

Proverbs 3: 31

Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways

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I stand in front of my full length mirror taking in my reflection. It brought a frown to my face. It wasn't like I wasn't happy with my body or whatever. I pinched my chubby cheeks before palming them slightly, I pressed them together, causing my plump lips to fold. I always wondered why Luna always refused the idea of me gaining muscles. I've been training for goodness knows how long and have nothing to show for it but my fighting skills which isn't apparently written on my forehead.

I wasn't what one would call pretty, although my facial features could be described as androgynous but I wasn't sore on the eyes either.

My eyes travelled down to my neck, the mark Luna gave me had healed 13 years ago, the mark had healed almost immediately after she gave it to me. I still haven't got the slightest idea of why Luna had bitten many years ago. She said it was for us to 'keep in touch.'

I'm turning 18 tomorrow and to say it's going to be the best day of my life it would not be an exaggeration. I heard some she-wolves saying that the alpha was coming tomorrow. They were gushing about the situation and when I asked Luna for the reason.

She said, 'No alpha has been to Sud ever since the division of Terra.'

Unlike every other wolf in Sud, Luna was the only one sadden by the news. Even I was extremely happy.

I really want to ask the alpha if I can move to Ovest, where the unmated she wolves stay. Luna told me that at the end of every year, ever since the division of the pack, all unmated wolves would come to The central for a ball where wolves could come together and find their mates, other wolves from other packs are invited as well. Luna had spent a long time in Sud given she was banned from other parts of the pack, I always eavesdropped on the other wolves when they speak about how they felt when the met their mates. They made it sound like their mates were the center of their respective worlds.

"Good Morning Tina, How are you?"

I spin to find Luna at my door dressed in her all white dress as usual with her grey hair held in a messy bun.

"Luna. Guess whose birthday it is tomorrow?", I asked as I approached her, greeting her with a hug.

I could notice the change in Luna's face expression whenever I ask this question, it gets more severe and more difficult to hide as the day to my birthday draw closer.

Luna schooled her features.

"It's you dear. So what do you want for your birthday?", She asked

"To stay with you forever." I answered with a smile

Luna's face lost all colour as she smacked me over the head painfully.

"Never declare such about your life. How would you want to spend the rest of your life here in Sud. Don't you still fancy finding that mate of yours."

"I mean, ofcourse I would like to find my mate, it's just, I'll miss you just as much.", I corrected as I rubbed my sore head.

"Oh." Luna took some deep breaths.

"Don't worry the moment you find your mate, you would be to busy making cubs to bother about me."

"Never." I gasped.

"Good!!!", Luna exclaimed as she rubbed her hands together.  "Now get ready for training."


"I win!!", I exclaimed as I pinned Erik to the floor the third time in a row.

Erik is the trainer in Sud, he's considered strongest here, that is until I came along.

Luna asked Erik to train me in secret, which I understood, if the other wolf should see me training I would never hear the end of it, as it was secret we usually went into the woods to train, I had no problem with it, if I get to kick the ass of a grown he-wolf, then I could live with it.

"How do you keep winning?" Erik asked with a tired expression.

"I guess you're just a good trainer." I answered as I flexed what I believed to be my developing muscles.

"No." Erik answered holding his chin, his grey eyes analyzing me, he was trying to figure me out.

"It's something else."

Erik is one of the only wolves that talk to me, unlike others, he refrains from calling me Libitina or Tina as a whole.

"Well..." I began

"Where's Tina?!?!?"

I was interrupted by Luna. She looked like she just ran a marathon, she was panting roughly, her eyes were blood shot red like she was crying.

"What's wrong Luna?" Erik asked as her approached Luna, worry written all over his face.

"The alpha is here.", Taking deep breaths, she answered like it was a bad thing.

"Seriously? That's Great!!" I squealed as I jumped up and down, all to happy to meet the alpha. 

"No!!!!" Luna growled, the first ever time she's done that at me anyway.

"You'll stay with me. I'll protect you."

"From?", I questioned with the raise of an eyebrow.

She ignored me completely as she faced Erik with a nod of her head, "it's time. Erik attend to the alpha." Luna commanded Erik as she pulled me with her.


"Luna, what's wrong?", I asked her as she pulled me entered my room. She had been shaking uncontrollably.

She pushed me into the room as she shut the door making sure to bolt it. She rummaged round my room while I stood at a corner taking in her metal breakdown.

"Where is your mist?", She questioned me as she held my arms digging into them.

"In my drawer.", I answered pointing towards my drawer.

Luna ran towards my drawer as she emptied it of it's contents until she found the bottle she was looking for.

Immediately advancing towards me as she applied some mist on me.

"I applied it today, Luna.", I reasoned with her as her held her face in my palms. "You've always told me to apply it and I always did, although I didn't know the reason behind it."

"It wouldn't do. I heard the alpha is blind but I can't rely on rumors. I swear these wolves are becoming more and more stupid, when last did they hear of a blind wolf?"

Although, what Luna had asked made sense, I had never heard of a innate handicapped wolf before or a sick one either.

Luna shook her head.

"It doesn't matter though, if the alpha is blind, it only increases his reliability on his other senses.", Luna spoke to herself as she continued applying the mist.

"Sit." She instructed while holding the largest scissors set I've seen in my life.

"And listen to everything, I'm about to tell you. Tell no one, speak of it to no one and you'll be safe."

Luna hands shook as she tried braiding my hair to get a decent cut out of it and once she did, I let my eyes follow my hair as it moved from my hair to my lap, I cherish a lot of things and one of those things is my hair.

"Luna!!!!", I screamed as an eyed my deserted cut of hair. As of now my hair was just an inch below my shoulders, a demotion from my waist length hair.

"The alpha named you Libitina.", Luna announced, ignoring my outburst.

The sentence put my nagging to a permanent stop as my question that has gone unanswered for some years now have finally gotten an answer.

Luna just dropped a bombshell on me, I stood up with so much force the scissors in Luna's hand could have easily injured me but that didn't matter, in a matter of a few minutes  it would heal, my hair falls from my lap long forgotten.