of reading
Read books
LOL just read 40K like you need to dominate the world and conquer it like the emperor did if you find some uppity people snobby nobles annoying rich people just find a tree with some rope and problem solved lol 😂
the new code Geass is? it's okay... I think the exile was better tho
yes the ARC trooper that had a hold my beer moment well he proceeded to retake the the front lines even had grievous running away one time in the war and in one comic defeated dooku and a whole separate is fleet ..... also he can die outside of a bank to a pìssant discount bounty Hunter...
good thing he named it zero Legion and not the Black Knights.... you know with their history of treachery & backstabbing
LOL could it be anything else 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
honestly it depends on what general we're dealing with if it's Star Wars the clone Wars Disney and movie grievous then yeah but if we're dealing with Star Wars 2003 cartoon.... Then lelouch has met his match!
hey now friend world domination isn't a pastime or a hobby okay it's a calling it's a lifestyle!
LOL there's no reason that world domination has to be tyrannical and Evil okay? ಥ‿ಥ we can take over the world with install world domination and then we can rule benevitably with cuddles and hugs!... or else!!!
in reality this would probably work if he was handsome enough he would say hey bitçhes! and they turn around all offended and then they look at him and then start getting all shy giggling