Like every other reincarnation fanfic. anyways my grammar is bad English is not my first language, this is an experimental work it's wish fulfillment kind of fanfic I will update when I can, enjoy reading.
As they were getting closer and closer to the faculty room they heard a scram which made them hasten their step. As they reached the faculty room they saw a boy and a girl struggling against some zombies. The boy was fine while the girl was in some trouble but managed to keep the zombie from closer than arms length because of the drill she was using as self-defense which was piercing the zombie's head.
Demolus charged ahead of everyone before they could react he killed the zombies one by one and kicked away the zombie which had his head pierced by a drill and caught the girl in his arms before she could fall on her knees, and recognized her as one of the main characters Saya Takagi.
Saya is a teenage girl of under-average height with long pink hair which she mostly keeps in two ponytails on either side of her head. Her hair also has two thin, long bangs at the sides, two thin strands of hair over the left side of her forehead, and a spiky larger portion of hair covering the right side of her forehead. Saya has fierce orange eyes and furrowed eyebrows.
While embracing the girl Demolus gently rubbed her back and tried to calm her down with the gentlest smile he could, to reassure her that everything will be alright. And it was effective mostly because of his charm and good looks at least that's what Demolus thought.
"I's alright, everything will be fine, no one can hurt you while I'm here you can let it all out I'll protect you" Demolus whispered in her ear gently trying not to scare her more because he understood how terrifying this can be to normal people after all he was normal once.
Saya was panicking but the tight yet gentle hug made her feel safe and his comforting words made her feel that nothing bad can happen to her while in his embrace which made her hug him back while sobbing.
While Demolus was taking care of Saya everyone snapped out of it and started clearing the rest of the zombies and it seems that Takashi's team was here too.
Shizuka approached Saya and Demolus and started making sure Saya was alright and hugged the two in hopes of helping calm Saya down who was sobbing into Demoluses chest.
And everyone started introducing themselves "You already know the school doctor Dr. Marikawa, right? I'm Saeko Busujima from class 3-A" Saeko introduced herself.
"I'm Takashi Komuro from 2-B"
"I'm Hisashi Igou Also from 2-B"
"Miss Busijima I remember you won the national championship last year. I'm Rei Miyamoto, a member of the spear martial arts club"
"Oh I'm Kota Hirano from class B"
Hirano is short and overweight. His weight presumably hinders his endurance, which is why he tends to participate in long-distance shooting at a stationary position instead of defending himself via melee attacks or other high-energy-expenditure methods of fighting. He has a shoulder-length hairstyle that has bangs reaching down from the side of his temples stretching outwards and obscuring the sides of his face.
"Hello I' Kazu Ishii"
"Nice to meet you" Saeko smiled at everyone and everyone started getting to know each other when Demolus interrupted their conversation.
"Let's go to the Faculty room and you can have your conversations we need rest right now and you guys chatting in the open can atract more of those walking corpses," Demolus said loudly and started moving to the faculty room with Saya and Shizuka.
While Saya has calmed down she was instantly overcome by embarrassment because she clung to a guy she didn't know for dear life and when she looked at his face and smile from so close it made her heart beat faster but for some reason, she felt calm and happy at the moment forgetting everything else.
When everyone entered the office and locked the door Takashi instantly question Demolus for who he was because for him Demolus was an outsider who didn't belong to the school staff.
"Who are you any way you aren't from this school and what was or is your purpose here!"
"Hmmm well my name is Demolus and my purpose is killing as many of those corpses as possible simple right?" Demolus answered him simply with a smile.
"I'm asking why are you at our school," Takashi asked again with some irritation in his voice.
"Oh that's simple I'm here because I'm a demon of lust and love and I was transported to this world to kill as many of these walking corpses as possible" Demolus explained truthfully but he knew no one would believe him, after all, some times truth is stranger than fiction.
Everyone was dumbfounded no one knew how to react to this declaration. ' Is this a joke' Almost everyone was thinking at the time.