

While everyone was confused by his introduction Shizuka voiced out what she was thinking at the moment.

"Well Demo-kun is very handsome so it would make sense, after all, there is a saying, handsome as a devil right?"


Most of the group were confused and thought that it's better not to think about it too much while Saeko had an amused smile while looking at Demolus. After everyone started calming down the conversation picked up again.

"Hey D...Demolus-san why are you dressed like that" Hirano asked the red-haired man.

At his question, everyone started paying him attention and look at what he was wearing which surprised them because they didn't notice how he was dressed before and it was most likely because of the zombies walking all around them before.

And Demolus only now remembered that he was wearing a black t-shirt with grey shorts and most importantly he was wearing flip-flops.

"Well, no actual reason but what do you guys think about taking the school bus and leaving school with it it has enough room for more people and supplies if we get some on the way," Demolus asked them instead.

"That's a good idea but where do we go from here?" Saeko asked everyone.

While they discussed about a good place when Shizuka remembered about her friend's place and everyone decided to go there as their destination because of the great place the house was at. When everyone noticed Rei watching the tv and increased the volume.

"It's feer that more than 10,000 people have been victimized in the Saitama area so far. The governor has already declared a state of emergency…. (bang) (bang) it's a gunshot" As they were watching the police forces firing at the undead and the broadcasting ended and started with how they will inform everyone what's happening when it was safer.

Takahashi hit the table with frustration "Is that all? why didn't they say anything else?"

"They're afraid of causing a panic," Saya said

"Right now?" Rei question

"Yeah because it's right now, fear brings chaos, and chaos causes disruption of order. And when order is disrupted, how are you going to deal with the moving-dead?" Saya asked her.

"For those that still don't understand what Saya was trying to say remember and yourself how many of the students survived after they started panicking and how many were dragged down by the same panicking mob," Demolus added which made them think of what he said.

"And this is happening all around the world so don't wait for help, only we can help ourselves survive this apocalyptic scenario," Said while pointing at the tv screen which showed that it was really happening all around the world.

"But everything was normal when I check the internet this morning," Hirano said with worry in his voice.

"I can't believe this, this happened all around the world in a matter of a few hours," Rei said while backing away neer Takashi and Hisashi.

"Well, this is real missy, and don't start dreaming of a safe place or this ending because this is only the beginning and you better get your head out of the gutter before you lose it" Demolus answered her and reprimanded her at the same time.

"And why would you know all of this you must be related to this!" Takashi wanted to protect Rai with his words but felt miserable by what came next.

"You must really be dumb have you never read a book or watched a movie with a scenario like this, do you not understand what happens if you think that everything is rainbows and sunshine, well it's simple you get disappointed by reality if you actually manage to survive with that kind of mentality" Demolus shot back.

"I agree it's not going to be safe anywhere it's a pandemic after all and it's global afterall" Saya agreed.

"It might not be a pandemic too after all we can't prove their existence biologically or siantifily zombies or walking corpses are fictional after all and it would make no sense how a dead body can move" Deomlus added

"And there's no actual reason for us to think about all of this it won't actually help us right now, we should probably look for our families if they are safe and try to survive together, we should team up," While Saeko was proposing to team up everyone readied their weapons while Demolus stared at his pipe and thought he needed to replace it later on.

"Let's pick up survivers whenever we can" Saeko added.

Everyone nodded at Saeko and decided to go to the parking lot through the main entrance because it would be the fastest way out of school and closest to the parking lot where the bus was.

"Let's go then," Demolus said while grinning.

Next chapter