
The Beast of TVD/TO

Theo, a boy born in the age of the originals family as a different type of werewolf.

1Shadow_Monarch1 · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 02

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"What do you mean, Rebekah?" Theo holed her chin and raised her head so he'd be able to stare into her eyes.

"I-i'm with child. Your child, a werewolf's child. What if mother and father find out!?" The realisation of his situation started to dawn on Theo. Esther was a powerful witch, one that Theo had no confidence he could defeat while protecting his unborn child if it came down to a fight.


"Don't worry, Bekah; I'll take care of it," Theo said, holding her reassuringly. Rebekah looked up at him, unsure of how he'd solve this problem. After all, the werewolves killed her younger brother, the kindest and most loving of them all. Because of this, her family now had an unbridled hatred for the wolves, more than they did before. Yet she's carrying the child of the said creature.

Thoughts like that went through her head as Theo comforted her under the night sky until she fell into the blissful embrace of sleep.


"Are you sure you want to leave?" Theo asked Rebekah as she got dressed.

"It'd be best if I went home to mourn with the others," She answered in a sombre tone. It broke Theo, the usually proud and joyful woman that he knew no longer stood before him.

"I could come with you," Theo offered her, to which she turned down.

"Mother, she wouldn't-" Theo cut her off, knowing what she would say.

"I understand, Bekah," Esther never liked Theo ever since the day Mikael brought him home to raise him. Why she hated him was a mystery to anyone.

"I'll see you tomorrow Theo," Rebekah left after that, leaving Theo to his thoughts.

"Perhaps it would be best if we left this village. Haha, no, Bekah would never leave her brothers.

What was it that they always say? Ah, that's it. Always and forever," Theo laughed mockingly at the thought.


Rebekah was watching the children play as she walked home. It brought a smile to her face thinking of how her child would be like that in a few years. But it was soon gone as she remembered their situation.

"Mother, father?" Rebekah saw both her parents walking towards the village herbalist and her mother's mentor. Out of curiosity, she decided to follow them.

"Please, Ayana, I implore you, you must call upon the spirits before the next full moon," Mikael begged Ayana, who looked at him defiantly.

"I will not; it is a crime against nature," She responded unshakingly in her beliefs.

"Ayana, we have already lost too much. We cannot lose any more," Esther pleaded to her mentor, still remembering the sight of Henrik's body. "The spirits can help us find a way to protect our children," Ayana looked at her disappointedly, not being able to believe that this is the student she taught.

"We would be stronger faster; all our senses would heighten. It would protect our children they'd be able to live forev-"


Trying to get closer to hear what they were saying, Rebekah bumped into a container. "What was that?" Mikael asked as he looked in the direction where the noise came.

Esther walked over, and there she saw an anxious Rebekah trying to hide. "What is it?" Mikael asked.

"It was nothing, just the breeze," She said to Mikael while her eyes carried a different message to Rebekah 'leave'. Understanding it, Rebekah left and continued her way home, all the while thinking of what her parents and Ayana were discussing.

An hour later, Esther and Mikael returned with determined looks on their faces. "Finn, my dear boy, could you be of help and fetch me branches of the white oak tree for me? You can bring along Niklaus and Elijah if you wish to," Esther said to a handsome, tall slim athletic man with brown hair, hazel green.

"As you wish, mother. Niklaus, Elijah, let us get going," He immediately left without questioning why his mother needed those things.

Esther looked at Mikael as if trying to convey something to him, "The most important ingredient, Mikael, please get it." Realising what she was talking about, Mikael left the house, taking a short sword with him.

Esther turned to Rebekah to speak to her but soon realised someone else was still left in the house, "Kol, would you be a dear and fetch me my grimoire," Kol became exasperated by this.

"But, it seems you and Bekah are going to have an enjoyable talk, something I wouldn't want to miss." Esther looked at him coldly; Kol wouldn't dare to disobey his mother when she got like this, so he conceded. "Ugh, you people are so bland," Kol left the room after saying that.

With her attention on Rebekah, Esther said to her, "I know you're with child, my daughter," Rebekah had a surprised expression on her face and was about to ask how she knew. But before she could voice her thoughts, Esther answered, "I'm a servant of nature, something as natural as a pregnant woman is easy to find out by me. The child belongs to Theo, does it not?"

"Y-yes," Rebekah answered timidly.

Esther looked at Rebekah a bit sadly. "That means the child is a werewolf, like his father?" Rebekah was alarmed by this and was about to deny her mother's words, but she was interrupted.

"There's no need for you to say anything. I've known for a while, which is why I always try to keep him far from this family. Nevertheless, it seems all my efforts were in vain as you went and got impregnated by him. Now you're worried about what your father will do once he finds out." Esther gave a wry smile, not at her daughter but at herself; it was as if her daughter's situation was somehow relatable to her.

Esther approached Rebekah and stroked her face, "There's no need for you to worry, my child. I'll do whatever I can to protect you, no matter the consequences," Rebekah became a bit wary after what her mother said, but the suspicion soon disappeared.

"I am sorry, my child, I'll at least save you from the grief of losing it," Esther said as all the light in Rebekah's eyes vanished for a short while.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Rebekah confusedly asked why Esther was standing before her with a sombre expression. Esther quickly regained her composure.

"Nothing dear, come now you need to get ready for tonight. We'll be sending Henrik off."

"Mother, I got what you sent me for," Kol said as he walked in and handed the tools to Esther, who took them and exited the room to do her preparations.

"Sister, are you ok?" Kol asked Rebekah worriedly.

"Of course I am, Kol," She answered him, thinking why he would ask such a question.

"So, there isn't a pup, a child growing inside of you?"

"Of course no! What games are you playing here, Kol!?" He looked at her gloomily and answered her.

"N-nothing, forget I asked. I was playing around as per usual." Out of nowhere, Kol pulled Rebekah in a hug. Rebekah was confused by the sudden show of affection from her brother, but it somehow felt right to her as a single tear fell from her eye.

"Enough with this sentimental stuff, now sister, we should go get ready for the party tonight," Kol said as he released Rebekah and gave a bright smile.

"It's not a party Kol, it's mourning for our brother," Rebekah reprimanded as she followed him out.


Later that night, all the Mikaelsons were present in a room with a ritual setting. "So they decided to go along with it. *Sigh* Esther, you don't even fathom what you're bringing upon this world. But-"


One week ago

Ayana was tending to her garden when Rebekah came to ask for some flowers. As Ayana was handing Rebekah the flowers, she looked up at her with a smile. "Congratulations Rebekah," When she said that, Rebekah's face contorted in a frown, obviously offended by the comment.

"Forgive my Ayana, but that isn't what you tell someone when their brother dies," She said to Ayana, slightly angered. Ayana looked at her apologetically and immediately corrected her mistake.

"No, no, I mean you're with child Rebekah," Rebekah looked at her, stunned.



"But, that baby hasn't even entered this world as yet. I can't allow it to be a casualty of Esther's stupidity," Ayana ran off swiftly, eventually reaching a house.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

She knocked as hard and fast as she could whilst catching her breath. It didn't take long for the door to open and reveal a handsome olive skin man with curly brown hair. "You must stop them, Theo!" Ayana pleaded as she held onto Theo's shoulder.

Theo looked at her confusedly while raising his right eyebrow, "Stop what?" Ayana told him everything Esther and Mikael said the spell would do, such as granting immortality and making them stronger and faster than the wolves.

Theo looked at Ayana, unsure of what to do, "If it's a spell to protect them, why should I stop it?"

Ayana looked at him a bit disappointedly, "I'd like to believe that unlike most of the men here, you aren't stupid! A spell such as that goes against nature; it would require a lot of magic, magic that Esther doesn't have without the help of the spirits. That would leave her with only one alternative, dark magic, and as you should know, there are always consequences of using dark magic! I'd very much like to believe that you wouldn't want your unborn child to be collateral!" Ayana said to him, angered by his unconcerned response.

After Ayana's explanation, Theo's expression became grave. He couldn't allow Esther and Mikael to proceed with the spell if it could cause harm to his child or Rebekah. He pushed Ayana out of his way and ran at speeds surpassing what any human could achieve.


Arriving at the Mikaelsons home with Ayana trailing far behind, Theo kicked down their door.


"ESTHER! STOP!" Bursting through the door. Theo yelled for Esther to stop, but neither Esther nor Mikael were present in the room. Suddenly a metallic scent assaulted his enhanced nose. "No, no, no no no no,"

All the Mikaelson children laid in a pool of their blood with a hole in their hearth. "R-rebekah!" Theo ran up to the body of his beloved, kneeling on the floor and wrapping her in his arms, "Y-you can't be dead, Bekah wake up, please wake up," Tears began streaming down his face as he knew the truth they were dead, no matter the amount of pleading he did their heart, her heart wouldn't start beating again.

"Theo, you weren't supposed to see this," Mikael came along and said with Esther and a village girl trailing behind him. Theo looked up and saw Mikael with a bloody sword in his hands.

At that moment, everything went blank for Theo. His heartbeat, along with a ringing, was the only thing he could hear. His eyes began to glow a bright red as claws grew from his fingers, fangs in his mouth, and hair rapidly emerged from the side of his face. "GRRR, you, you did this," Theo said with a deep growl as he pointed at Mikael.

He dashed at him with incredible speed, delivering a punch to the shocked Mikael face that would no doubt snap a regular man's neck right off.


"Mikael!" Esther shouted, which caused her dearly as Theo backhanded her into the house. Mikael got up at unnatural speed, which would seem only as a blur to others. "You don't understand, Theo. I am protecting them! FROM YOUR KIND!"

Mikael shouts to justify his means which enraged Theo more, "PROTECTING THEM!? THEY'RE DEAD! REBEKAH IS DEAD!" Theo shouted and attacked Mikael once again.

"You wouldn't understand. After all, it's impossible to reason with a beast," Mikael said as he blocked Theo attack and kicked him in his chest.

*Bam* *Crack* *Cough!*

The force from the kick sent Theo flying, breaking some of his ribs, making him cough up blood.


Theo growled in pain but still stood up and ran at Mikael. Mikael slashed at Theo with his sword; he flipped over it, kicking Mikael in his face while he was still airborne and again when he landed on the ground.

Theo continued delivering a series of quick kicks and punches to Mikael while dodging with inhumane reflexes. All while this was going on, Ayana was by the side of the house out of the sight of everyone else chanting a spell, "Sanguinem filio sanguinem effurgarex Perpetuum."

{AN: Well, for those who have recently watched tvd, you probably know what that spell is.}

As she continued to chant her spell, Mikael and Theo continued their battle. "ENOUGH!" Mikael shouted as he ran his word through Theo and grabbed him by the throat. "Theodore, the son I've always wanted. But, it seems you being my blood wasn't meant to be."

*Clang* *Shlukk*

Mikael dropped his sword and ran his hand through Theo's chest, grasping his warm, soft, beating heart. Contrary to his emphatic personality Mikael started hesitating. "Haha *cough* *cough* can't do it? And you call Niklaus weak."

Mikael seemed disgusted by what Theo said, but despite that, he couldn't bring himself to kill him; he began to release Theo's heart and pull his hand out. "Showing me mercy would be your greatest mistake, Mikael! On Odin's name, I vow I'd hunt you down to the ends of the world and rip you apart with my teeth!"

*Roar* *Bite SFX*

Theo pulled Mikael closer to him, getting the sword buried further in his stomach so he could bite Mikael in the neck. "ARRRGHHHHHH!" Mikael shouted in pain as he pushed Theo off him ripping out his heart in the process.

A few seconds after Theo's lifeless body hit the ground, a wave of dizziness assaulted Mikael making him stumble before he could fall to the ground; someone grabbed hold of him. "F-Freya?"

"Father, what happened to you?"

"He's hallucinating," Esther said, answering Finn's question. Looking at Mikael, she noticed the only wound on his body not healing, the bite. "It must be this bite; is it because Theo was a werewolf; that it's affecting him like this? It must be nature's way of gaining balance. But it's for nought. The spell made you immortal, so he should be ok after a few hours."

Finn became confused at what his mother was saying, "Theo's a werewolf? And what do you mean by us being immortal? Mother, what is going on?"

Esther looked at him, annoyed by his questions. "Finn darling, be quiet and take Theo's body to the forest and bury it."

"W-what about the others, especially Rebekah; you know how much she loves him," Theo said, shocked at what Esther told him to do.

"All they need to know is that Theo is no longer in this village. Now, hurry along before they wake up. Or are you going to disobey me?" Esther replied.

Finn recoiled at the idea that his mother thought he'd disobey her, something that has never nor would it ever cross his mind. "Of course not, mother," Finn responded; he took up Theo's lifeless body, surprising himself with how light it was. He took off in a blur, astonished by his speed.

Deep within the forest where he was sure no one would go, Finn buried Theo in an unmarked shallow grave. "Theo, unlike my siblings, you were tolerable. But unfortunately, you were an obstacle in mother's way."

{AN: Everyone knows that Finn is a big momma's boy.}