A demon-filled world where the last hope which was the Hero got defeated. Currently hurried synopsis. Please be patient as the story proceeds. If possible, daily updates are to be expected. 3 to 4 chapters a week being the minimum. Add to library and share to keep the author lively.
"Nobody will protect me... Nobody will protect us... "
After hearing those words from her, I couldn't help myself to get curious. What is she trying to say? Of course, the kingdom will protect everyone. The soldiers are also already on the move. Normally, our weapons were not that necessary for that reason. But the more the item there is, is the more secure and prepared the place is.
But after hearing what she said, somehow, it made me feel sad.
"so that... "
"so that...?"
"Would you please, at least, let us buy your well-crafted weapons?"
(Sound of shaking ground and clinging objects)
"and... "
"I am not a child, you know?"
"Uh... "
At that moment, in the dark under the hood where her face was being hidden, I saw blue glowing lights.
"Whoah... "
I hadn't reacted much other than being attracted. Those blue lights I was seeing were her eyes. It was clear light blue eyes. I don't know why but somehow after seeing it, I'd seemed to cool down from the heat that I was experiencing. It seemed to refresh me from the stressful day.
While I was freely gazing at her attractive eyes, she turned her head down and seemed to realise that she'd done something she shouldn't have. After she does, the trembling finally goes down.
It was at that moment that I realized that she was glaring at me; and with the faint smile I was barely seeing on her face, I'd known that she was trying to show her capability.
She was probably implying...
'I am not a child you know... I would be glad to blow this place up as proof.'
What, was she that eager so I let her buy dangerous weapons?
I was so captivated by her beautiful gaze that I lost grasp of the situation, but... Whoah...
(I looked around at the shaking surroundings.)
Who would have thought that she was the reason why the area was slightly trembling?
This girl sure is something.
"Let us say that you are not a child, but I still won't sell that much."
"why? Isn't it obvious? Others also need weapons, not just you. I would be happy to give one item per part. But everything?"
Right, I told her that we are not just a shop for business. We are a shop for people's safety!
Thus I said...
"Here! This flute can heal fatal wounds and diseases. May it be an injury, poison, or mind control. This flute is really helpful!"
She then took the flute as I handed it to her.
With an amazed reaction, she said...
"Whoah, this can really do that much? It sure sounds like everything."
After that, she handed the flute back to me and said...
"It's just, I probably can't deal a powerful attack with this, so..."
"I want everything."
"Huh?! I told you there is no way!"
"half! Half is fine!"
"you see little girl, half of these weapons could benefit hundreds of thousands of people."
"Fourth, let me have fourth!"
"Like I said... "
Before I could finish my words, a droplet of water flashed at my sight. An instant sharp sob sound attracted the attention of my eyes. 'what?' I started to think to myself. After that moment, I realised that the girl was releasing tears.
'What?! Is she crying?!'
It was my thought after seeing her pitiful state. She was sobbing repetitively and the sound she was making was so sharp. Due to this, every sound she makes were piercing me; thus, making me feel sorry.
'What? Is she really that in trouble? That she pours out tears like that?' with that in mind, I had thought that her situation might be way more complicated.
Therefore I said...
"For you to purchase that much... you make it sound like you are buying weapons for an entire village or something like that."
To calm her down, because I don't want to sell that many, I reassured her...
"you don't have to worry, the kingdom's army is more than enough to save your village. I mean, which village are you from?"
The girl became unexpectedly silent.
Aah... Haha... (I could just closed my eyes as I chuckled)
"Uhm, you see, if your village is far away and is out of reach from our kingdom's defense, I would be glad to sell to you the necessary amount. After all, weapons are meant to be used for defense, right?" (beam)
The girl raised her head up and seemed to understand what I meant. I don't know what, but... it seems like she was looking at me attentively. I can't see her face because of her hood, though. I just feel like she was staring at me for who knows why.
Honestly, I don't want to sell too many items to one person because of reselling. These high-quality weapons my father created are made at an exact price. Reselling will only cause the item to get expensive; which will be unaffordable for those who lack the cash. (and those who lack the cash are the ones who need to be protected the most.) I can't really say that what we have been doing was business. More like it was to help the adventurers.
For this girl to pour out tears, I could say that their village was seriously in need of self-defense. That's why, to calm her down, I would at least want her to know that she could buy that much of items, depending on their village's condition and location.
Also, if I sell her that much without convincing reason, the other customers who were also trying to buy as much as they could, will complain. I want to avoid misunderstanding and conflict at such a time and situation.
'Wait, she is trying to buy everything right? Does she even got the money in the first place?'
I wondered why she was too confident about buying everything. Did she even consider how much would that cost? Without thinking about that that much, I continued.
"so, which village are you from?"
The girl was just facing at me attentively but turned her head down after hearing my question. What was the problem? It's not like she didn't know where she lived right? Or did she forget her village? Or does she live far from a village? Or does she even live in a village or not? If not, then for whom is she buying these weapons for? She wouldn't say she was disowned by her village and thus gets exiled, right? Why did she even obey that task in the first place?
There were a lot of questions I wanted to know but it seems like she will not answer one bit. Whatever am I going to do, sigh.
"what's the matter?"
Oh! Father was behind me! I would say that was a perfect timing.
After explaining everything to him, he just nods. Then, he approached the customer.
"uhm, little miss, how much money do you have?"
Afraid that the place get shaken again, I corrected Father;
"Apparently, she is not a child."
"oh, is that so? It seems like she is not complaining though. Well, whatever... So how much do you have, uhm... "
" Astral... "
"oh, Astral huh, what a unique name. So Astral, have you decided about the weapons you want to get?"
"Everything... "
"everything huh, how much do you got?"
the once tearing up girl was now back to normal. She was just facing the ground in despair but now she looks very happy. The moment she instantly raised her head due to her happiness, I saw flashes of water spatter from her face. It was the tears that kept pouring out from her eyes. The droplets' flashes from the sun's reflection make the scene really beautiful. It was relieving.
Though I don't know how it will end, I was really happy for her. Though I know she couldn't get everything.
The girl who was so excited, put her hand in her pocket and was grabbing something inside impatiently.
She spoke with extreme excitement.
The moment she pulled out her hand from her pocket, I and my father looked at it attentively, waiting for it to open. Obviously, we were curious. I don't know what father was thinking, but... For me, this was my thought...
'what kind of joke is in that hand that could buy everything in this shop?!!'
Finally, her hand opened and what I saw was... whoah! My eyes widened the very moment I saw what was in there; and then, I displayed a look no other than annoyed and disappointed.
What I was seeing was a brilliant green clear crystal. It was shining a large amount of light and was for some reason... Warm? I don't know but this crystal was also releasing points of light that can make my body tremble. It makes me tremble but somehow... Calm?
'Just what in the world is this?'