this, Theo ran at the man and ran his hand straight through his chest. Theo felt the warm blood around his hands and got exhilarated at the feeling. Shaking it off, he stepped out of the hut only to be greeted by a small army.

"KILL HIM!" One of the men shouted as he rushed at Theo with a spear. Theo hit the spear aside and slashed at the man throat with his claw. After the attack, only a bit of flesh was keeping the man head on his body.

{AN: I'll be ending here. I got something to do. I'll release a next chapter tomorrow or tonight; I wanted to release a chapter since I haven't done so in a while.}