
The Circle of the Willow

The whistling silence echoed all around him. 

As soon as he took his first step into the room, he got sucked by a mysterious force. Reve found himself in a dark space where he could not see anything or feel anything. 

He didn't know whether to panic or not, as it was almost impossible for his senses to be impaired.

'Well, this certainly doesn't look good.'

The hair on his skin has been raised to the maximum as he continued walking aimlessly in the dark space. Looking down, he saw nothing, not even the ground he was walking on. 

It made it look as if he was walking on air, but Reve knew that was not the case. His feet touched solid ground.

…..or was he hallucinating?

"Child, What is your name?"

A voice whispered into his ears. 

Reve reacted in shock, turning sideways to meet whoever it was, but saw nobody.

He cursed inwardly, 'Damn, why does this situation always happen to me?'