
Tenno's Chat Group

Ryuuto Azusagawa was just your every day otaku but one day while he was going home from the grocery shop he suddenly died. After his death he found himself in front of a ROB that granted him three wishes. And this is his story. ______________________________________________ Noob author here, I'll be grateful for every advice and constructive critic you readers give me and I hope you'll enjoy this story and if you're wondering whether or not I'll write sex scenes then no, I won't at very least not for a while. P.S. The title is only temporary if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me

69 Chs

40- Tests And New Ticket.

(Join my discord.



While Rias, Sona, their peerages and Vali attacked the numerous magicians together, Serafall, Sirzechs and Micheal were discussing the situation.

"How did they know the location of the meeting? Except those present nobody else should know."

Hearing Micheal say that all the of them reached the same conclusion, that someone betrayed them and joined Khaos Brigade.

Meanwhile Ryuuto was in his Void Dragon Balance Breaker getting used to his new armor and testing the limits of its Void ability.

"Void! Void! Void!"

After Albion's voice readings the attacks that were heading towards Ryuuto suddenly vanished without leaving trace.

'So I can use it on multiple targets at the some time. Let's try to make it last towards one of these guys.'

Thinking that Ryuuto focused on putting a 'Void Mark' on one of the various magicians around and after a few attempts he was finally successful and a purple mark appeared on the chest of the unlucky mage. Even though it needed a lot of focus too maintain this Void Mark was able to completely nullify the mage's ability to use spells and any defensive magic he had on, unfortunately this means he fell to his death since he was using a magic circle to fly.

(A/N Image here.)

'So I can do this, but it needs a lot of concentration and for now I can only use it on one enemy at the time.'

Moving on to the next test, Ryuuto tried to void the ability to see if another magician and after some attempts he noticed how the magician seemed to panic and started turning his head in every direction trying to see if he could actually see anything. Cancelling the Void ability Ryuuto noticed how the message could now see again since he was starting at Ryuuto.

'I might have to try if this works with other senses, but I can't do that now, it's not like I can go to one of this guys and ask them if they lost the feeling of touch.'

While Ryuuto was over with his tests, Rias who was currently killing some magicians had an idea.

'Could I can do the same thing that Darling did during that tournament. Maybe if I infuse the Boosted Gear armor with mana it could work...'

Thinking that Rias started to inject mana inside her armor and saw how it, with enough focus and energy, started to float behind her and attack the magicians that got to close while also continuing to boost her.

"Haha! I did it! Darling will surely praise me!"

As Rias kept killing various mages with the help of her now floating armor, Koneko was being taught by Kuroka how to beat use her Nekoshou side and how to use Touki.

Even though Koneko had had very little time to learn Senjutsu, thanks to get Nekoshou side she was able to learn enough to start using Touki, this technique would let her increase her offense defense and speed.

"Just like that Shirone nya, keep on focusing and soon enough you'll be able to do this without even thinking about it nya."

"Thank you Onee-san!"

Meanwhile Gasper was using his Sacred Gear to block anyone that dared to get near his future wi... ahem, little Eri and blasted them to pieces.

'Nobody shall touch Eri-chan!'


As Azazel was fighting Katerea and was about to defeat her, she suddenly took out a snake and ate it boosting her power.

"Hahahaha! Now with this power I'll kill all of you!"

Seeing his opponent getting stronger, Azazel decided to take out his ace.

"I guess it's time to test this. Dawn Fall Dragon Spear! Balance Breaker!"

Saying that Azazel took out a lance-like golden dagger with a purple jewel at the end of the handle and was soon after covered in a golden armor with purple jewels similar to the Divine Dividing Balance Breaker and a golden trident aooeared in his hand.

(A/N Image here.)

"This is much more interesting than some war."

As Azazel was about to attack Katerea he saw Ryuuto flying towards Katerea from behind her and punched her once he got close enough.

"Need a hand Azazel?"

"I can do it alone but I'm certainly not going to complain."

Saying that both of them flew towards Katerea while she had just recovered from the punch Ryuuto threw at her.

"Fucking brat! Don't you know who I am?! I am Katerea Leviathan! How dare you attack me?!"

"Why can't you villains just shut up..."

Saying that Ryuuto kicked Katerea on the side sending her towards Azazel, who thrusted his trident towards her but Katerea was able to somehow dodge and, seeing that she couldn't win against those two, decided to kill herself with a magic explosion and bring Azazel with her, so Katerea used the power she obtained from eating the snake to transform the fingers in her hand into arms and wrap those around Azazel left arm.

"A suicidal attack?"

"You're right! Even if I did it's going to be worth of I bring one of the factions leaders with me."

"Sorry to say this but an arm is more than enough for someone like you."

Just as Azazel was about to cut off his left arm and throw his trident towards Katerea's head to kill her and stop her from killing herself and him, Azazel saw Katerea differently stop moving while a faint around was surrounding her.

Looking towards Ryuuto, Azazel saw he was wearing some strange armor.


A moment before this happened.

'Katerea should be trying to make herself explode right now, how do I stop her?... I'll just use Limbo Prime and put her in the rift.'

Thinking that Ryuuto equipped Limbo Prime and used Vanish on Katerea sending her in the Rift and then used Stasis to stop her from moving. After that Ryuuto also got inside the Rift and taking out one of his wings decapitated Katerea.

Unfortunately, just before she died Katerea was able to summon reinforcement and a large number of devils from the Old Satan faction appeared.

"I should have saved the 'Need a hand' for now..."

"You really should have done that."

Looking towards the ground and seeing the enormous amount of magicians and devils still there, Ryuuto studebaker had an idea.

Reaching the ground and equipping Nekros Prime, Ryuuto activate Shadows of the Dead and every thing he had ever killed started riding from the ground, this also included the Chitauri and the demon beasts from the beast horde at Glory city.


As soon as one of the shadows emerged it started to attack the magicians and the devils, who, even though were slightly stronger, kept dying due to the numbers of their enemies and Ryuuto constantly healing his shadows.


"Yes, Onii-sama?"

"Remind me to never get on your husband bad side..."

As the shadows were annihilating the magicians and Old Satan devils, Vali revealed that he was the traitor and that he joined Khaos Brigade but seeing how the situation was going, he decided to just get out of there.

While Ryuuto kept looking at the destruction his shadows were causing the chat screen suddenly aooeared in front of him once more.

'Please not another title...'

<Congratulations to The Last Tenno (Admin) for slaying 100 devils and obtaining the first achievement. Devil slayer.

Prize: Special Traveling ticket.>

<Ginger-Loving Witch: Rias, Ryuuto isn't going on a rampage right?>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: No, it's devils from the Old Satan Faction, the bad guys but he is laughing somewhat maniacally.>

<Ginger-Loving Witch: I see.>

<Worthless Neet: I have a bad feeling about that ticket.>

<True Demon Lord: This is the second time Ryuuto unlocks something for first.>

<Tiny Dancer: Maybe since he is the admin he must be the first to do something and then we'll unlock it.>

<Alchemist Beauty: It could make sense, in the end he is kind of like a leader for this chat.>

<The Last Tenno (Admin): We'll have to wait and see, now I'm going back to slaying the heretics!>

<Worthless Neet: Are you really sure he isn't going crazy Rias?>

<Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess: Yes, he's just joking... I think.>

<Worthless Neet: We're all fucked...>

Closing the chat screen, Ryuuto looked at the description of the special ticket.

<Special Traveling ticket.

Description: Allows the user to travel to the world is Animal cro... Doom Eternal.

(Time will stop in your original world and you can go back to it whenever you want.)>

"Kazuma was right... Wait, maybe if I revive his rabbit he won't try to kill me or Rias, not that I would let him but it would be such a waste to kill a legend."

After Ryuuto stopped talking with himself, he saw how most of the enemies had been killed and the few remaining were already retreating so he decided to call back his shadows and unequipped Nekros Prime.

As the last of the magicians teleported away, Ryuuto was hugged by both Ning Er and Rias while the two released a tired sigh.

"I'm tied of all this fighting Darling, I want a vacation!"

"Me too Dear!"

"Then how about we finally have our honeymoon?"

"That's a great idea Dear, but where should we go?"

"How about another world?"

"That's nice Darling, but what world?"

"Then let's all the chat group is they have any ideas."

<The Last Tenno (Admin): Hey guys, me and my wives wanted to have our honeymoon in a different world, any idea?>

<Tiny Dancer: I wouldn't advise mine, except for the Nordic Gods, everything else should be pretty similar to your world.>

<Worthless Neet: Fuck off! I don't want you three flexing your love life on me! I'm already depressed enough!>

<True Demon Lord: Don't know if you should come to mine either, we have some problems with a demon lord.>

<Ginger-Loving Witch: Then why don't you come to mine? It's pretty relaxing and tomorrow two other schools will arrive at Hogwarts.>

"What do you girls think about Hermione proposal?"

"I'm okay with that. That Tri-wizard cup send interesting and I always wanted to visit a real english castle."

"I'm okay with anything as long as you're there Dear."

"You cheeky girl."

Saying that Ryuuto kissed Ning Er on the lips and when the two separated her saw Rias pouting behind him. Chuckling, Ryuuto also kissed her making Rias'smile wildly.

<The Last Tenno (Admin): It seems we'll be coming to your world Hermione, would you mind notifying your headmaster about us so they don't attack us tomorrow?>

<Ginger-Loving Witch: Sure, then I'll see you guys tomorrow.>

Just as Ryuuto was about to close the screen a new announcement from the chat appeared.

<Congratulations to True Demon Lord for obtaining the title: Loli Lewder for having lewd a loli.>

<Tiny Dancer: I'm calling Director Fury this time...>

While Ryuuto tried to not laugh out loud since he realized what Diablo was doing, Rias and Ning Er went towards the rest of the group to announce that they would be going on a honeymoon.

"I understand Rias, but remember that there is the Young devils gathering in about a month so don't be too late."

"I know Onii-sama, don't worry we'll come back before that."

After announcing that, Rias, Ryuuto, Ning Er and Eri went home and while his two wives prepared everything they might need for tomorrow's trip, Ryuuto was downstairs telling Yasaka they would be away for some time.

"Yasaka, me, Rias and Ning Er will be away for some time, can you take care of Eri in the meantime? By the way, how is Kunou-chan? Did she get better?"

"Don't worry Ryuuto-san, I'll take care of little Eri, and thanks for asking, Kunou is already getting better and by tomorrow she should be completely fine."

As Ryuuto, Ning Er and Rias were about to teleport, Eri interrupted them.

"Onee-chan, can Eri come with you?"

"I'm sorry Eri-chan, but this is something for Onii-chan and your Onee-chans, but don't worry, we'll be back in a few days, meanwhile Yasaka Oba-chan will take care of you, ok?"

"Ok Onee-chan! Have fun!"

"Thanks Eri-chan."

Saying that, Rias, Ryuuto and Ning Er traveled to Hermione's world using a ticket that would allow all the of the to travel at the same time and would also stop time.

Once there, Ryuuto looked around and saw h how it was still early in the morning.

"Since we have time why don't we look around this world for some time?"

Seeing Rias and Ning Er nod, Ryuuto called the Xiphos and all the boarded it.

Fortieth Chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ILMATTEOcreators' thoughts