
Ch 4 "new experience"

What's nice about the college the time when I walk with the girls gossiping and laughing while walking there although we know that we are gonna face such a tough day but we try to just look at positive side...for my opinion...life is too short...if you didn't do what you really want you will never do it and it's just one chance for every human take it to win or leave it to lose but going back...that will never happen!

Chloe : I feel so sorry about this girl...what is her name again? Karin? yeah

Emma : Obviously no one wanna be in her shoe...the way her boyfriend broke up with her "chuckle" is so embarrassing

Lorraine : Wait what happened?

Chloe : Listen Karin dated that guy...his name was I can't remember do you remember Emma?

Emma : I believe his name was Tyler...

Chloe : Oh yeah...as I was saying she dated that guy Max-

Emma : I said Tyler it's not even that close!

Chloe : Stop cutting me! as I was saying whatever his name is! her friends warned her tons of time that this guy is just a player and this relation is very toxic..but guess what the stupid ignored all these red flags and went to him they dated for about....how long?

Emma : 6 months...maximum....this guy move from a girl to another being with her for long 6 months is a miracle!

Chloe : Yeah...and at the cafeteria you won't believe what just happened...she was trying to find him and she saw him with another girl flirting with her

Lorraine : Gross!

Chloe : I know she went to the girl and pulled her by her hair and she wanted to start a big fight!

Lorraine : Obviously!

Chloe : Her ex-boyfriend stood up grabbed Karin harshly and slapped her in front of every...single...one!

Emma : My mouth opened widely even the water dropped out from my mouth I was pretty shocked

Chloe : He started scolding her and she was standing still with no reaction and told her that she worth nothing and a lot of shit!

Emma : The poor girl , but she deserve this as a lesson she should have listened to the others

Lorraine : Why I don't have any idea about this?!

Chloe : Because you were at your course "sigh"

Emma : Lorraine for real you play violin pretty well then why these courses also you must upgrade your level go on races you will win for sure!

Chloe : Definitely! your music it paralyzes me "chuckle" for real

Lorraine : I guess I am not ready for this level..

Emma : You are too stubborn...let's go we still have 5 minutes before our lecture if we went late again we are dead for real this time!

Professor : "smile" you came on time that's unusual...I hope it won't be your last time!

Chloe : Definitely "fake smile"

Emma : The time freeze on his session ugh...

I feel so dizzy....that was the only thing in my mind since it took a pretty long time yesterday for preparation and another time to do some papers for the college and actually I couldn't sleep yesterday so it was pretty hard to set my mind for this day....fighting to collect my shit together so I can complete one sentence from what he is saying the only thing I hear

Focus on this part please it's very important!

why!! like yesterday you were talking about the intro THE WHOLE DAMN SESSION or at least most of the session and I was completely focused now you will talk about important things and you want me to get what you are saying...sir that won't happen I wish it will but I got no power unfortunately

Professor : Lorraine...Lorraine!

Lorraine : Yes Professor!

Professor : Are you following with us?

Lorraine : Yeah...yeah

Professor : Then where are your notes?

Lorraine : what?

Professor : Your notes!

Lorraine : Notes "whisper" what notes?!?

Chloe : He told us to write few important notes where were you "whisper" ?

Lorraine : "whisper" I couldn't sleep yesterday happy?

Professor : I guess you didn't write down anything...hmm...you know my work Lorraine when I say something important we have to note it!

"Are we kids or something wtf!"

Professor : You got two options weather you write down the notes like your colleagues and this is for your best...or get out!

I didn't think too much he doesn't explain well and I work on myself more than he does with us so getting out is not the big deal I just collected my things without saying and out of the lecture hall

Chloe : Lorraine!

Emma : No Chloe she is right this man is crazy..."smirk" good girl

Chloe : Are you serious!

Emma : Can you see anyone here stand this man!?

Chloe : No

Emma : Thank you!

Chloe : What about the lecture?

Emma : there is something called recording I hope you heard about it...and that if she understood any of what he is saying

Chloe : Nope...she won't

Emma : Exactly!

Lorraine : No seriously , copy after me it's for your best...like I really understand what you are saying in normal state you wanna me to understand you like this "sigh" when will the course start.....about.....30 minutes tsk.....won't be bad if I go for warm up yup...yeah that will help!

Taking my instrument to my second home , my calm place the place were I do the thing I do really like playing violin , and it was pretty empty it was just me and the stage...taking my violin out of the bag preparing it and taking deep breath and started playing smoothly my soul moving with the music...sensing every high note till something broke this great moment surprising me some one sitting at the chair clapping and whistling cheering me....and if you wanna my comment it's the first time to see that person?!

......... : You are very talented I am impressed you must be professional don't get me wrong I was just walking by and I heard your music...it was brilliant if you wanna my opinion "smile"

Lorraine : Thank you...

He extended his arm for handshake and I felt pretty confused since I don't talk to guys that much so I don't know what should I react and it's literally the first time to see him!

Ashton : My name is Ashton...you can call me Ash for short "smile"

Lorraine : Lorraine "smile"

Ashton : Nice...so wanna go out walk a little? if you don't mind of course!

Lorraine : Yes sure let me just get my bag I will be right back..

Ashton : Sure "smile"