
Surviving with mutated powers

In a world consumed by an unexpected and devastating apocalypse, humanity awakens to a new reality where each individual possesses extraordinary superhuman abilities. As the initial confusion and chaos settle, people gradually come to terms with their newfound powers, discovering both the immense potential and grave responsibilities that accompany them. Amidst this post-apocalyptic landscape, alliances form, communities rebuild, and factions emerge – some seeking to use their powers for good and others driven by selfish motives. We witness the formation of a powerful group of individuals who come together to maintain order and provide aid to survivors, known as The Guardians the most power organization who took the role of the Major power being the government and the the birth of a certain individual Belle Lanes who was born many years after the Apocalypse, awakened with a lot power Belle wants nothing but to live a quiet life out from human problems and struggle, he don't care for the prophecy foreshadowing what they said will be the second human disaster, he just wants to be rich and give himself a good life while living a quiet life.

LaughingShadowDea · 都市
37 Chs


After centuries of warnings from scientists, prophets, and religious leaders, the day finally arrived. The world stood on the precipice as a catastrophic event triggered the apocalypse. The sky darkened, and chaos ensued as humanity stared into the face of their own destruction. The event, known simply as "The Cataclysm," unleashed devastation on an unprecedented scale. The earth quaked violently, swallowing cities whole. Volcanic eruptions spewed ash and toxic gases into the atmosphere, polluting the air and choking the inhabitants. Tsunamis crashed against coastlines, obliterating everything in their path. It was a grim manifestation of the end of days, as predicted in countless tales and prophecies.

In the aftermath of The Cataclysm, those who survived were left to grapple with a shattered world. Cities lay in ruins, reduced to mere remnants of their former glory. Desolation permeated the air, and hope seemed like a distant memory.

Amidst the chaos, though, pockets of humanity clung to life, determined to forge a new existence from the ashes. They quickly realized that cooperation and unity were their only chance of survival. Communities came together, forming makeshift settlements in safe zones far from volcanic hotspots and high seismic activity.

As the years wore on, the survivors adapted and found ways to make do with their altered reality. Beasts filled different parts of the streets, but at the same time, some people found out that they gained supernatural abilities after the apocalypse. A constant battle between humans and the evolved beasts ensued, and with time, humans took the advantage due to their intelligence. The beasts slowly retreated far from the city. Meanwhile, some people with supernatural powers decided to rebuild the city with their abilities, while others chose to keep theirs to themselves. Those who decided to rebuild the city called themselves Guardians and amassed a lot of support, becoming the new government.

Gradually, the new government reformed everything. Technology, once the foundation of civilization but now a relic, was being slowly rebuilt. Walls were built to protect every remaining city, and for once, the whole world came together to form one singular empire. Some said the Apocalypse was a curse, some said it was a good way of uniting the world. One thing was certain among these differing opinions: all the lives lost during the apocalypse had been lost, and there was no way to bring them back.

Somehow got to pause my first story due to lack of encouragement, just trying to give writing a try one more time, please your comment will be appreciated and your ideas too cause it can help change the way the story goes

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