

Nahum 1: 7

The Lord is good, he is our refuge in times or trouble, he cares for those who trust in him.

3rd chapter. Love you all. Did I mention I love you all.


"Smart boy.....I assume you know I'm the girl in the story and remember I told you, the little girl reminded the wolves of the moon goddess, not wanting to show disrespect to the real moon goddess by naming the cub after the moon goddess herself, they settled for the next great thing. Luna meaning moon. The past Luna of the wolves didn't enjoy me being called Luna, you know how wolves are territorial and all, so she called me BITA meaning unique.", Luna explained

"That explains a lot.", Ares replied.

The bells had started ringing signifying the departure of the cub's.

Luna looked in the direction of the sound, she smiled as she reached to Ares' shoulders, giving it a little squeeze.

"Well. It looks like it's time to go now." Ares looked at Libitina longingly. "I'll miss you Agase."

It didn't escape Libitina's notice of the new name that has been dubbed upon her by Ares, she didn't complain as she also longed to be called any thing odder than Libitina.

"Me too.", Libitina answered giving Ares a hug which Ares returned.

Strangely Ares is the very first person who has given Libitina a hug if you count out Luna. No other kids agreed to talk to Libitina in fear of her name and apperance. It didn't sadden her, if it's one friend she's destined to have, she'll keep that one friend.


The sun had retreated and the moon had taken it's stand.

Libitina had been very quiet, lost in her thought as her mind always seemed to drift to a peculiar brown haired cub. Luna was busy braiding her long curly ginger hair.

Luna had been pondering over an ancient book she had come across in the forgotten library, it consisted of the bonding methods the wolves of before had used, though forgotten now. One had particularly caught her interest, it was the aspect of communication.

She had spent years working on a plan that could only take place when Libitina was 18, an age of a mature wolf, she didn't want Libitina wasting all her time in Sud. Whatever her plan entailed, it would lead in the separation of Libitina and her and she needed a way to keep in touch with Libitina.

She had to form a bond with her, although not effective in cubs, it is when they mature.

"Libitina sweetie", Luna had stopped braiding Libitina's hair. "I need a favor.", She whispered.

Libitina twirled so she could face Luna, galvanized to assist Luna. She would do anything as long as it made Luna happy.

"Anything for you, Luna.", Libitina answered as she tilted Luna's head in order to get a better view.

"Yes.", Luna smiled as she pushed Libitina's hair away to expose her shoulders. "You love me very much, don't you, Libitina?", Luna asked as she caressed Libitina's neck.

To that Libitina nodded enthusiastically, not a bit alerted by the way the older she-wolf caressed her neck.

"And you would like to be with me for as long as you feel like. Yes?", She asked again.

Libitina nodded. "Forever."

Luna sighed sadly, resulting to a frown from Libitina.

"What's wrong, Luna?", Libitina asked.

Luna shook her head as she held unto Libitina's chubby face.

"But that isn't possible, little one."

"We won't be together forever?" Libitina asked with a pout.

"No, we won't.", Luna paused as she pecked Libitina's forehead. "But, we can still be touch, you just need to do whatever I say."

"Anything!!!", Libitina exclaimed but was quickly silenced by Luna's palm against her mouth.

When Luna was sure Libitina wouldn't say a word, she raised her index finger to her lips.

"But. It would our little secret."

Libitina nodded in understanding eager to know the secret Luna would share with her.

"Good. Now, be a good girl and don't scream no matter what happens, ok?",. Luna looked pleadingly into Libitina's eyes, if Libitina should scream even a little. All of Sud would come filing at her doorstep.

"Ok. What do we....", Libitina had no chance to ask her question, for Luna had pounced on her with elongated canines.

Libitina was tempted to scream as she felt Luna's fangs breaking the skin of her neck, gaining assess to her blood but she remembered her promise to Luna. She wouldn't scream. Instead she settled for gripping a fistful of Luna's white gown.

It wasn't long before she felt the release of her salted tears from the corner of her eyes. By that time she felt Luna release her, she was weak, she couldn't carry herself. She let her person fall on Luna.

"Good girl, Libitina, you are strong.", Luna kept whispering praises into Libitina's ear.

All the while Libitina smiled at the praises she got from Luna, she could also feel the soft air Luna released at her still aching neck.

Libitina was trying to fight whatever sudden spirit of sleepiness had fallen upon her, she would make small talk with Luna.

"Luna, who gave me the name Libitina?", Libitina asked lazily picking at the loose threads an her gown.

Luna stiffened in shock. She never expected such a question. No. She never expected the cub to speak to her at all after the stunt she just pulled. She was ready to bare whatever punishment the cub would give her. Luna smiled at the amount of trust this cub had put in her. She vowed within herself that she would carry out her plan no matter what.

"Someone." She answered. 

She could easily tell her who, but she didn't feel it's time to tell a cub, who gave her such a repelling name.

Libitina angled her head to face Luna, she had noticed how tense Luna was.

"I want to know." Libitina insisted. Her eyes fluttering almost of their in accord, in an effort to embrace sleep.

"Tina." Luna said while gently turning Libitina's head to resume it's former position but the little cub, summoning whatever strength she had, stiffened her head some more. Luna stared at Libitina for the longest time.

Could she possibly lie to the little cub?

As Luna let her thoughts drown her, she didn't notice the wide eyes Libitina held, for she believed to see Luna glow for a second but it could also be a trick of the moon.

Luna clicked her tongue against the root of her mouth.

"Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. I'll tell you another day when the time right."

Libitina is adamant and relentless, wanting to know everything and anything but she was also very sleepy now and didn't even have the strength to move her mouth.

"Ok." She agreed as she slept.


How many people expected it to be the alpha????

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