
Tainted Destiny

In a realm teeming with fantastical creatures, a determined young man sets out on a perilous journey to fulfill his destiny. Armed with only his wits and the unwavering strength of his spirit, he battles his way through a treacherous landscape filled with dangerous beasts, powerful demons, and awe-inspiring angels. With every challenge he faces, he grows stronger and more resolute, determined to overcome any obstacle that stands in his way. But as he rises through the ranks and gains the attention of powerful allies and enemies alike, he begins to question whether he can truly change his fate or whether he is destined for a darker, more tragic end. Will he triumph against all odds, or will he succumb to the forces that seek to bring him down? Only time will tell in this epic tale of courage, perseverance, and the power of destiny.

CANON_Player · 奇幻
18 Chs

Lael Lake Deer

After his battle with the bear he cut a part of it and took it to his camp. After eating the bear the night came and another sleepless night passed.

Neo resumed his search for the Lael Lake Deer the next day. He thought about the fight he had with the bear and the mistakes he made After scouting the area around the lake for three hours, he finally spotted a deer's head above the water. Realizing that he wouldn't be able to fight it in the water, Neo patiently waited for it to come out on a nearby tree.

Neo stood silently with his sword in hand, watching as the Lael Lake Deer emerged from the water. Its antlers seemed to shimmer and shift, changing shape and size as the water flowed around them.

Neo took a deep breath and charged towards the deer. The creature was quick, darting to the side as Neo swung his sword. Neo didn't hesitate, following the deer and slashing at its side but its antlers changed shape and protected its body. The sword met resistance, as if hitting a solid wall, but Neo could feel the antlers shifting beneath the surface of the water.

The Lael Lake Deer turned and charged at Neo, its antlers elongating and hardening into sharp points. Neo stepped back, narrowly avoiding a strike that would have impaled him. He swung his sword again, but the deer was too quick, dodging and weaving with ease.

Neo gritted his teeth, determined not to give up. He waited for the deer to make its next move, watching as the antlers once again shifted and changed shape. With a sudden burst of speed, the Lael Lake Deer charged again, its antlers aimed straight for Neo's chest.

Neo ducked and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. He leapt back to his feet, his sword held high, and charged towards the deer once again. The creature turned to face him, its antlers morphing once again, but Neo was ready.

He swung his sword with all his might, striking the antlers with a resounding clang. The antlers shook and quivered, but held firm, as if made of solid steel. The Lael Lake Deer swiftly turned its antlers to the side and charged past Neo, its sharp antlers grazing his left shoulder and causing a deep wound.

Neo didn't give up. He kept swinging his sword, striking the antlers with all his might adding all the aura he had accumulated since he became a knight, until finally, with a loud crack, the antlers shattered into a thousand pieces.

The Lael Lake Deer stumbled back, dazed and confused. Neo seized the opportunity, plunging his sword deep into the creature's heart.

The deer let out a final, pained cry, before collapsing to the ground. Neo stood, panting and covered in sweat, his sword held triumphantly in the air. He had done it. He had defeated the Lael Lake Deer.

Neo tended to his wound as best he could, then began the process of skinning the Lael Lake Deer. As he worked, he noticed a glint from within the animal's body. Curiosity piqued, Neo carefully extracted a crystal from the deer's chest cavity. He knew that some beasts carried such crystals, and that the quality of the crystal varied based on the beast's rank.

He recalled his mother telling him about the uses of these crystals. They were known to aid in the training of knights and mages, increasing their strength. Neo saw his father practicing with such crystals but never had the chance to do it himself as they were precious and a small baron like his father could afford only so much. Neo knew that this crystal would be very valuable to him as he continued on his journey to become a powerful knight. With a sense of satisfaction, he carefully stowed the crystal away in his pack, knowing that it would aid him greatly in his future endeavors.

Neo returned home after his successful hunt and proudly showed his parents the skin and the crystal he had found. His parents listened intently to his story, impressed by his journey.

After dinner, Neo retreated to his room, eager to examine the crystal he had found. He held it up to the light and marveled at its beauty. It glowed with a soft blue light, pulsing gently in his palm.

Neo closed his eyes and concentrated on the crystal, focusing his energy into it. He felt a rush of power surge through his body, as if the crystal was absorbing his energy and amplifying it tenfold.

For hours he meditated, channeling his energy into the crystal and feeling it grow stronger and brighter with each passing moment. Finally, when he felt he could no longer feel any energy from the, he opened his eyes.

Neo felt invigorated, as if he had just unlocked a new level of power. He knew that with the crystal's help, he would be able to improve his skills and become an even higher rank knight.

Satisfied with his progress, Neo placed the gray crystal on his bedside table and settled into bed.