
Taming the True Fire (HP)

[OC Harry Potter fanfiction/Marauders era] Catherine McMahon is not your ordinary witch. She keeps a dark secret about her very existence, from which she tries to escape in the friendships and love she finds at Hogwarts. Exploring her heritage and growing powers, Catherine is faced with choices which could destroy her family, friends and her soul. [R18+] This is not a happy and easy to read story. There are a lot of dark, and possibly triggering, themes and topics throughout the story. In later chapters there is explicit sexual content, dominance and submission, and related alternative sexual practices. Also, most of the characters, including the OC, are very far from good, perfect people. There's a lot of emotional pain involved. I change the lore significantly, where I needed for the sake of the story I'm trying to tell, but besides that I try to stay true to the HP universe as we know it. This includes the books but also other sources such as games, the FB series, etc. You can see my visual idea of the characters, items and events from the fanfiction on https://pin.it/5CqE3zjkx All images are generated via AI.

Sailea · 作品衍生
151 Chs

Chapter 76: Silver Tongue (3)

The work on the map had to be set aside as the third-years found themselves inundated with assignments before the end of the term. By early December, a thick blanket of white snow enveloped the school, prompting everyone to bundle up in their warmest attire to stave off the biting cold. Yet, despite the frosty weather, the students remained eager for their final visit to Hogsmeade before Christmas

"I need to buy something nice for Tuney." – remarked Lily as she and Catherine wandered the village streets, pausing at various shop windows adorned with festive decorations for the upcoming holidays. 

"Perhaps something from Honeydukes?" – suggested the black-haired girl.

"Unlikely, she's not one for sweets or treats." – the other witch replied, shaking her head.

"What a strange person." – Catherine mused, halting in front of the Mystical Threads Boutique where an array of sparkling robes were on display, advertised as 'the perfect choice for an enchanted New Year's Eve.'

"In any case, we need to hurry up and be done with our shopping before we turn into human icicles. Would you care to join me for a butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks?" – Lily asked, adjusting her scarf.

"I'm meeting the boys there, so if you don't mind them, we can go now." – the other girl replied, smirking at her friend's distorted expression – "Or if you prefer, come with me to Charmé Chic so I can pick up my dress for Slughorn's party."

"Another Sorcerié dress?" – asked Lily, beaming when Catherine nodded affirmatively – "Your parents must be very wealthy if you can afford those."

"They are." – the black-haired witch said gloomily – "And they would give me any amount of money, as long as they don't need to spend time with me. Anyway, I want to show those Slytherins that Muggle-born or not, I won't allow them to bully me in any shape or form!"

"I don't know if this is going to prevent bullying, but they most certainly envy you." – the red-headed Gryffindor commented as they reached the secluded street where the luxury boutiques of Hogsmeade were located – "Regardless, Slytherins do seem to avoid you lately. Is it because of Malfoy?"

"What do you mean because of Malfoy?" – asked Catherine a bit too hastily. 

"Well, it's rumoured that he forbade Slytherins from attacking you in any way, plus I see too much of him around to be a mere coincidence. It's strange, considering he's dating Narcissa Black. What does he want from you?" – Lily finally posed the question that she was contemplating upon for quite a while.

"I honestly don't know! I think he just enjoys bothering me. I can't think of any other reason." – the black-haired witch lied. 

'He said I had his attention… What's that supposed to mean? He knows I speak Parseltongue, but it doesn't explain why he keeps following me. It's like some kind of a sick chase… Honestly, I'm going to be so relieved when he leaves the school!' – thought Catherine as the two Gryffindors entered the shop. 

Any thoughts about the Slytherin Head Boy disappeared from the girls' minds as they delved into the world of high fashion. Lily was gazing dreamily at a mesmerising yellow ball gown when Catherine emerged from the fitting room, wearing Louisa McMahon's latest creation. 

She was wearing a knee-length dress, crafted from a rich, vibrant red velvet fabric, which appeared both soft and comfortable Its A-line silhouette gracefully flared from the waist, ensuring effortless movement, particularly ideal for twirling on the dance floor. A refined touch was added with a rounded neckline delicately trimmed in scalloped lace, juxtaposed by whimsical flutter sleeves of sheer fabric, softly ruffled at the shoulders.

The dress was adorned with subtle, shimmering sequins, scattered across the bodice, catching the light with every movement, and adding a magical sparkle that was perfect for a Christmas party. Completing the ensemble, a slender velvet ribbon adorned the hem, providing texture and contrast while enhancing the holiday allure.

"You look positively festive!" – Lily giggled, circling around her friend to admire the dress and the matching red velvet ballet flats – "Perhaps we can weave some golden ribbons into your hair? They're all the rage this season!"

"I'm not sure about that." – said Catherine, casting a critical eye in the mirror – "With my straight hair, I think it would look rather odd. Those ribbons seem to suit only wavy or curly hair."

"We can arrange that if you wish." – suggested the other witch playfully.

"Keep your wand away from my hair, Lily Evans!" – the black-haired girl replied, chuckling – "It's the only beautiful feature I have!"

"Don't say that, Daisy!" – Lily said earnestly, embracing her friend – "You are absolutely lovely!"

"Coming from the reigning Beauty Queen of our year!" – Catherine teased, relishing the blush that spread across Lily's cheeks – "Don't worry, Your Majesty! I'm perfectly content as your humble lady-in-waiting!"

However, the good mood of the two Gryffindors didn't last long. As they left the shop, carefully carrying Catherine's dress packed in a bag adorned with the Sorcerié logo, the small crowd outside the window erupted into murmurs. Attempting to navigate through the students, the third-years found themselves halted by none other than Volumnia Travers, whose expression conveyed a mixture of disgust and superiority. Standing closely behind her was Tullia Parkinson, mirroring her classmate's disdainful expression. 

"Look at that!" – Volumnia nearly howled, squinting her pale blue eyes – "I suppose this wasn't such an exclusive establishment after all, seeing they allow the likes of you to enter freely!"

"At least we were inside, unlike some who seemed glued to the window!" – Lily retorted, a smirk playing on her lips as she observed red spots appearing on Volumnia's face. The crowd formed a tight circle around the two Gryffindors and the two Slytherins, forcing them to confront each other.

"It's not as if you could afford anything in there, Mudblood!" – Tullia hissed, then gestured towards Catherine – "And while she may have the money, it's not enough to disguise the stench of her impure blood!"

Before Catherine could respond, she heard a raspy voice emanating from somewhere behind her. 

"Crescere Ungulum!" 

What unfolded next was a bizarre blend of amusement and horror. The smug countenances of Volumnia and Tullia swiftly paled. They exchanged panicked glances, but before anyone could react, Tullia let out a piercing cry of pain, collapsing onto the cold pavement to hastily rid herself of her shoes. The scene was both grotesque and mesmerising; her toenails sprouted at an alarming pace, slicing through her socks, and curling ominously.

Amidst the mixture of laughter and gagging from the onlookers, Volumnia had little choice but to follow suit, albeit attempting to flee—a futile effort, given the length of her rapidly growing toenails.

Meanwhile, Catherine managed to tear her gaze away from the spectacle and scanned the surroundings for the culprit. She caught a fleeting glimpse of someone darting into a nearby alley. 

'Well, I suppose I should consider myself fortunate that Snape didn't test this curse on me first.' – thought the girl, a smirk playing on her lips as she observed Volumnia, now reduced to tears of humiliation. – 'I fail to understand what his classmates' problem is with him – he's a true Slytherin, no doubts about that!'