
TamaTsuki: A Fox Tail and Blood Moon of Lies

I am again writing a story of Fate. This time the heroine is, as you guessed, Tamamo no Mae. I just played Fate/Extra and as waifu I chose her. She was hard to raise but so OP in the later stage plus if you add her back story that takes your heart away~. Anyway, I have no idea what powers I should give to MC. I don’t know if I should add Minamoto Raiko and her children in series with Raiko as harem member. Or I am even thinking about adding Arcueid but who knows. Suggestions are welcome.

J_Titan · 漫画同人
5 Chs

Chapter 2: A bloody reincarnation

(???'s POV)

"Come on….!"

A boy around his twenties can be seen walking on a quiet street holding his mobile horizontally playing a game, a bad civilization.

The boy possesses 'very ordinary' looks. Dark silky hair and glimmering red eyes are his main features.

He is not very handsome to the point where every girl (bit*h) gets wet dreams upon seeing him like trash MCs of Aki*an but he was not very ugly or hiding his eyes with bangs to give an H-Protagonist vibe.

'Fairly Average' should be an appropriate term for the guy's appearance.

It is naturally me, the protagonist of this fic whose life is going to be fu*ked up soon, naturally.

"Dammit!! Tama-chan, why do you never respond to my summon?!!" I suddenly scream holding my head and looking at the sky cursing my vile luck.

"Mama, why is this guy acting like that?" A boy near me asks his mother.

"Don't pay attention to them. Let's go. Remember Gacha is bad civilization." The mother responses with keen intellect before taking her son away from me.

As you have suspected, I am a big Tamamo-no-Mae simp.

Why do you ask?

Simply because I fell in love with her design, her voice, and her back story that wants you to make her wife at all cost.

It was the first time when I played Fate/Extra and choose her.

Although she was hard to level up and beat the early games, once her skills are up, she was by far the strongest servant in the game.

After that, I also played CCC and Extella with Tamamo as my main wife/DPS servant too.

And man, I have to say, she is perfect wife material.

Despite suffering such a cruel fate, she never really showed a hostile side to humans. Always appearing positively without giving up on the pathetic cardboard MC of the Extra series.

She is the perfect fluffy and adorable wife.

But my luck in FGO is just terrible. Even after playing for over a year and spending almost a million yen on the game, I didn't get her a single copy. Not even her berserker or Assassin form spooked me once!!!

I am now really broke after spending almost a million Yen on my waifu.

"Then is it my kidney or destroying FGO office…?"

It was then my mind starts plotting nasty ideas to take my waifu from me. Those fu*kers are just money-hungry assholes who like to torment their loyal believers in waifus.

"Sigh* I really need to find a girl…"

I sigh and sit on a bench in the part. My eyes fall on the bright moon of the night.

It is just beautiful sight.

If you haven't guessed from my absurd mindset then let me tell you, I am an assassin by profession.

Even though I hate this job, it is the only work I could perform with excellent proficiency.

I barely finished high school so college was never an option. I even tried working in an ordinary company but nothing worked there.

As someone who is used to slicing throats from an early age, I know that I have no future in society. I have no parents, no friends, and no close relatives to rely on. Simply put, I am a real-life lonely person who appears in anime and manga.

And just like any other socially rejected introverted guy I soon find myself a little joy in the world of anime and manga.

Although people start with Fate/ Stay Night, I picked Fate/ Extra as my first game, and man, I fell in love with my 2D waifu Tama-chan.

"Fuah! Even if I die here, I am pretty sure that I will be either going to hell or live another trashy life."

It is the ultimate route for your bad karma. I can get away without any punishment till now but I knew that my miserable life is on a halt.

There is never a good excuse to take a life even it is for the sake of the betterment of society.

"I shouldn't think like Emiya-san and shake hands with the unknown entities to make a better world. How cliché…"

Although my life is such a mess, I am not a person who thinks for the betterment of society. My only wish is to live a normal life.

For all my life, I have only taken other lives to fill my belly but now I am thinking to start a normal life.

"But the only problem is wife. How the hell I am going to find a girl who will cosplay as a magical fox girl for me…?"

I have dated several girls before but none of them agreed to even wear the fox ears! They should know that men have a preference!!

"Will I get a perfect wife?" I sigh while looking at the bright full moon.

'What if yes?'

I then hear a strange sound and got up from the bench to look for the source.


"What the…?"

I realized that I was standing in a completely different place.

It was nothing but the darkness as far as I could see.

"So this is it then…"

Unknowingly, I rubbed my eyes and open again to see if I was not hallucinating but the next sight happened to be even more bizarre.

"Ah… why my head is bleeding…?"

With a terrible headache, I scratched my head only to see blood on my tiny palm.

What the hell is happening?!

I was lying on soft dirt surrounded by trees, probably a forest?

My hands became tiny that of a 10 or 11 years old child. I was wearing a collar in addition to blood-soaked clothes.

Whose blood it was?

It was mine as a trail of blood was leaking from my head.

However, it was the least of my worry as the next horrifying sight took my breath away.

Bodies of young children were lying around me. They were either stabbed in the heart or someone sliced their throats but one thing was certain that they were dead.

"So you are alive?"

I looked forward and saw a 14-year-old boy approaching me holding a knife.

'So he is the one who killed… no… I also killed one…'

With another sharp pain in my head, memories of the boy I was possessing start appearing in my head.

Many children, along with the boy whose body I am possessing, were thrown in a forest to kill each other.

Whoever comes alive is the winner.

"Alive…? How? I made sure to avenge for my brother….!"

And the person standing in front of me is a psychopath who killed all other children while I, on other hand, only killed one, who just happened to be the brother of this psychopath.

He slowly stepped forward holding a knife.

Due to head injury and feeble physique of my body, I was at disadvantage but I knew that I have to face the boy if I have to get out alive.

I rubbed my shirt and stood up calmly.

The boy in front of me was shocked to see me so calm even in the face of death and slowly his shock turned into fury.

"You brat, I am going to kill you!!!"

He roared and ran holding a knife straight at my heart.

Normally, a child around my age would have frozen from the shock but I was calm.

I slowly took a martial art stance and calmed my breath.


Time around me slowed down so much that I could see his moments clearly.

Since I had very little time, I grabbed the hand of the boy holding the knife, bent it a little to position it towards his throat.

Thrust* Splash*

The boy didn't know what happened until he saw the knife embedded in his throat.

He then looked at me with horror as if asking how I turned the table but blood soon flung out of the throat and his body dropped on the ground like a puppet whose strings have been cut.

After that my body also gave up and I fell on my back.

My body was not used to such bloodshed but it was also displeasure to kill a boy just on your first day of isekai.

Clap* Clap*

I turned my head and saw a tall man wearing traditional Japanese armor. Long dark navy blue hair and eyes that of a warrior.

"My name is Kazusa-no-Suke. For you, I am your 'father'. Is that okay?!" He said and lifted me by holding the collar on my neck.

That bastard named Kazusa-no-Suke was the organizer of this bloody dead or live game.

When I tried to resist, several spikes came out and penetrated my throat. It was so painful but I couldn't even scream as the more I resist, the more it strangled me to death.

"Kid, I advise you to obey me or your life will end here."

Kazusa said and then showed me his sword.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I understand… father." I decided to comply with the man in order to organize my situation later on.

"Very good. Now follow me." He said and started walking.

I turned my head and saw corpses of children lying helplessly.

"Why my luck is so bad…."

I sighed and then followed the warrior named Kazusa-no-Suke.

My life in an unknown world began.


Again the poll is open.

A. Harem:

Minamoto no Raiko

Murasaki Shibuku

Arcueid Brunestud (Tsukihime)

B. Non Harem

You decide.