
That's how I met my soulmate 'you'

She wanted someone to understand her and give her the love and the care that she craved for years. He wanted someone to bring the light into his dark world. She felt the love and care more than she ever felt before with him. She met the only person who could understand everything about her. She felt the solace and warmth in his embrace. He felt how love feels like after meeting her. He found his reason to be happy which is her. He felt the solace,love, care and warmth which he never felt in his dark world. He reads her like a open book, ans she adds the brightness in his darkness. They are born to complete eachother and fulfill eachothers needs together and make a beautiful fairytale to make others feel the feeling of true love. Please read this book to see the eternal love we all crave for through the rule of Aadya and Simzon.

Swanlove · 都市
5 Chs

First date

Aadya pov:

Here i am walking to my university with my patner. We were about to enter into the campus, but someone hold my hand and turned me around to face them.

Aadya: Hubby!

I immediately hugged him out of excitement. He hugged back and pats my head before placing a small kiss on the side my head.

Simzon: How you doing little one?

He asked while carring my hair.

Aadya: soo great after meeting you. How you doing then?

Simzon: i missed you so much baby!

Aadya: oh~ did my baby missed me so much. I also missed you my baby.

Simzon: so is it okay, if we go on a date today evening.

Aadya: wait,what? Really?

Simzon: ofcourse, its been a day since we met and cant stay away from you for so long now.

Aadya: i too wanted to spend some time with you, but i don't know wheather you would be free or not.

Simzon: for you i am always free, little one.

Aadya: yeah! Stop this talks you are making me shy shy.

I hide my face in his chest. He just chuckled at my shy face.

Siya: oh..my..god. Is she is really shy. Oh god i cant believe my own eyes.

I looked at her and said..

Aadya: so what? Why are you over reacting now.

Siya: come on yaar, you never feel shy even if we tease you. Now, you are all flushed.

Simzon: wait really! You have never been shy before?

Aadya: why should i?

Siya: i thought that her and being shy would never comes together, as she has always been a bold and confident person. In our school everyone was amazed by her confident. In our friends group she will be teasing us non-stop, we all will become so shy then she will again tease us more. But when we tease her she will like, yeah that's true so what.

Leo: its called being cool.

I looked at the person who just supported me.

Simzon: baby, he is my-

Leo: his brother and best friend. I am Leonardo Knight. Nice to meet you sister-in-law and you to miss.

Aadya&Siya: same here bro/mister.

Siya checks her watch.

Siya: its time for the class Aadya.

I looked at my hubby pouting.

Simzon: its okay baby. Just go and get this thing done.

I hugged him and kissed his chest.

Simzon: i will pick you up for the date at 17:00 is that okay.

Aadya: yep! Well, bye! Take care, be safe and drive safe.

Simzon: you to little.

He kissed my forehead. I broke the hug and went to my class with my bestie.

Simzon pov:

Leo: you people are calling me single in 1 million languages.

Simzon: not my fault.

We went to our car and drive back to the hotel. On the way to the hotel my brother asked me..

Leo: when are you going to marry her.

Simzon: i am planning for this. First we have to meet her parents to get their permission.

Leo: the faster the better. You are already soo whipped for her.

Simzon: she just came into my life. But i really feel like i can't live without her.

Leo: you are soo in love. I wish you both to have a beautiful life ahead.

>Time skip<

Its already 16:50 i was waiting for her outside. She came wearing a pretty dress. I love the way she dress. I had never seen her wearing any western outfits. She is a natural Indian beauty. I went towards her. And she immediately hugged me, as always.

Simzon: you are looking breath taking little one.

Aadya: oh~ hubby that's so sweet of to say, but we cannot hide the truth that you should have awarded as "World Wide Handsome Man"

Simzon: i have never know that my baby can flirt so good.

Aadya: i am not flirting, i am just stating the fact.

Simzon: okay! You win.

I kissed her forehead.

Simzon: Shall we?

Aadya: ofcourse yeah!

We sat in the car and started our journey.

Aadya: so...where are we going today.

Simzon: where ever you wanna go.

Aadya: do you have any plan Mr.?

Simzon:well i only thing i can think about is going to beach.

Aadya: sure lets go

I parked the car in the parking near the beach. I hold her hand and we started walking to the beach.

Aadya: remove your shoes.

Simzon: what are you planning.

Aadya:lets walk together in the shore will holding each other.

I rolled my pants up a little removed my shoes. I looked at her to see that she is struggling with her sandals. I bend down a little to help her.

Aadya: Mr. Hubby what are you doing. You don't have to do this.

Simzon: i am just helping my baby wife.

I got up holding her sandals as well as my shoes in my hand.

Aadya: atleast give me my sandals. You are holding both our footwears yourself.

Simzon: its fine little one, i have got large hands.

She then snatched my shoes from me.

Aadya: i am holding my Husband's shoes so don't try.

Simzon: fine now come.

I hold her by her waist. She flinched a little.

Simzon: oh~baby. Just for a little touch you are reacting like this, then what will you do when i touch you in all the ways i can.

Aadya: stop being a pervert.

She then wraped her small arm around my torso and kept her head close to my chest. We started our walk.

Aadya: i always wanted to walk in the beach holding my husband and enjoy this evening breeze eventhough i was never a beach person.

Simzon: really!

Aadya: okay! Let me ask you certain questions. You can ask too, Okay?

Simzon: sure! But you go first.

Aadya: mhm~what is your fav colour?

Simzon: black and red. Yours?

Aadya: white,green,red and purple. What is your fav number? Mine is 7.

Simzon: mine is 1.

Aadya: cool! Next, veg or non-veg

Simzon: non-veg. Especially, pork and chicken. Yours?

Aadya:i would prefer vegies over non-veg and especially no sea food is best.

Simzon: baby! Do you feel sad cuz i am not really talking much nor showing to much expressions.

She looked at me before saying..

Aadya: i know you love me and you are doing everything in your power to work our relationship as well as on keeping me happy. Today, afternoon Leo brother called me said that you are not a person to talk as much as you do when you are around me. He said that you are really a quiet person who only talks when wanted and that to a few words. He also said that you never carred about anyone before but now you are worrying about giving me everything that i want. Isn't this enough to prove that how much i mean to you.

Simzon: you really do mean to me alot baby. You are my whole world and my everything. I can never live without you anymore. I love you soo much little one, that i can give up on my happiness to have that smile on your beautiful face forever.

Aadya: stop talking nonsence! You are my happiness, you are my presious gift, my dear hubby how can you think i can live without you happily when i cant even imagine my life without you. Without you i would die-

I kissed her to stop her from talking anymore. I wiped her tears with my thumb before carring her cheecks. After few minutes i broke the kiss and at her just to see her red eyes. I kissed her forehead lovingly.

Simzon: we are never gonna leave eachother no matter what. Okay?

She nodded her head as yes. I again captured her lips to seal the promise. We walked back to the car, and sat on the car hood to enjoy the sunset. She rested her head on my shoulders while still hugging me. My one arm is wrapped around her waist and other hand was carring her hair.

Aadya: can we go to meet my parents tomorrow.

Simzon: ofcourse baby! Everything for you.

Aadya: and what about your parent?

Simzon: i dont have one little one.

Aadya: i'm soo sorry.

Simzon: its nothing wrong baby. Its just i dont have anyone except Leo and i dont really have a family.

She got down from the car hood and hugged me.

Aadya: dont say that anymore. You have me always beside you. Then tomorrow, after meeting my parents you and Leo brother will have a mom and a dad. Then later we will meet other family members to. So you will have a big family. Not only that we will have big family of our own in the future.

I cupped her face.

Simzon: how many do you want?

Aadya: maybe more than five.

She cutely showed me her little fingers.

Simzon:wow~ that's quite a big number. Can you handle that?you know for that we have to do 'this' thing quiet alot of times.

Aadya: so... I was planning to do that with you every single day after our marriage.

I could say that my face is all red now. Well not only my face but also my ears.

Aadya: oh~ you are blushing.

Simzon: come on baby stop joking.

Aadya: well i am serious.

Simzon: now i know what your friend said today morning was all true.

Aadya: thanks for the compliment Mr. Hubby.

She kissed my forehead and then kissed my cheecks and then on my lips, i pulled her closer to deepen the kiss.

Aadya: i love you soo much hubby.

Simzon: i love you more baby.

I again kissed her on her forehead, then carried her to the passenger seat. Then drive to drop her at her dorm.