

I looked forward to the classes ahead of me. Only to be bored out of my mind the whole time by all the strategy talk. It didn't help that I was exhausted. Transforming simply took so much energy out of me. I'd studied strategy in my spare time when I was still going to school.

Then there was the VR games. I'd never used one before. I was a broke orphan kid so fat chance of that. Being able to fight freely without causing damage to the world or yourself. It even simulated pain, and injuries.

Being inside dangerous situations, but without the actual danger. The teacher slapped my desk.

"Cadet Nix," he snapped, "Does this lesson bore you?"

Apparently I'd fallen asleep in class.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I sat up, and tried to pay attention to the lesson.

All of the book classes went pretty much the same as the first one. Lunch was the up point in my day since I was ravenous after the pathetic breakfast. Then we got to the final class of the day. This one was all fitness. It was also two hours instead of one.

We started with a hundred push ups, then a hundred sit ups, a hundred pull ups, and ending with a mile run. After all that we were allowed to pair up, and spar. Lucky for me I'd napped through half my classes, and gotten something in my belly by then. I'd perked up. I still didn't have unlimited energy like I did outside of this costume.

Part of me wanted to run around outside as myself, but I didn't want to get spotted, and getting out of the school at a time when I wouldn't get spotted was something that would take time to figure out. I was going over the motions the teacher had shown me one by one.

Physical camouflage form has gained new skill. Basic hand to hand combat level 1.

Neat I smiled briefly as I did the motions again. There was an immediate difference in the way I did the motions. They weren't so uncoordinated. I actually looked like I knew what I was doing.

"Hey," a big kid came up to me, "Burning man. Why don't you fight a real opponent?"

"Burning man?" I looked at my challenger, "What kind of nick name is that?"

"Coming from the kid that kept on coming while he was on fire," he snorted.

"You mean that whole thing with Conrad," I smiled at the memory, "He pissed me off."

"You did all that," the kid looked at me funny, "Because he pissed you off."

I dropped my arms out of ready position, and turned to look at him seriously. I was still a bit grumpy from that feeling of not getting enough sleep. System what are the chances of my passive skill activating again?


"If you want to fight then fine," I studied him for a second, "But I'm not much of a fighter." I chuckled to myself, "At least I'm not much of a fighter unless I'm pissed."

The other kid took that as a challenge, and got right up in my face.

"Give me ten credits," he spoke in hushed tones, "And I won't kick you ass right here, and now."

My temper flared. That was when he decided to punch me in the face. I saw it coming, and stepped back. His fist missed my face barely. My hand went straight for his throat, and clamped onto it.

The surprise on his face as he knocked my hand away. Priceless. I jumped back, and tensed for a fight. This guy wanted to prove himself, and I was planning on tapping out before he got me into berserker mode again. I felt anger free afterward, but the out of body experience had been a bit disturbing.

I was a bit faster than this kid, but my exhaustion from transforming wasn't gone. Just less. I started blocking a weaving his attacks best I could. I blocked when I should have weaved one move, and the hit sent pain all the way down into my bones.

10/15 hp

I could only take one more hit like that. I caught a glance at his watch as I backed off. He was a level four. I was really hoping that it was a strength enhancement ability. That cocky smile of his made me wary.

I needed to get in at least one hit. I rushed forward dodging his punch, and going for the gut with one of my own. I put all my strength into the hit, and my hit landed. Making the bigger kid stumble back as pain raced up my arm. I stepped back myself, and clutched my broken hand with my good one.

6/15 hp

"I'm done," I hissed through my teeth, "You win."

"Nah," an evil smile split his face, "You're still standing."

He closed on me while I was focused on my hand, and hit me right in the middle. Heat emanated from the core of my being as I was thrown back. I hit the ground hard, and just lay there breathing shallowly from the pain.

"Health," I whisper wheezed to myself.

1/15 hp

"Help," the big kid laughed at what he thought I was saying, "I don't think so. That win against Conrad was a total fluke. No way a wimp like you beats him."

Rage flooded into me. Conrad again. How did this asshole keep fucking things up for me?

"Luke he's down," the other kid with him spoke up.

A weight flew into Luke's head as he got ready to hit me again. The weight spun in the air before stopping, and swinging in to hit him again. Luke stood up, and looked for the person throwing weights around. Luke kicked me one last time as he stepped out of the ring.

Entering near death state. Turning remaining mana into health.

8/15 mana.

15 minutes until forced deactivation of physical camouflage.

Converting my mana into health made me feel a lot better, but now I was in a bad spot. I pulled myself to my feet as quick as I could. My hand had healed most the way, but it still pulse painfully. I looked for the person throwing the weight around. Ethan!

"Run Ethan," I steadied myself as I shouted so I could run too, "His ability is hardening. You won't be able to hurt him before he gets you."

Ethan looked genuinely frightened by that. I stumbled into a run. I didn't have time to make sure Ethan did the same. I pushed myself to sprint despite the heat in my gut, and the throb of my hand. I needed to be in that room before I changed back.

I would get reprimanded for leaving class early, but I didn't care. It was better than dying.

New skill. Health mana exchange. The ability to exchange 1 health or mana for 1 health or mana.

Damage resistance +1

"Not now system," I hissed through my teeth.

I slammed into the back wall of the elevator someone else had called down.

"Hey," the guy protested.

I growled at him like an angry dog. Pain, fear, and anger clouding my judgement.

"Whoa," his hands went up as he backed off.

Letting me have the elevator. I slammed the three button down. Up the elevator went. Those doors opened, and I went straight through heading for my room. I slammed through a couple kids in the hall as I tried to yank my shirt off. I didn't have credits to waste.

The badly bruised middle was enough for them to leave me alone. I scanned my watch at the door, and stumbled in. The door slid closed behind me as I dropped like a sack of potatoes. I could only hope Ethan made it out of there too. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have gotten away from Luke in time.

I just lay there for a bit wincing as I breathed. It wasn't as bad as when the system had installed so I could handle it. I went to pull myself up, and the door opened. There was Ethan. He'd gotten away too.

For you new readers out there. I now have an Ebook, and paperback version of this story available on Amazon. I write here for the simple enjoyment of writing, and since I have not signed up for the author contract all my work on here is free. The majority of it is first draft work though so there are errors. Thank you for reading please enjoy.

Angelina_Bennettcreators' thoughts