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im not saying you should kill her in a plane crash... I would not be mad if you did it though
also Thea is now taller then Oliver
I kinda dislike how you did they choises that mc made about there reincarnation. I feel like most of the cost made little sence like deadpool regen (its like full immortality) only cost 500 points and being rich is 3500 points. Instead of a bunch of superpowers mc could not afford you could made it random draw (you are the author so what they got could still be the same) example mc points 1500 "Random story caracter" -300 "Make a new caracter from scratch" -200 to 1000 "Random superpower" max 3. -500 "Random perk" max 2. -200 "Random stat" max 5. - 50 ---------------------------------- you got Thea queen you got deadpools regen you got perfect memory you got peak human flex or speed or whatever you get the point As it is right now it feels like pick 1 or 2 and the rest you cant afford. and also I find it super weird that mc dont really care if they are a man or woman but care about there hight, especially when they want to be really tall for a woman, ether make them want to be a tall woman or have them accept Thea as is. other then that the gramer was good and I like the idea behind the story keep up the good work!
its a nice family friendly type of game huh
dislikes flashbacks so +1
I heard from some friends that it's bad but did not see it myself
well you are one of few that actualy knows how to write romance
this is from the wiki "Their natural charm only makes them easier to trust and believe, not more pleasing to the eye." for a Sequence 8: Swindler