
Resurrection or Death?

Bowzer's flame body trembled. It suddenly started to grow rampantly and uncontrollably. The tinge of red in Bowzer's flames was growing darker and darker, nearly becoming black. The Hell-flame Fox soon grew to a height well above the trees', terrifying everyone below.

Trank's men were shaken. Not only had they lost their boss, but now, just like in legends, a Hell-flame Fox was about to rampage against them.

The party members were also mortified, especially Dirk who didn't know about Bowzer or his origins.

All Bowzer could think about were the people who caused all of this. He pictured General Toms and the army that forced Jack to take action without any real support from Trodar. He pictured Trank's men and how they forced Jack to fight alone against Trank. And he also pictured Trank, but he was only angered further by the fact that Trank was already dead, not letting Bowzer have the chance to slaughter him.