
The Invasion (1)

After eight months of relentless training, Neo had managed to hunt down two more beasts, and he had achieved the rank of a mid first rank knight. Alongside his knight training, he had also made significant progress in his magic training nearing to evolve his heart, leaving his parents proud and in awe of their talented and hardworking son. In fact, even among the most prominent families in the human kingdom, there wasn't an eight-year-old knight to be found.

Although Neo had made great strides in his magic training, his progress with swordsmanship remained his greatest accomplishment. He had begun to learn more advanced techniques from his father and was now able to put up a fight against some of the lieutenants. However, despite his impressive progress, he still couldn't win a fight against them.

In the past week, Neo set his sights on a new prey to hunt. It was a fearsome creature known as the Horned Snake, named after its imposing rhino-like horn on its head. The serpent measured an impressive four meters in length and was known for its aggressive behavior and deadly venom. Its scales were as hard as steel and it was said to be able to crush rocks with its powerful jaws. Neo knew that this hunt would be his biggest challenge yet, but he was determined to prove himself and continue his growth as a knight.

Neo was excited to share his plan to hunt the horned snake with his parents. He explained how it was a dangerous beast but with his current level of training, he believed he could handle it.

His mother was worried, "Neo, are you sure you want to hunt such a dangerous creature? We don't want you to get hurt."

His father nodded in agreement. Neo listened to his parents' concerns but was determined to prove his capabilities. "I understand your worries, but I have been training hard for this. I won't do anything foolish, and I'll be sure to take all necessary precautions."

After some discussion, Neo's parents agreed to let him hunt the horned snake. They knew their son was responsible and trusted his judgment. However, they insisted on sending a lieutenant with him as protection.

After making all necessary preparations, Neo and the lieutenant began their journey.

Neo and the lieutenant left the estate and headed towards the Horned Snake's territory. It was a dense forest with a large cave system where the beast was rumored to reside. The journey was long, but they pressed on.

As they traveled, they heard some rumors from the locals in a nearby small town about Orc sightings. This was concerning as the Orcs had been relatively quiet in recent months, and their sudden reappearance could only mean trouble. The lieutenant decided to send a small group of soldiers to investigate the town after their hunt for the Horned Snake.

Neo was worried about the Orcs but knew that he needed to focus on the task at hand. The Horned Snake was a dangerous beast, and he needed to be fully prepared to face it. The thought of his previous hunts and the training he had undergone gave him the confidence he needed to push on.

Finally, after a few days of traveling, they arrived at the forest where the Horned Snake was rumored to reside.

As Neo and Lieutenant continued their search for the horned snake, they came across an open field surrounded by dense forest. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow across the field. Suddenly, a rustling sound caught Neo's attention. He signaled Lieutenant to be alert, and they both crouched down, swords drawn.

The horned snake appeared from the bushes. It was massive, with green scales and a horn protruding from its forehead. It hissed, coiling itself into a defensive position. Neo could see its sharp fangs and knew it was not to be taken lightly.

Without a moment's hesitation, Neo lunged forward, slashing at the snake with his sword. The horned snake dodged the attack and countered with a swift strike of its own, narrowly missing Neo's arm. The snake was incredibly fast and agile, making it difficult for Neo to land a blow.

The fight continued for what seemed like an eternity. Neo and the horned snake were evenly matched, each one blocking and dodging the other's attacks. The snake's horn was proving to be a formidable weapon, and Neo had to be careful not to get too close.

As the fight wore on, Neo began to feel his stamina waning. The horned snake, however, showed no signs of slowing down. It was clear that Neo needed to end the fight quickly, or he risked losing the upper hand.

With renewed determination, Neo charged forward, delivering a powerful blow to the snake's head. The horned snake recoiled, its eyes glinting with rage. It lunged at Neo, who managed to dodge out of the way, but not before the snake's horn grazed his arm.

Neo gritted his teeth, the pain fueling his resolve. He charged forward again, his sword glinting in the setting sun. With one final blow, he struck the horned snake, severing its head from its body.

Neo breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the horned snake's body writhing in its death throes. The fight had been intense, but he had emerged victorious. He turned to Lieutenant, who was grinning in approval.

"That was quite a fight, kid," Lieutenant said, clapping Neo on the back.

Neo grinned back, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He had faced his toughest opponent yet and had come out on top.

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